
Sunday 1 July 2018


This blog is over two days

Here we are eleven o clock in the evening on a barmy night. My Son isnt’ home from work yet, I know he’s OK, as I called him ten minutes ago as he was due in at ten.


It’s on days like this I thank God he’s OK. As there has been a huge crash in England involving four young lads and two young girls. The four boys are all dead. One girl is critical. The car crashed into a taxi and the driver is seriously ill in hospital. The girls are 16 and 17. The boys are between 18 and 21.


I just can’t even stand the thought of what their parents are going through now. somewhere out there, there are people who have just been given the worst news of their life.  if we are not one of those people, then we should be so very grateful. No matter how bad life is, as long as we either don’t hear of our children dying or news that they are going to, or news that we are going to and we are terrified, then we should be just satisfied with life, though it may seem awful right now.


My thoughts go out to those people who have received such news today. I ache for you all. Though of course that doesn’t bring back your beautiful children.


Being a parent is the most difficult job of a lifetime. It’s challenging and heart-breaking at times. When we can see our children heading towards disaster and we can’t do anything to stop it, it’s hard.


Every time my Son gets in a car, or an aeroplane, I fear the worst. I’m truly only at ease when I know he is at home as is my Husband and dogs. Then my heart can beat in a normal rhythm.


Today has been nice and for that I can be happy. Hub and I have had a lovely day. Our dogs have enjoyed themselves too. Hub chilled all day in the garden with the Little Fella, I went to the shops this afternoon, but we couldn’t let our dogs go on their free run today with our lovely lady June, because it was too hot for them. It’s dangerous out there for dogs. Even when I worked Waggatail this afternoon, I was aware of the hot ground for her paws. I tried to go the way where there is the most shade. And we were only out 35 minutes.


Waggs has helped me water the garden. She simply loves doing that. Though I’m not totally sure she is a help or a hindrance. She tries to bite the end of my watering can. She almost tripped me up getting in between me and the can.


And that was yesterday today Hub and I had a lovely day in our town with our friends. Bless them for asking us to join them. We had a lovely time walking along the small street with it’s street entertainment. We went into a Japanese tea room and had a cold cup of tea, it was the most unusual thing I have tasted. Very refreshing. Very odd though. Then we went for a meal in a tapas restaurant. The same one we took our Son to for his birthday. It’s Hubs favourite place to eat.  It was lovely company and a very nice way to spend an afternoon.


On our return we went back out into the garden for a while then our boy asked his Dad if he could cut and style his hair? Oh, that thought was a scary one though he has cut his friends before and did a great job. Well, forty minutes later, there was excitement coming from them both, BW was delighted with his result and Hub really liked his new look, and it is a totally new look. I guess by tomorrow when it’s time for Hub to go to work, all his product will have been showered out and it will look the same from the front, but the back? Gosh, it’s really stylish.


I think it’s going to be an early night, we are all exhausted especially the dogs, though they have hardly worked this weekend with the heat. It was on our news that we are going to be short of a lot of different kinds of food. I certainly have never known such weather in the UK. And there’s another two weeks of it to go.


Next weekend will be totally different to this one, unfortunately not half as fun as lots of work to do to empty rooms. And tomorrow will be interesting as my Yoga class begins. I shall let you know how I got on…



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