
Tuesday 17 July 2018


He tells me he loves me more than he has ever loved anyone or anything

How can I believe that? How can anyone believe anything? What is trust? I guess it’s living with someone who has never let you down. Who has never to your knowledge told you a lie. Who has never given you a reason to doubt them. Trust is to know your love has never looked at anyone since being with you. Not in that kind of way. To be able to feel as if you belong. That is true love. Just to feel comfortable in their arms. At home. At last at home. Just where you were born to find that special place.


To trust someone with your life. to know they would die for you. And if you have all of that, it’s rare but the most wonderful gift. Hang onto it. Believe in it and know you are life’s special people. To feel that connection deep into your soul. It’s a wonderful feeling!


If you have never experienced it before, well there’s time. I know of people who totally truly fell in love when they were in their eighties. How does that old saying go? Somewhere out there, there is someone for everyone. Well perhaps it’s not exactly those words in that order, but I hope it’s words that have come from knowledge of a past we may have been but not in the world we belong in now. not in this life. but a life that was yours before you became the person you are now. when maybe you took the name from another. May be when you were even a totally different sex to what you are now. those words are wise. They come from experience. So, one day you may be one of those people talking about how there is someone out there for everyone. Maybe they are stood next to you but your eyes and mind have been closed for so long, you have not noticed it.


I hope you are one of the lucky ones, but if you aren’t yet, then look forward to when it’s your turn.


© Fiona Cummings



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