
Friday 20 July 2018


My beautiful friend I adore she is also a faithful Blogget, I regard her as my soul Mother was asking me today how I was getting on with my book. as a couple of you have asked, I can tell you it has been on hold whilst I have been sorting out life here. And that has been a lot of sorting out to do. I have had so much work on and have had to do most of it on my own so I have had no time for pleasure like writing. My work comes before my own personal writing jam today kind of thing. I hope my many jars of jam can come though soon if I bother to take time to be on my own in my own head and stop worrying about everything else. And today I could do that. As the breeze blew the sun in my direction, I sat outside and wrote just under 1200 words. So, my book now has just under 22,000 words I would guess I am half way through. I hope to be finished it by end of September. But let’s see.


I have a talk to give in a couple of weeks to business men. I have just learned about it not even had time to tell Hub about it yet. Thankfully it’s not next week when we are planning to take a break from work and have a week off.


I’m hoping to go may be to a garden next week and possibly the beach. It will be my first journey to the beach in six years. I so miss where I used to live for that, but next week I hope to be feeling that air again.


Last night we went to the pub quiz. Gosh, it was our worst week. But it was a lovely night. We laughed and my Husband got merry should I say… he had the small quaint pub laughing. I shall not tell you what he said… it was an under the table moment for me. Normally it’s our friend who gets me to the cringe moment, but last night he had a night off.


A lovely chat with our Son on our return. He needed advice and Hub is the one for that. I made the supper for him… he actually ate supper, he is on a very strict diet. It’s a joke, I have seen more fat on a potato chip.


So, a quick conversation about what a couple of Bloggets have asked me to write about and after reading a post yesterday it shook me into reacting to our Bloggets and try to write something. Now it’s a subject I know nothing about, so here goes…


(Time travel)

Time travel is the concept of movement between certain points between time and may be space? I’m questioning this as I know nothing but I love this subject. We think of time travel as using a device. Well the device I believe how we travel in time isn’t your typical machine one would imagine. But more on crazy my thoughts later.


Philosophy fascinates me though I don’t believe my brain has the ability to understand the actual reasoning behind the theory of any subject. I’m more like the kind of person who believes I know the answer but only the ending. I know the start and the ending but as for the bit in the middle? My brain that deals with that point has obviously rotted away or has it ever been there?


The idea of a time machine was popularised by H G Wells. 1895 novel oddly titled (THE TIME MACHINE)

“Not much thought gone into that title. Haha.””

It is written that travelling backwards into our past is not possible, by such a machine but going forward seems to be possible. But if we move forward, we have to come back, and if we can do that, then surely the thought of travelling backwards must be probable? That is where quantum mechanics and so-called wormholes come into conversations and that is where I start to go into my own time travelling machine as I’m lost in the general concept of such a brilliant conversation. I shall leave that for my Husband and Son. They think like that. As for me? Well here goes.

Some ancient myths interest me. So long ago thoughts of time travel long before our brains were subjected to screens and what we are programmed to think about. When we had to learn what was in front of us in real life or in our own thoughts.


Some myths depict a character skipping forward in time. Just stop right there. Stop still in time Bloggets. Think of what I have just written. Many many years ago there were people who thought out of the box. They didn’t have video games or TV shows who would do that work for them they had to use their own imagination and we didn’t know as much then as we do now, or did we? Like I said to someone today, via email. I have never met you, or, have i?


In Hindoo mythology the  Mahabharata,talks of the story of King Raivata Kakudmi who travels to heaven to meet with our maker, and is surprised to learn when he returns to earth, many years have passed.


A Japanese tale tells of someone going to a land under sea as this man is a fisherman. After three days, he returns to earth land, to find he has been away for three hundred years and his house is no longer there. His family are all dead. So, in both these cases, people have had to travel backwards so Wells theory of not being able to travel back in time is not what others believe in.


In English literature the first noted time traveller was a guardian angel.

And then there is the ghost of Christmas past. Again past. Well I believe in all of this. I totally believe I was a Spanish medical student. My love was a Doctor in again Spain. I have written before about when I was regressed so I shall not bore you with details. But my now Husband I totally believe that we were from that time but unable to be together and now this is our time. My Husband said for the 28 years we were apart between saying goodbye at school and hello again all those years later, was a huge miss in his life. but we did get back together from our youth and I believe our time to live our life again from another world. And we all know about Déjà vu!


Specific times of motion in space may allow time travel into the past and future if these geometries or motions were possible  

Many believe that travelling backwards is highly unlikely but from what I have read it’s because it wouldn’t suit us rather than whether it would be possible or not. For example, have you heard of causality? (The Grandfather Paradox) So if we went back in time, we could kill our Grandfather meaning we wouldn’t be born. Again, I have my own theory on that subject but it’s extremely controversial. And if I could go back in time gosh, I would have some fun.


I do believe in interacting worlds though. We are not alone. Extraterrestrial visitors are among us. Whether we can see them is a different subject. Same as time travelers, are they walking in our streets? How would we know? I for one have seen people with eyes of lost souls. Who have given me feelings that send a shiver down my spine. Who are these people? I didn’t stop and wait to find out.


I believe in a parallel universe. The beings of that land or those lands may be what we call ghosts or aliens.


I believe in my last life that I can remember, I was shortish about five feet four and I had long dark hair I was Spanish dark eyes too. Plump and very quiet and extremely serious. There are huge parts of my character similar now to then and I have long hair but I am more like a Swedish person long blonde hair blue eyes and fair skin. Really tall five nine and huge…. I wish I was plump. Hahaha. It was all going well until the last part.


Who will I be in my next life? I could see in my past life I believe if the regression was true and if it wasn’t true, I don’t know what to make of it.


So, my last life I committed suicide. This life I am blind now, my next one dear maker, please give me a chance?












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