
Thursday 19 April 2018


Good morning Bloggets. Lovely to see you hear again. A few countries today who don’t come on a daily basis so it’s great to have you back.


I got my article written for a magazine at last and today I hope to write something else I have been asked to write for a while now. this time it’s for an on-line webpage. I also will have to make time to call my friend. I haven’t spoken to her for a week or so and this is a long time for us. We normally speak every four or five days. But it’s been about eight.


Another sunny day thank goodness. Hub and I out later tonight. He is working hard non-stop not even time for a lunch break for ten minutes. I just feed him cups of tea or coffee.


I do wonder in a day at home, when he’s working, how many words does he say and how many does he write? He just never stops. He says he gets loads done at home


I must spend time cleaning the office, but Hub has things where he knows where his stuff, is. The only thing is, it looks such a mess.


Some deep questions. If pressing a button meant you got ten million pounds, but ten people had to die to get it, would you press the button?

My answer? Yes, as long as I could select who would go. If I couldn’t then no.

Having said that, not sure I know of ten people I would like to see go.

 9, perhaps. Smile.


If you had to sum up the human species in just three words what words would you use?

Greedy, evil, caring


What’s something really terrifying that we have to except is a fact of life?

Gosh, wow, em. I guess the fact I’m blind and probably always will be. And that a beautiful time in one’s life could be just all in the mind and not in reality.


What does honour mean to you?

To me, truth sadly this is something not many people know about. There is an epidemic of liars out there.


I love this one, what would a perfect city look like?

No kerbs just slightly undulating paths and roads. Many areas where there are no cars, only those with disabled people in them who can’t walk well or who don’t have the ability for whatever reason to walk far.


Every shop announces what shop it is. There is an assistant at each doorway to help those who may need to shop who can’t see or reach high shelves. Or just who can’t read what items are.

No fears of being robbed or worse. Happy faces and sounds.

Easy routes where everything is all down one huge street. And bus stops are easy to find especially where our bus is going to stand. And when a bus comes in, it is announced which bus it is. No cars mean no pollution whilst waiting and once our bus has come in, we can hear announcement because there are no noisy extra engines.


Another question. What is the purpose of a human life?

I really don’t know. I wish this world was left to animals and nature. I really don’t like humans in general. With the exception of about a hundred people. And some of those people I don’t know yet.

Final question for now. if you were given an envelope with the time and date when you were going to die, would you open it?

Yes. Then I could plan. We have wills. We know our Son will be OK. But I would want to prepare him too. The worst thing about losing a loved one is the shock. Some would say no, it’s knowing they are dying then watching them die slowly well for me personally the death of my Dad was of seven years from being diagnosed with Cancer. My Mum was three days. My Mother in law three weeks. It doesn’t make it better but if I know someone is dying at least my mind is ready. Though of course the pain lasts longer. But I feel pain is better than shock.


On that cheerful note. I shall go for now. not to open any envelopes.

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