
Friday 13 April 2018


Good evening Bloggets. Sorry I haven’t been around for the past few days, I would like to say it’s because I have been busy writing my book, but the truth is, I have been really ill. I’m getting better now, I must be as today I went right through the house doing the floors vacuuming and mopping and washed the bathrooms, yesterday I just about got dressed, and that was in stages.


It’s Friday the 13th in our house unlucky for some… But not so unlucky for others. Hub brought me some beautiful flowers from work his lovely ladies from the office in their lunch break brought them for him and they are beautiful. Not sure what colour but there are plentiful and look in great condition they also smell lovely.


It’s my Sons girlfriend’s birthday and as ever he is totally spoiling her. His Dad has rubbed off on him absolutely treating people so well I ask my Husband every birthday for the most basic gift but Hub being Hub, never listens. So, Boy Wonder has bought Sham a lovely Fit Bit now, for people of my generation, that isn’t a gorgeous looking man, but a watch where you can keep a track on how fit you are or should be and a track on how much sleep you have. He has also took her out to a very exclusive restaurant for a meal.


We have bought her something I would love, but I can’t tell you about that until the day when she will receive it. Confused? It will all make sense when you know what I know. But it’s something that is really unique. Something that can not be wrapped up either.


Well Boy Wonder didn’t get his job. We knew he wouldn’t what I don’t understand is why he was put forward for it. He was told the only reason he didn’t get it is because he has no experience. Well, yeah, we knew that before he went to the interview. He hasn’t even been on the course! So, I think he will be looking for another job and doing what? Not sure. It’s a real shame as he used to love his job, but his newish boss just doesn’t like BW, and his last boss told BW that no one likes the new guy, apparently, he has tread on a lot of feet and is very untrustworthy. I can vouch for that as what I heard about him from a colleague of BW’s, is rather worrying. But hey ho, it’s off to work we go!


At this point I would love to wish a very Happy Anniversary to my beautiful friend confidant and our Blogget Dearest Louise and her Husband Bob. Have a wonderful Anniversary and can’t wait to hear all about your celebration. Also, a very happy birthday to Keith. Loads of love.

 If you know of someone who has a celebration and you would like me to wish them the best from our family of Bloggets, please let me know either through my blog page or email


Well what’s going to happen with Russia and the world? All I know is I was very faithful towards Russia as I spent most of my life there, but now, things are very different.  I’m afraid there are crazy people in charge who don’t care about anything or anyone and I’m not even sure they care about themselves.


I keep saying. We get one world as far as we know one chance of life and how beautiful this world could be if only.


Well in the background in my house is the TV. We have gone from the young musician of the year to Lily Allen.  Have you heard her voice? It’s beautiful but her new song, not sure though musically it’s brilliant. If you can listen to her song called Higher…  if you love interesting music with a stunning voice then you will like her. Most of her songs are a bit naughty though but her latest one is well, not naughty, but different. One of those songs where I am not sure if I like it or not, I don’t want to say I don’t because I could listen to her all night but the song doesn’t get me wanting to download it either an yet I can totally appreciate this latest offering as it’s simply musically brilliant.


 Wooooowwwwwoooo we are going to have hot weather from tomorrow. Oh my goodness. Bloggers I can’t tell you how excited I am about this. We have had six very long months of the worst weather. But looking like the sun has won the battle as short sleeves will be worn tomorrow replacing jumpers and coats.


Some words I was reading the other day on line in a writing group they were talking about who puts a picture/photograph with their blog and I would say  out of say fifty people who replied, me being one of them, 49 put pictures on their blog pages and said they couldn’t imagine writing blogs without a picture and one person said they wouldn’t read a blog without a photograph. Gosh, how do I get my faithful Bloggets? Haha, sorry to disappoint, but I have no vision so, it’s a nightmare for me to get pictures up here. If I could see I would put the odd picture but make sure I describe it to those who can’t see but I am sure I would rather paint a picture with words than using something either from the internet or a camera I have snapped that day. If I were writing a blog on food or holidays I know people would love to see pictures who are lucky enough to be able to see, but what if we all used our imagination more with words? I know that when we went to the South of France I received over a thousand viewers / listeners for that one blog, and, no pics. But if I had pub photographs, would I have reached three thousand views? Hmm. Possible but thanks to your loyalty and shares, we are doing OK, our little Blogget family.


The guy who first posed the question was so lovely when I wrote I have no choice I can’t be doing pictures, he is a goodin.    


Well, I shall go for now but before I do, two things, firstly make sure you are safe and happy  tomorrow and Sunday, have a great weekend whether you are hand  gliding or knitting. And secondly, this really made me laugh. It’s a notice for all to read who attend this church in England.

“The toilet is situated through the door on the left next to the alter. It is possible to receive communion whilst seated. Just ask the church warden.””



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