
Monday 2 July 2018


Good afternoon Bloggets. Well today I had my first Yoga class. How did I feel before? Apprehensive. The lady came to my house as no way I would be able to follow a class as she stands and instructs using words few and far between mainly actions. It was very interesting to learn how she was when she came to me and how she was when she left.


I’m always amused how people are when you ask them to describe something. Recently I interviewed some people, and asked the interviewees, to describe certain items. People really do struggle with this. As they have never had to do this in their lives. Think about it, when was the last time you had to describe to another person how to knit, or even play a game? You show them, don’t you? Words are leaving our language. We are all about pictures and signs now. that isn’t much good to those of us who can’t see actions or a picture in a book.


Even something simple as in how to hold my hands, she really didn’t know what to say if her words were fingers and thumbs, then she was all fingers and thumbs. Her words failed her. I was sitting there thinking, just show me if you can’t tell me. Well I had my hands in every position.  I eventually learned that she wanted me to put my hands together as if to pray. But she took ages to find those words. It was painful for her bless her to speak. As I am sure she learned a lot about herself too. She is a lovely lady though and I will be having her back. In the meanwhile, I must make sure I practice what she has taught me.


I stood in a particular way, with my feet in line with my hips…. Heck, my legs were open quite wide Haha, but she told me to put them closer together, I thought to myself, my hips aren’t that narrow love!!!


The exercises were so gentle the only difficult part was the leg work that I knew I would find difficult. She said my muscles in my legs are shortening. So, we are going to stretch them. I have been doing stretching work but not enough and if I make myself do this every day if not twice, I hope really hope I will see a difference.


At least I didn’t put her off and she is happy to return.


We did some breathing work and I tell you after the hour, and half of that was filling in forms with her, I felt so odd. Odd in a good way. As if I had swum for an hour. I was amazed just how I felt, I can’t say it was like working out, more like as I said, swimming even being in a pool for an hour. Parts of me felt alive in a funny kind of way. I felt good, really good, my brain is telling me this is ridiculous, after only one session? She said she has never given a one to one before. I told her she should as there will be loads of people who don’t feel like they can come to a class for whatever reason. My neighbour for one, no way she will on her own but she even said she would love a one to one.


I paid for ten people to have a class but such is life. everything if you can’t see costs more. My friend was just saying that the other day. It costs a lot more to exist if you are blind than it does if you can see.


I really enjoyed my first class and I look forward to telling you all about what happens next. Will I quit? Will I become fit or at one with the universe? I hope fit as the universe and I have got to know each other rather well over the years.


Hub is really excited for me. Though I know he doesn’t believe in things like that and I’m not really sure I did before today. And it took me until the very end before something just clicked. And not my joints…  inside of me thought, there’s really something about this.


Well tomorrow is an exciting day for me. Part of me doesn’t know for sure what exactly is going to happen, but part of me does and that part is very happy. Part of it is out at our shops to try to find a ceiling light. I told you some weeks ago of the disaster I had ordering on line and they came and they were so no good. The centre light hung too low, the wall light didn’t have an independent switch. So, all had to be repacked in exactly the same boxes and packaging. We also got two lamps they were fine, but we didn’t want to put the lights in those boxes as they wouldn’t have taken them back. They had to be sent back exactly as they came to me. .  it was a guessing game and Hub and I managed to guess correctly. If they were wrong, or broken when they were opened again at the other end, our money would be lost and they were not cheap. So hearts in mouth until four weeks later, I mean, they were going to the north of England, not  China, or, were they?


Sorry about the bad English in todays blog. I’m outside, the traffic is shocking and I can’t hear my lap top talk to me. I’m typing on the keys, thinking I’m guessing right, and hoping. My brain is stunned today. Firstly because I can’t get over the feeling I had at the end of my class secondly because she told  me I was one of the fittest studants she had taught in a while. Say what? And thirdly I have had so much work to do today using my brain, I think it’s gone to sleep.


Going back to my light fitting,I bet I can’t find a light tomorrow but if I can I even have an electrician coming in the afternoon. He’s charging so much money it’s a crime, but again beggers can’t be choosers.


It’s fast approaching five in the afternoon and I haven’t got Hubs dinner made and he’s due in from work. I guess I better get a wriggle on. Boy Wonder is at some kind of waterfall. Where? God knows and he’s not saying. Knowing my Son, probably two hours drive away. He’s back at work tomorrow. He’s hating it with a passion. I kind of knew he would, he is managing it so well too it’s the place he works, it’s not nice. He’s not getting any encouragement from his girlfriend to stay either. Sadly, this would have made a huge difference. His new boss is happy with him though. Sham starts her new job soon too. It’s a long drive from where she lives. I can’t see her lasting too long there, but I guess if she gets experience there, she can then change to here, it’s a shop job so can be transferred I’m sure so she’s driving closer to home. But she is excited about it. So, that’s good.


OK, I best go for now, but in my next blog, I hope to be telling you some news about RP.


Later gators.


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