
Thursday 22 June 2017


Good afternoon Bloggets. Wow, let me tell you about last night. I bought Hub tickets to see E.L.O for Christmas last year. He was delighted. We got a ticket for our friend too who would drive us there. I really hoped he would enjoy it as we had a few people who wanted to see them but wanted to give him something as he does a lot of things for us like cutting our grass so this was our way of paying him a little back.

Well, you know what a flapper I am. Yes, I said flapper.

I said to Hub I would text our friend to see if he has the ticket for the car park. Hub said no, stop fussing of course he will have.

I called our friend a few weeks ago and said I would get the ticket for the carpark if he gave me his registration. He said he would call the number and sort it out.

If you book the ticket in advance, you save money. Well, the car pulled up. We got in. I clarified he had the ticket…. Em. Nope. He looked on his email, and he paid for it but had no confirmation.

But we got there safely and I must say, Sheffield arena is fantastic. So, tidy and the staff are really pleasant. I have only experience of Newcastle Metro arena and that was not a good one. I have been a few times and it’s just so unpleasant. Whereas Sheffield, wow, I was stunned by the way in which the staff were so professional and caring. Polite too.

We had the best seats in the house. I was ecstatic when I learned of who the support was. Oh my. Tom Chaplin. The lead singer from one of my favourite groups, Keane.
He was just amazing now he has gone solo his voice is pure class. He interacted with the crowd in such a kind way. He really filled my heart with hope and joy. Sadly, he was only on for half an hour, but for me, half an hour I will never forget.

With regards to E.L.O? Well, I have never been a fan until last year when I saw them on TV and couldn’t believe just how amazing they sound still. I never knew he looked like that? He doesn’t sound like he looks. Our friend said he was like a big hairy ball. He has a beard and long hair all you can see is a space where his eyes are but are filled in by wearing dark glasses. Heck, is it really him? Please stand up the real Jeff Lynne? May be that is why he sounds so very young perhaps he is in disguise? He really is that thirty five year old under all that hair. In fact, Jeff is 69 and you would never ever guess. His voice was fantastic. Wow he got us all going, well, Hub was going for both of us. The crowd were lovely apart from one man who stood up. The guy behind him asked him to sit down, then there was a proper bitch fight going on. Haha. Slapping here and there. But in general, the people were so lovely.

Out into the beautiful summer air. The fragrances were stunning. The air was so fresh.

We had a long but pleasant germy home. I hope our friend enjoyed it as much as I did. I doubt he would have enjoyed it as much as Hub, as he loved it enough for seventy one and three quarters of people. Our friend said it was a life time experience he will never forget. Great, I’m happy when they are happy. And today in between phone calls as Hub was working from home, he kept saying he was still buzzing and it was funny as this morning when he got up for work at silly time as he started to work at eight, he could hardly talk with the shouting and singing he did last night.

We got back to a house of mess with our Son and Shamrock leaving dishes from A, to B. Also, I keep a bottle of wine in in case we are asked to go somewhere last minute. And it was half drank. The dogs were all over the house. All the doors were open. I don’t like them being in the kitchen or conservatory unattended. Even the front door was unlocked. Anyone could have walked in. I was not best pleased and let them know.

Today Boy Wonder is on a course an hour’s drive away. Hopefully he will have enjoyed it and will have passed his test.

Lots to tell you tomorrow, but for now, take care and thank you to the fantastic talent last night and to Sheffield Arena the best arena I have ever been to.

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