
Sunday 22 July 2018


All boxes unpacked and no casualties. It’s boiling out there again. there is no air today and it’s forecast to get hotter. Today I believe it’s 28. It’s going to be in the thirties all next week for us. We have a week holiday and I can’t wait.


I have done my yoga today and yesterday and I am loving it. Please don’t imagine me in one of those positions that only gymnasts can get into. It was funny the other night I was standing in the kitchen trying to get Hub to do some. Hahaha. He just took the Michael. I caught him last night reading my last blog so that got us talking about life, a conversation I love. And I spent bed time reading about black holes. I learned so much. I may write a blog on that later on. I always wonder though am I the last person to discover such subjects? I knew about them but not in such detail.


I’m still loving this place, it’s so posh we have a small sitting room but it’s so lovely. Hubs happy at work at the moment and our Son has been put forward for another scheme so I hope it will encourage him to stay a little longer. He has received high praise from the area manager this is good.


He’s still on his awful diet though. Sham has been cooking bless her and seriously when he’s eating the food it sounds disgusting. And he never eats it and says that was delicious. It’s ridiculous he has a stunning physique.


Shams sister and baby seem to be doing well, mind you she has loads of help. At least nine people are fussing around her. God help her when everyone gets back to work and so on. Hub thinks it’s best that parents are left to get on with having their new babies on their own. I’m kind of a little both ways. A little of both worlds.


If I had my life to live over again in the way I wanted, I would be very different around bringing up my Son. Though we are so proud of him, he has achieved so much Hub said last night he is a very proud Dad as our Son read out a simple email that turned out to be a masterpiece with words, out of all the kids we know of the ages between 18 and 25, he’s done the best. I’m not saying that he will all of his life but so far so good. And he is so polite he also passed his driving test when he was very young and is so very caring. But still there would be some things I would have done differently. In our next life if there is such a thing, will we remember our mistakes from this one? I some how doubt it unless it’s our self-conscience.


Have you ever used Google translate? Apparently, it’s translating gibberish into spooky prophecies. Oh, I would love to hear those…

It’s all over our newspapers about keeping a huge secret from our Prince George and the secret is not a secret at all. So, five-year-old Prince George may not know yet he is third in line to be king, but if our press is reporting it to all, then all will make sure George finds out and that will be in the playground. For goodness sake William and Kate, tell him before they do as loving parents are better off handling that news than school kids. William didn’t take that news good when he was a small child, but he has learned from that and can deliver the news in a better way?


Here are some fun facts. Dogs normally start to sniff with their right nostril, but once they find something pleasant, they will turn to their left nostril and continue sniffing with their left nostril if they like what they are smelling.


No number under 1000 contains the letter A.

Really? Gosh.


Giraffe tongues can be 20 inches long.

Lord. And their heads seem so small, where on earth does it go? And why do their tongues need to be so long?

I know those are the questions you are wanting to know, Haha, so let’s find out?

There tongues are strong too and that is so they can grab their food fast and they use their tongues like we use our hands. They also need to eat fast to avoid their dangerous predators.

 A giraffes tongue is mainly black and the rest is purple. The darker colour is a result of the extra

Melaninthat is present to help with sun burn as giraffes spend time with their tongues in tree’s etc grabbing out what they need to eat. As they can’t buy sun screen, they allow nature to take it’s cause. Just like people with darker pigment, they are still able to be affected by the sun, but if their tongues were pink it would be much worse

Oh, by the way, a giraffe can walk with ease ten miles per hour.

Oh aren’t you so pleased you have read this today? Hahahahaha.


OK Bloggets, when there seems to be no hope, try to find some. Until  later, with lots of love.




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