
Monday 30 July 2018


UK Doctors will be able to prescribe medicinal cannabis from the Autumn.  I don’t understand it and I really don’t want to. I fear big time it will lead to bad things. And if I had a child, no way I could feel comfortable about giving my child this. I know of people not personally but of them other ways who take this in and I still don’t understand it. May be in ten years’ time I will have a different point of view, I am just so against drugs and this annoys people who are for it as they say it has nothing to do with drugs/highs, I guess I am ignorant to the subject and it’s not something I really want to be educated on! What if someone gets their hands on the cannabis that is supposed to be quotes, OK, and can use that to mix with things that are not OK? Surely if it is easily more available, not that it’s hard to get anyway, but if there’s more of it, then surely it will be abused?


Talking with a friend who works in the entertainment industry, they say that every person they know that comes into their establishment, is taking some kind of drug. I hate the way the world is going.


Coming back from our friends on Saturday, there were people all over the train station platform sitting drinking alcohol. It was ten in the evening and surely, they had their fill all day? Well obviously,, not. As we fought our way through horrid drunks to get a taxi, I just felt ashamed to be English. Our people know no culture any longer. I feel like I should be in another country on nights like that. As the taxi weaved through stupid individuals trying not to knock them down, outside of my taxi window, I heard voices that were simply ridiculous. Have a drink, but to get into such a state? It’s not as if they were just funny or laughing, having a good time, they were totally out of control. They were falling all over the place. Shouting abuse at each other. And somewhere there would be a fight. I know my Son has been out a few times and out of the blue, lads just come over to try to cause arguments to try to start a fight. One of his friends was glassed in the face and the poor lad was minding his own business sitting at a table it was the lads/friends second drink of the evening before going on for a meal wit friends. And this is what I dislike. How it affects people.


On the other hand, I know of someone who is so miserable. Moans about everything in life. but when he is drunk, he wants to be everyone’s best friend. He is so loving. Now, that is nice, but false. After a while, you know he is fake. It’s the drink talking.


I had a lovely day with friends on Saturday and some drank but not one of us wanted to fight or cause any harm. The first thing my Son said to me when I got back was am I drunk? This is really sad as I hate alcohol.  If I am on holiday abroad, I may have a cocktail. And sometimes if we go to a street party where we live, I may have two glasses of wine, and I get very tipsy easily because I am not used to it, and I drink about four glasses of wine per year. So, for my Sons first response to be am I drunk? Just shows where we are going. Our Son has been brought up where his parents don’t drink for a life. And so far, that is his way, as I have said before in blogs, he’s mixing now with people who do drink, and I just hope that won’t have an effect on him.


Someone spoke to me the other day and wondered if our world will be here in a thousand years. I said if it is, we won’t be on it. As for another planet, well the very rich may go there but not the normal folk like me. We are not only killing this earth, we are killing humans too. And perhaps to do that, it’s a good thing. Who knows. As humans have a lot to answer to.


But there are good people. And Hub and I are honoured to be in contact with some of them. We have got rid of the rubbish in our lives as we don’t need them. I am more brutal than him he still contacts some of them but has no intensions of meeting with them. Life is too short to be bothered by negativity.


I was reading yesterday about negative energy being passed on through generations. The writer was saying negative energy sticks as it’s heavy. He wrote that if we have a good day, we feel good for that moment. If we have a bad day, we remember that day forever. If we think about this, it’s true.


I read if there is a person in your past who you have been seriously affected by, you have to imagine that there are sitting on a chair looking and talking to you. You are sitting on the other chair opposite them. You get up and walk away. If you can you even put them on the chair you were on, just by imagining them on their own going across to that chair. Then you have control. You hold the keys to your future in your pocket you get them out and lock away all the past.


Your past has a hold of you because you let it. The people from your past don’t know how they are affecting you. How you live your day doesn’t bother them, but it bothers you.


Having said all of that, it’s not easy to do all that, is it? For those who can let go, that is a gift for sure. If your past is like a crowd, or you are surrounded by people past, then it can be daunting. But if you go through that crowd one by one, it may take a while, then that crowd will get so small there will be a few people left, enough for you to deal with more easily. But you have to be strong to do that. And where do you find that strength? Only from your surroundings. If you are in a bad place each day, then how to get out of that? By walking away, closing doors. Putting on earphones. Finding a quiet place in the garden. But it has to start from your own mind. You have to learn how you can be in charge. As humans, we have to learn who is good and who is bad for us. Why except badness in our world? We really don’t need to! Believe me, we can choose to walk away even if it starts in our own mind.   


But we have to want to do that. We can’t just sit around and wait for someone to do that for us.


Saturday was a lovely day with friends. Ten of us all together in the same room though sadly some had to go early. One guy is so funny. I love his whit. He has a heart of gold. Our transport was interesting with regards the trains. In fact, totally dreadful. But the bit in the middle was lovely.


We had a weekend of thunder and lightning. But it was still hot. And today back to heat. I have never known England to be like this as far as weather is concerned. Normally in the summer we are lucky to have three or four days in a row with heat. This has been almost ten weeks of boiling weather. We have had two days of rain in that time.


Hub and I had a lovely week I wished it never had to end. I can’t really pick a best day the forest was delightful and the beach had the best most tasty food. Hub loved his flying. The hall we visited was interesting. Funny, but not enough walking for me it was over too fast. And yesterday we did some retail shopping finishing off by going to a pub for Sunday lunch. Back to the norm today though and when we will have such a great time again, not sure. At the weekend when we went to our friend’s house, JB, it was so good to see her but sad to say goodbye. It was lovely to be back in my homeland again. Fresh air. Clean air. And local sounds. But then it was my friend’s birthday here and I felt nothing but love for her so here or there? I wouldn’t be able to pick now. though my home will always be my home. I love my house where I live now, but it’s not and I doubt it will ever be my home. Hub is the kind of person who wherever he lays his hat, is his home, but he still regards Northumberland as his place he would love to end up. And, he doesn’t wear a hat. Smile.


Have a great week and find yourself.


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