
Thursday 15 June 2017


Good day Bloggets. I’m in our garden right now. It’s windy but sunny. It’s so noisy. Grass cutters, strimmer’s, drills and of course the motorway next to our house. I had to get out of the house. I have just spoken to a rather obnoxious man on the telephone. I’m so angry right now. To say I have been let down is an understatement! What a pompous old man he was. I remained very polite and calm. Then after half an hour, I let rip on him. I am calm, like a bottle of champagne, shook too much and I will pop.

I’m not sure how long I can stand out here but just some air was needed. The smells are beautiful. I’m alive, as are, the people in my life I love. This is the most important thing. Think positive Fifi.

Right now, I wish I could just get in a car drive and go to the coast. But I’m trapped behind these stupid eyes that refuse to be able to do that.

I took delivery of a new bed today for Boy Wonder. It’s beautiful. So, big and comfortable. His old one is on our drive. Very attractive. It will be there until our collection comes next week. We have so much rubbish and boxes to get rid of after our kitchen. Most were kindly taken away by the joiner but there are loads more to go. We only have three boxes now to empty. And all our glasses? Oh my. What will happen to them? I must have hundreds when my Mum and I used to go to Russia, we bought them. They were so cheap in those days. The odd thing was, when Hub and I got together, he brought with him some Chrystal glasses that were his. And, the pattern on his, were identical to mine. I have my Mums crystal too, and more I have bought from England over the past years. So, a lot of glasses and right now, we don’t have a place for them. They are all over our office. Hub wanted something the other day but we dare not go in there. It was something that was on his desk. I need our summer bedding out of the blanket box, again, the lid has so many glasses on top. My conservatory is looking great again. Our living room is almost back to normal but I have loads of cleaning to do on the landing and downstairs hallway. Just dust that has gathered with all the work. I stopped working last night, or this morning, at quarter past 12. Then at half past, I heard BW leave the house. Shamrock was still here. He came back at ten to one this morning. I asked him where had he been? To get a garlic bread for him and Sham. Just unbelievable. Poor Hub had to get up for work at half six. Anyway, at least Shamrock left at one. If I had not have said anything though, it would have been so much later and BW has work today as well. Kids have no respect for anyone other than themselves. No shame either.

I, got up early to prepare for his bed. I tried to get him out of bed saying that he needed to put his mattress out to make way for the men coming. Luckily after a lot of persuasion last night he brought the frame downstairs. Hub helped him. He wanted to throw it out of the window. Oh my God. A wooden frame, just thrown out of the window? It’s a double bed and heavy and our drive was expensive and quite new. Also, he forgets, his car is out there. If we hadn’t have been here, he would have done that. Now how he would have fit it through our narrow windows is another issue.

So today he said he would wait for the bell to ring then get up. I said, no, you can’t keep them waiting. I said you have to strip your mattress too. Well, long and short of it is, I came down stairs blood pressure higher than I would like, started to prepare dinner for tonight. Then tidied up a little then made BW some breakfast. I thought, this is one way I can get him to come downstairs out of bed. It worked. Then he left for work after carrying his mattress down and as I said now making the avenue of all sorts look really lovely….

After my morning, yesterday in America with the dreadful shooting and our London, the world is really going mad. I wish our maker would intervene now, sort us all out.

For our dinner tonight, I will have to untangle my insides to enjoy it. Not sure what time Boy Wonder is finishing work. I would guess at eight. So, we will eat outside and let him have his when he comes home. I made lots of different dishes. One has sliced tomatoes in with freshly cut basil. Another sliced cucumber with spring onions. Another grated cheese, grated carrot and grated radish. Another has egg mayonnaise I made today. I will chop some beetroot and I’m going to prepare some baby new potatoes by boiling them and then putting them in a hot oven with butter then add chives. My family will have thickly cut ham and I will have some Quorn turkey. I am not sure how I feel about eating Quorn as it’s not exactly natural, but, the amount of times I eat it, I’m sure I will be OK. I had a very healthy lunch at my friend’s house yesterday. No mayonnaise or anything that represented fat faced foods. My friend is very lean and active. She runs twice a week and always is watching what she eats. I do too. I never take my eyes off my plate. Haha. I wish. Well, I must get back to healthy eating as because of the past couple of months I have not been able to do what I need to in my kitchen.

My Bloggets want pictures/photographs of before and afterwards. They will come with my diary in full. I hope soon. Right now, my heart is hurting and I need a break. Nowhere to go so will have to try and use my imagination. Smile. Perhaps we should all have a Fifi holiday in our minds. Let’s see what fun we can have? Looking forward to seeing our pals back home in a few weeks. And next week is Hub and my Anniversary of our wedding day. Nothing planned for that, just to continue loving each other. That’s easy.

I need to get off my lap top and do some work. Not involving a phone call to a conceited pompous old man either. He spoke as if he were my old GP, I say old GP because now the Doctors are really nice, Especially mine. Though I still hate going and will only do so if I think I’m dying….

The Doctors in Russia were always so lovely. They were like your favourite uncle, not that I have a favourite uncle, hang on, I don’t have an uncle. Or an Aunt, or a cousin. No Grandparents or parents.

One lonely goose is flying over my house right now crying. I used to think they made that sound as they flew but I was then told that when you hear a goose, it’s because they are upset. Or they have left a dead or dying goose. Sad. We have had two ducks flying by our gardens this week too. One of our neighbours told us and we heard one of them too. We have loads of wood pigeons. Or as I like to believe. Doves… Smile.

Looking up on some news with regards my eye disease today, this is what I read.
Scientists have identified a brain chemical in Zebrafish, that could hold the key to how some fish are able to regrow retina’s, which could be translated into human treatments.

This is my frustration. We are still looking into tiny creatures and animals. We are still spending so much money on wires and chips. Then there are other studies like in Japan I read last year they managed to grow an eye in the lab this will speed up the research for us as they can use a real human eye rather than start on the poor animals. So many countries so many people thank god looking for treatment, but if only everyone would get together and work as one? Pull all their ideas into one room. No race, just grace!

It’s Father’s Day this Sunday in the UK. BW has his Dad a lovely gift. Hopefully we will get chance to talk with my Father in law. He’s always busy in the morning in his garden shop, then he goes for a drink, so we need to try to catch him at some point of the day.

He has amazed me just how well he is coping without my lovely Mother in law. In a couple of days, it’s her anniversary to when she died. Six years. I miss her so much.
I thought he would crumble when his wife died, and then when his favourite Son and best friend went to live in Australia. But he still stayed strong bless him. My other brother in law doesn’t see him too much he is really busy working normally away from home too. Then there is it. A child he created, well, child? That is a matter of opinion. Child or monster. I guess one poisoned apple out of five isn’t bad going.

My brother in law and his loving partner, are very happy with their new life, sadly for them, his Sister is threatening to follow him. May be OK, as he gets on with her I just hope that her badness doesn’t spoil their time out there.

Words before I go.
Did you know 10 % of people are left handed?
Did you know August has the highest percentage of births?
Did you know that unless food is mixed with saliva, you can’t taste it?
Do you know that the average person falls asleep in seven minutes? (Really? I’m far from average)
Did you know a bare has 42 teeth?
Did you know that rabbits like liquorice?
Did you know that the Hawaiian alphabet has 13 letters?
Later gators.

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