
Saturday 21 July 2018


Good afternoon Bloggets. We have just got in from a lovely walk. As we entered the start of the walk, I said to Hub, oh, can you hear the donkey? Well, he did laugh telling me I have been living in the city too long. Why? Oh, heck, it was only a blooming humungous bull…

How could I think that was a donkey? Then we passed a long garden thankfully there was either a wall or hedge between us as a really vicious dog barked in such an angry way but at least it calmed the Wagging one down as she worked so well after that. The Little Fella worked so well we had to walk on the grass and there was a pot hole and he gently walked Hub around it Hub stopped to see what LF was walking near, only to discover what it was.


We passed a railway with some land that had again fenced off chickens and a pond with ducks. We stopped for a coffee and took in the country air.


Our dogs are shattered and it’s not even hot today, it’s perfect. I guess they walked in a strange area so it’s double their work. I wanted to walk much more but we dared not.


Oh, I must tell you about this… Last night I went into BW’s room to spray some lavender to help him to sleep. Well he always lays on the outside of the bed so I reached over and gave the spare pillow some welly. Spraysprayspray.

Nothing was said. Then BW said in a semi sleepy voice. “Mum. You have just sprayed Sham right in the face.””

Well how was I to know she had snuck in? it was quarter past eleven when BW came home. I shouted down from our bedroom if he remembered to hand her sister the gift for the baby from us. He replied yes, wouldn’t you think she would have at least acknowledged me by saying at least thank you for it?  But no words were said at all even when I was spraying her. Hahahaha. She only spoke when BW told me she was there. Then she asked what was it? I wish I could have thought of a good answer…. I just said I didn’t know she was there. Oh, well I bet she slept well…


It’s amazing how it relaxes you. And poor BW was up today again at half four. I feel so sorry for him getting up at that time. My men have always had to be up for work early, my ex sometimes at six and Hub anything from quarter to six in the morning to half seven. Even if he works from home he’s up just after 7.30 am.

And then there is our boy. 4.30 am.


As I sit here our dogs are snoring on the rug in front of the fire, not that we have a fire burning as it’s still warm. Though not half as hot as it has been, but it’s forecast to get hotter in fact unbearable by mid-week.


We were out for an hour and half of that was sitting on a picnic table and chairs drinking coffee, well Hub had a beer. So, they lay by our side. I just think it’s because they worked on strange land but moreover, all the animals they met today may give Waggatail some dreamy times. I joked with Hub and said she almost died when she saw the bull. It was as if she was saying. “Heckers Little Fella, that’s one big dog there.””


Just a word of warning to those of you who are in the UK. Because of the heat and lack of water, please don’t let your dogs swim in the rivers, streams or lakes. There is algae on top of the water that will kill dogs within hours. I think it’s called blue algae!


Okay, I’m off to unpack more boxes and then have dinner. I’m just doing a salad with new potatoes with herbs. Hub is having a chicken breast with his. Though, speaking as a vegetarian, after sitting near chickens today, how can he eat them?


I have made a rhubarb crumble too with some plums from my neighbour’s tree. Don’t worry, she gave me them, I didn’t just pop over the fence and help myself. Talking of doing that, I remember where I used to live. My Son had a trampoline and whenever we went out the girl from next door used to climb over our garden fence and play on his trampoline. What a dam cheek. But we did get our own back. And that is for another day. I wouldn’t have minded so much if they had asked, but they waited until they saw us leave. It was another neighbour who told us after we did suspect it as the girl let it kind of slip one day…


Well have a lovely weekend and chat soon.





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