
Saturday, 26 January 2019


Good morning Bloggets. I hope I find you well on this Saturday morning. It’s quite a nice day but later we are expected really bad weather and tomorrow it’s going to be much worse.


Our dogs have been for their free run and they are absolutely shattered. They have both took themselves to bed and my house is silent. No squeaking toy no dog bells around their collar, so quiet. BW is still in bed, this is the first time he has had a lay in for such a long time. Hub is in our garden. So, I thought I should grab a few moments to chat before normal Saturday resumes.


 I’m still buzzing from the cinema the other night. As I said we saw Second act starring Jenifer Lopez.  I absolutely loved it. The story was so strong with so many messages.


And then there was the pub quiz…. Oh, heck, we didn’t let ourselves down as in give ourselves a shock of doing well… we were rubbish. In fact, before the scoring, Hub asked if we could just throw the papers on the coal fire…. We didn’t though, and we went through the humiliation of getting them marked….


Supper was nice, though it’s never a lot, but I had a lovely bread role with cheese and onion… the meat eaters ate same bread role, well, not the same one, we didn’t all have a nibble from the same one, haha, but same kind… with a hot dog in it…


The awful thing was, I thought the questions were so easy… as in I knew the subjects and even things like guessing the name of the group who brought out the album for example, the album Hysteria was brought out in the 80’s by which group? OH, my, I knew that album so well. Why couldn’t I think of the group? It was Def Leppard.

I absolutely loved them and loved every one of their albums which I had. So, why didn’t I remember the question? That was more annoying than actually not having a clue of the answer.


Did you hear the joke about the poor old fool?

A well-dressed elderly man took pity on an old man outside his pub who was fishing in a puddle. The well-dressed gent thought he would be kind and invited the elderly man into the pub and bought him a whisky. He decided to humour the old man and asked him… “So old Chap, how many have you caught today?””

The elderly man replied. “You’re the eighth.””


A pig walks into a bar and orders and drinks 15 pints of beer. The bar man says. “Do you need to know where the toilet is?”” the pig replies, no, I’m the little piggy that goes wee wee wee all the way home…


And yesterday my highlight was I managed to get some vegan sausage roles from our bakers Greggs. They started to sell them the first week in January and I heard they were outselling sausage meat ones… they are delicious. In the queue behind me a lady also ordered them. When I brought them home, Hub was working from home, I knew he wouldn’t have stopped for a break he never does, so I made him a cup of tea and handed a couple of roles to him. He loved them. I was surprised because you get meat eaters who just won’t like them because they know they are not meat, but he was really impressed and as I said, I know someone who prefers them to meat ones… I hope they keep selling them and don’t stop at the end of January as this month is vegan month so hopefully, they weren’t just brought out for now!


I have a couple of emails to write the Lotto to put on and some washing to do then relax. No plans for this weekend but big ones for a few weeks’ time Hub and I were talking about them over breakfast. After my birthday I can then look forward to spring, all new in our garden and year. The new lighter nights and mornings, are always a good thing, obviously I can’t see the lighter times but I can feel them if that makes sense.


My right eye is killing me today. As if a sharp knife is being twisted around in it.

I wouldn’t care if the blooming thing worked. Haha.


This shocked me you may have heard of a singer from the UK called Susan Boyle? Personally, I have a lot to say and think about her. But I shall be nice and say nothing. Apart from the headlines today read she is to return to Britain’s got talent for auditions. So, does that mean she is going to be a contestant again? Surely not. She has done loads of albums and is known to many has made it big in America, isn’t it other peoples turn now?


And on that NOTE…. I shall go for now. take care enjoy your weekend.




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