
Tuesday 13 June 2017


Who can we trust
How do we know who we can trust?
We think we know someone trust them believe every word they say and then they let us down so badly with a bang to the ground.

At first, we are in shock. How could they, do that to us? Why would they do it? Not them, they wouldn’t.
Oh, hang on they just did.

What did we do to deserve such actions? We are not bad people, out of all people, we trusted them. But just like others, they let us down.

And then we are so stupid. We trust again, another person. And it happens to us again. So, some time passes and again, we put our trust in someone else. We have known them for a while and they have never done any harm. They are good honest people. Always straight with us. Then one day, we learn that they have pulled a very dirty trick. Surely there must be an excuse why they have done this to us? We begin to make excuses for them. May be this and that. But at the end of the day, there are no excuses and moreover, no apologies from them to us.

That’s it, the last time we will ever trust anyone. Until the next time?

Why on earth do we punish ourselves by letting our guard down? Now we are hurting and wishing that we would be stronger and never ever trust another person as long as we are alive.

People hurt us who we thought cared. We believed in them. We thought they would be in our lives forever.

So, how do we deal with this? Walk away, trust only one selves. And even then, from time to time, ask questions.

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