
Wednesday 18 July 2018


Good evening Bloggets. I hope you are well. A great day was had by me as I went out with my friend Geordie, my footballers wife… We had a wonderful afternoon. She is the absolute best. She is the person I would love to be. And I love spending time with her. Her life is so very different to mine but we are so alike in so many other ways. I just love to listen to the contrast of our life stories but we have the same routes we branch off the same tree and buds bloom from us but grow in a completely different shape and form. Her brain is completely different to mine an yet we think   the same about so many things though at the same time how I respond to situations is the other end of how she does. We spark from each other and spark is the word. As she makes me feel so alive in a totally different way to how I normally feel.


My Husband complements me but you know when someone loves you so you expect them to be nice? Well Geordie doesn’t have to be nice so when she is nice she means it and she tells the truth too, she’s eight months younger than me but sometimes she’s  the grown up in our relationship an yet I can encourage her to think in a way that has a positive outcome for example with her grown uppish, smile, family. So, she listens to me and takes advice and I do her. This is what I mean by sparking off each other. We can totally disagree with each other’s opinion but not be at all offended by one an others views. We never fall out an yet she can really verbally instruct me and I do with her. I can say she is the only friend I have ever had who is like this. Some friends have their opinions and feed me them and I them, but it’s options, it’s not telling me or me telling them what to do. It’s opinions. I respect people like Geordie as she takes those opinions further and means it. She says what’s on her mind and she isn’t at all two faced and you know how I feel about people who just don’t have the guts to say what is on their mind and talk about people behind their backs. Back stabbers and two-faced people are not in my life for a reason.


We sat in a lovely garden and ate lunch. The sun was warm and the birds sang. When I’m with her I am a completely different person. I’m not a wife Mother or writer. I become a person who I dream to be like every single day. My conversation isn’t restricted by either the lack of knowledge about a certain subject or the wisdom of life. as I feel as if I am in another world at a different time. I forget I am blind and there are no restrictions.


She’s the only person in the world who has ever made me feel like this. When I lived in Northumberland, my friends were all different and I loved it. Where I live now, people I know are all very much alike. But Geordie isn’t like them. And it’s funny as she is from my home town too, so whether or not we are good together because of that I don’t know.


Shamrocks sister sadly is still in the hospital. So, her baby is 6 days old now and it’s expected she will remain there another few days. Poor little thing. Also, I think Shams sister is not happy either. Who would want to be in hospital that long? Not me for sure.


So, people who think having a baby when you are young is best for the baby, well not in this case. As the girl/Mother is 23.


I have found a great man to do things around the house. Wow, he is very good and honest. He came to day and hung all of my pictures up and a curtain rail. He was a great price too and he is the first tradesman since I moved here that I have known to be good not expensive and just honest. So now my house is my home, all of my pictures are up and though I can’t see them in real life, I know in my mind they are there and though there isn’t one picture I have ever seen, in my head they make my house look nice and homely. And there were loads to do. I was embarrassed. I asked him was this the most he had ever hung, he replied no, not at all he has been in one house where each picture were paintings and worth at least £700 and that was each. And there were around fifty of them. Fifty? oh, my, I replied. How many rooms? He said it was like a castle. So, in my mind I began to count how many I was asking him to do for us.

And there are 16 and a clock. Every time he made the sound of the drill. My Hub kept speaking under his breath.

“Tell him you can’t see.””

Why? Nope. 

Well Hub was getting cross. Haha. Why was he? It was funny though because the guy was asking where I wanted the pictures and how far I wanted the curtain pole and so on. And I was pointing and even looking up without moving my head, you know, as sighted people do… well then, I had to stop being silly and admit I was blind when it came to what pictures I wanted where. Hahaha. See I have dancers and castles and they are in groups of three. So, three dance paintings and three castles of my home Northumberland. But, they are all in the same frames… not much help if you can’t see. So, I didn’t want my dancer being in between my castles. So, I wanted three dancers in a line and three castles in a line.


And after he found out I was blind he still continued to be nice and not charge us over and not do stupid things like our last lot of people did like hang our wall light upside down hang our wall paper upside down. They didn’t do it on purpose, they did it because they didn’t stop to think and then it was up so too late they thought she’s blind she will never know. Well the light I did know, but the paper someone told me about a year after it was put up… I was so cross. But this guy has passed the Boy Wonder test and apart from one picture that needed straightening, BW was happy with this mans work. I have been around them all and they are put up perfectly. I’m over the moon, but, he isn’t a local tradesman, he’s from Zimbabwe. He has lived here for 17 years, so isn’t a local…


I told Hub we can’t ever move now we have found some great tradesmen. It has taken a long time but now I have a list of goodies…


Tomorrow I’m out until lunch time then I have a meeting with a lady with regards something she wants me to write for her and then another lady will come to my house to sort something out with Hub! And then the pub quiz. We haven’t been for a while because the people who run it were on holiday. How dare they interfere with our social life? Smile…


OK, I must go now as it’s late, I hope to be back soon with a subject I have been asked to write about. So, until then I shall leave you with these words.

Q. how do you make the number one, disappear?

A. add a letter G, and then it’s gone

Get it? ONE. GONE


There are three apples on a table. You take away two of them, so, question is, how many apples do you have now?


2 of course…


How many cats can you put in an empty box?


One. After one, the box isn’t empty.


What has one head, one foot and four legs?
 Answer, a bed.
 And finally, what do we break before we use it?
 An egg.

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