
Tuesday, 15 January 2019


OK from lettuce, to locks to lips! My blog.

Well I cooked dinner. I did BW a baked potato with vegan cream cheese and baked beans with oven cooked vegan sausages and onion rings. So, not the healthiest of foods, but I know he had a very healthy breakfast and an OK lunch. It was fast and I was feeling slow…


I haven’t had anything, and I think I may make a salad, if you can call it a salad. All I have is lettuce, celery and onions, oh, and some white cabbage… oh, and a carrot I could add I guess. Wow, if I make that, I will be rather pleased with myself.


  Hub let me know he is in his place where he will be sleeping tonight. He was meeting with his colleagues for a curry later on. He is staying in a guest house. He had to almost hang out of the window to get reception and this is near London…


He hates being away from home, but to be honest, it’s good for him to mix with his colleagues and this time a friend and colleague is going to be there. Someone who he gets on with so well. So, it will be nice for him to have a catch up. And I keep telling him, at least it’s not like the bad old days when he was away for days sometimes weeks. But I miss him too. I love him so much. Tomorrow he has meetings and then the awful long journey home of four plus hours.


Well the above was written a few hours ago. And now is now… the avenue of all sorts is so silent. The grim stench of farmers fields is slowly leaving the sniff of the air. Oh, earlier it was unbearable. I wouldn’t mind as much if we lived in the countryside. But we don’t. though if hub gets his way, we will be moving there soon. It’s his dream to live in the middle of nowhere. With only the birds as neighbours. I’m not sure I would like that. Also, I have really nice people around here. People I go out with meet and we frequent each other’s houses. Our neighbours are very friendly too. And important things are on our doorstep. After living the village life, where there were no facilities, then moving to a larger village with a few shops then living in the city, I kind of prefer the larger village but not too far from the city, kind of the best of both worlds. But to move where our little house would be all alone? Not sure… he says we could have our friends to stay and our family could come and stay for a break. But then what? after they leave, Hub is at work. BW is living away from home? I would have to end up talking to myself.


But I would like the clean air. The clear water too and the bird song.


Talking of bird song, during the night for over a week now, we have heard birds chirping from half past two in the morning until school opens and assembly hymns begin and all the birds join in.


Well, OK at this time of year, three of them….


So, BW has had his dinner, followed by his supper and Sham has arrived. The house is quiet apart from BW’s TV with mega sound from a sound bar Hub bought our boy. It’s like being near the movies but far enough to still appreciate the peace.


I spoke to my lovely friend on the phone earlier she was telling me that where she lives, there are thieves on the prowl again. She lives where I lived years ago and it is a very good posh area, but sadly every couple of years, there is a little organised group who must have got release from jail again and they start thieving from gardens. It’s odd. They thank God don’t break into houses, just gardens.


She worried me as she said at half four this morning, she heard a sound as if something was being dragged. She went down stairs and put the light on. Then the sound stopped. But when she went to her front garden, her gate was unlocked. The bolts had been opened. I really worry about her and her Husband and hope these people get caught soon.


Our other friend who lives in the same street, lives on her own. Why do people do such things, I wish they knew what they were doing to people, well, me as I don’t think our friends are that concerned. It’s me who’s worried about them.


I have to go out later with the dogs. I don’t like that either. With Hubs last dog, Long Chops, old Bloggets, do you remember our old gal? well she was a great Gard dog. And being half German shepherd, she was a great security blanket, mind you we have cameras all around us now, it’s like the piggin BBC. Talking of which, I don’t even want to watch the news. As my phone blurted out a flash news headline saying our PM, has massively lost with regards Brexit. Bury one’s head in sand time. Someone let me know when it’s all over….


I was telling you the other day I was going to buy something called Bobbie hair grips… as I am growing my fringe out, it’s to keep it out of my face. Haha. Don’t want to block my vision… well I sent for a box with 100 of them in. oh, gosh, very nice, as I wasn’t sure I would use that many, I thought oh well at least they will last years…


Well they came.

And they are the wrong things.

All 100 of them.

Apparently, what I need, is some things called Bobbie clips

Not grips.


So, now what? I tried to bend the new ones I have, well two of them. And they stick in my hair now and stay there, but I look like I have TV aerials sticking through my hair…


Shamrocks fringe is the length of her hair. I can’t ever imagine me having the patience to do that, to wait that long. She can put her hair behind her ear.


Smokey pink is the colour to go for this year if you die your hair… That sounds lovely, doesn’t it? Not quite sure how they get the Smokey effect though… Smokey to me is grey! And I think that is what they do actually use. Especially grey roots… gosh, didn’t ladies try to hide grey at one time? I guess my Son at this point would say, yeah Mum, but it’s not grey like in the olden days…


Copper velvet is another colour they are playing with but I think you can only get the perfect effect by going to a really good salon. The nuances in tone and the technical complexities which makes up the shade. It’s kind of a reddish brown with other tones in.


They say bobs and beehives from the 60’s is in trend. Micro braids are in too. Again, not sure about that… I’m still trying to find a look I like… I’m researching whilst writing to you, so bear with…

They say on the catwalks, it’s written they are using braids under the main hair to add volume… I don’t like that idea at all…


Wigs are being worn now as well. Oh, no, I would feel like I had a hat on. But if they are popular as they write they are, then I hope for those who have to wear them for whatever reason, then I really hope they will be producing beautiful wigs to make ladies and girls of all ages feel so good.


Coloured tips are good to go as well. Either pink, blue or plum. I like that sound.


Oh, I love this colour. Golden suede. Doesn’t that sound lovely? Honey gold blonde, a biscuit golden colour with other tones that apparently looks really expensive… I guess because it will be expensive…


Peach and yellows are in too? Wow, that’s different.


There is a trending art out there called Pintura, I think I have written that correctly, it means the colourist paints your hair and no, not on paper, but on your head as you are just simply sitting there taking in the coffee smells copulating with the nose cringing perming lotions and listening to the local gossip…


It’s kind of bespoke and adapts to the face of the client. It adds texture. Poor hairdressers are going to have to be really like artists now days, aren’t they? Or sorry, colourists… is that what they are called? As fast as I’m reading, I’m writing and moving onto another article to try and get as many ideas as possible in Fifi’s hair salon. Haha.


Polished glossy smoother hair is on trend. Whereas before messy looks were in. Well after getting blown all over today when out, I was so last year’s trend.


They say adorning hair with (Adult) hair accessories…. Well firstly, adult accessories? Opposed to children’s accessories? Do women not need to be trusted we won’t wear children’s accessories?


Alexander Wang owned the runway with his executive power look crocodile hair clips… not Bobbie pins then?



As for beauty tips for 2019… lip scrub this is something I have only read about in the past few weeks. Now, Bloggets, just because I haven’t heard of it before, doesn’t mean it hasn’t been out since Eve applied her lippy to be beautiful for Adam. Just I, haven’t heard of it before…. Means nothing. But they talk of applying a lip scrub to your lips before doing any other make up on your kissing equipment. It’s written if you don’t have a lip scrub, oddly, I don’t have one to hand… you can use a damp towel.

Then use a lip balm. Again, never heard of a lip balm, again, take no notice to me whilst I play catch-up with makeup.


Well I know this, you have to play with light and shadow. So, a dark around the lips, then fill the centre with a colour shade lighter and add a purl look over the top to create the optic illusion of fuller plumper lips.


Apparently, you can get a lipstick that has all you need in one stick. (Rouge Dior)


To glow or not to glow, well I noticed that shimmer is very in this season. As I wrote before Christmas, I bought lots of golds. Powders and eye shadows. Oh, and mascara.


And then I read about getting ready for fettishEyes? O


Well it’s not so exciting, it’s a mascara that will make your eye lashes longer but not plasticky. Again, is that such a word? I hope my English students aren’t reading this. Well, mind you, I could say that every day. Haha.


As for nails, hearts painted on is popular. I like that. Though I don’t have nails. Mind you, neither do half or more of ladies who will have nail art this season…


And away from magazines and down to reality. I have to go and close the house up now as it’s heading towards the pumpkin hour. So, a lovely ending to a great day. Full of nice chat and catch ups. x




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