
Saturday, 12 January 2019


You know the old days where there was one room? And everyone slept ate cooked and relaxed by doing their hobbies like knitting in that family room? Everyone communicated. Life was so simple. Well we have three rooms here and half an hour ago, Hub was in the conservatory playing with some tech, Boy Wonder was in the kitchen and I was writing to my friend in the sitting room.


So, there is too far in distance to chat to each other without shouting and my throat prohibits me from doing that. I don’t like it when I can’t shout. Haha. So modern day home…. Ask Alexa… Alexa, make an announcement?


BW, “Mum, I’m here, I can hear you.”” Me, but I’m talking to your Dad…”” I can now hear my own voice through our speaker.

Hub just shouted the answer… why, when you can say it nicely with the Alexa App?


Well next thing I know, Hub joins BW in the kitchen as BW is cooking a meal. Using ginger, garlic, broccoli, mushrooms spring onions nuts and soy. As wells loads of other ingredients.


It’s like a piggin operation in there.


Last night I felt so very ill. So, when Hub came home, I said the potatoes are almost cooked they need mashing. But remember to serve BW’s before you put our butter in? Carrots are ready to drain but don’t drain them until you have mashed the potatoes… Oh, my, overload… hahaha. He couldn’t cope. I was like, come on, get a grip, you used to cook loads when we first got together…

“Yeah, but then I learned how good you are and I have lost all confidents.””

Jog on love, that doesn’t cut anymore… practice makes perfect… hahaha. Seriously, now, what shall I get him to cook tonight?


Mind you, I think when BW is finished in there, I shall have to call the professional steam clean machine team…


Our dogs have been for a free run today with our lovely lady Jean. They are so happy to get home though, but when she rings the bell, they are totally excited to go. And LF, has done a good impression of a foot warmer for Hub. Waggs is sitting in the threshold of the kitchen door hoping BW will see her pleading eyes and give her some food. It’s funny she knows she’s not allowed in there, but she sits right on the edge of the door.


Hub and I got our hair cut this morning. I was brave. I actually got quite a bit cut off, but left my fringe. Took advice from BW to keep a long side fringe as my hairdresser also said it looked good. She also gave me a tip to keep it out of my eyes. She said I had to buy some gold hair pins… and she showed me what to do. I naturally took my fringe and held it on the top of my head. She said no, don’t do that as it’s a granny style. Hahahaha. So, you push it under the main part of your hair pin it and let your hair hang over the pin. I doubt I have been able to explain it properly, but I guess if you can see, you will have seen that somewhere. If you can’t see, you just don’t know what is right and wrong unless you get told.


She’s a really sweet lady. She is warm and funny and has a kind soul. She isn’t my James but she does a job that needed doing. I think I have had four inches from the side and two from the back. It’s still past my shoulder though.


In our news today, three masked men burst into a house where a children’s party was going on, with knives demanding money and drugs…

It’s written they had the wrong house and they ended up leaving with a mobile phone.


Imagine those poor children? They will never forget that party, that’s for sure…


And in Paris awful news about a bakery explosion. Four people sadly lost their lives.


So, wherever you are right now, if you are healthy safe and warm, be grateful.





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