
Saturday 14 April 2018


Now it’s over my Father in law had his surprise 80th birthday party tonight. The sad thing is some of the people that went he really can’t stand. Two of them he hasn’t seen for eight years. My Mother in law would be looking down shaking her head. As feelings between her my Father in law and the two who went, were not good. The two people were hated by many. I can’t stand fake people so kept well away.  I just hope he was OK and enjoyed his evening despite some of his unwanted guests.


When my lovely Mother in Law died, I was really worried about Hubs Dad but he has done so well and proves every day just how strong he really is.


My Brother in law took our gift yesterday as he isn’t going either for similar reasons.  It’s a gift we shared from all of us. Hubs Brother bought it and when we see him we will give him our share of cost. Hopefully he got some nice things from others.  


Shamrock is very curious to know what her birthday gift is from us. But she won’t learn until the day she has to be there. Oh, her guesses say a lot. Firstly, she has guessed we are sending her to some kind of class… hahaha. What kind of class Shamrock? Her answer. “Art!””

Em, art? Well I didn’t know what to say. Is she interested in art? No. So, why art? No one is sure, including Sham. Her second guess… this one is so funny. (A Jesus class)




“Well”” She said. “I told you I said to them at work I was turning into Jesus…””

Well you could have heard a pin drop and then laughter from me… Not sure what Hubs face was doing. She’s a crazy kind of gal.

And her guesses were all wrong. But remember this… And this is where my boy is very clever… BW laughed and replied. “But Mum, she’s on the right path, isn’t she?””

Oh, I will explain in a few days but that was a great clue from BW in a cluie kind of way that wouldn’t let her know what we are on about. But when I said to her I am very jealous as it’s something I would love. I wished I could have seen her face. Hahahaha. As her voice went so very serious. Probably thinking, oh, my goodness. But those words wouldn’t come from Sham, it would be more explicit… But her thoughts I’m sure were. “What the heck would I want that the old lady wants?”” hahaha.


Well it’s been a really odd 24 hours, loads going on there’s never a dull moment. Our dogs worked hard today for us and played harder on the field when June came to take them out for a free run.


Oh, my, guess what my Son did last night? Started talking with a homeless person with a dog. Stroking the dog. Held the lead. And asked how the man feeds his dog then handed over £30 for food for the dog for the next couple of months he said. I can’t get through to him and my boy believes everything people tell him. Gosh how he reminds me of myself when I was a little younger, I’m talking a couple of years ago. No matter what people said about others I never took any notice I waited until I found out what they were like and by then it was too late. So, the man said he’s gay. He had a Husband. The man died a few years ago. He went off the rails since then and began living on the streets but he won’t go to a shelter because he can’t stand the drunks and drug addicts who go there. So, my Son looked at me and said. “I know what you are thinking Mum, but he wasn’t into drugs or drinking. I just wanted to help the dog.”” God bless my boy I hope he was right and the man will spend the money on his dog and not other things. But I did say he should have arranged to meet with him and hand over dog food rather than money. I’m always telling him to buy food or a drink of tea rather than handing over cash. I wouldn’t care but our Son needs new shoes. Badly and other things in his life right now he desperately needs money for. But he’s a good lad a kind soul especially when it comes to homeless people. I don’t know where that comes from. Such empathy for those people. Hub and I are really proud of him for our only child we have done our best but I feel there is still a long way to go. I just can’t get into the minds of parents who give birth then give up. Or say he’s 16 now, he’s on his own. I also don’t understand people who don’t push their kids to do better. Some parents will be happy letting their kids drink and do whatever and if they want to stick at the same job that doesn’t recognise their potential, so what? I know my ex would have been that kind of parent.


OK, the night has come our exciting day will close and I shall go to bed but before I do, some words.

Something I read today. In a Salon in India, they use fire to

give you a haircut.

I guess once you have had that done, you look mighty hot?



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