
Tuesday 13 June 2017


Good morning Bloggets. I’m waiting for our joiner to come. He was due yesterday I was sure something awful had happened as he is never late, I waited from half eight as most times he comes then, other times is ten. By half ten I called him and he didn’t answer, oh you know what a worrier I am, but by half twelve, he texts to say he got stuck on another job, so thankfully he was fine. Today is, his last day… Our kitchen is looking really lovely now it’s all finished just the conservatory to do as the last builders made such a mess of it, there is just skirting board to fit. Because of one wall of mess they, created, all four skirts on all four walls have to be done.

We have at last got the window fixed they messed up, but more on that in my last, kitchen diary, last ever I hope. My next house will be a brand-new house so there will be nothing to do. Seriously this house we thought was perfect when we moved in, you have no idea how much it has cost us since? On the surface it looked perfect, well, apart from the large hole in the shower room sink, and the fir growing up the shower, between the shower and the wall. Oh, and the leak in the other bathroom sink. The gas was condemned, blue flames jumped out from the fire, the gas cooker hob was too close to the wooden cupboards and the carpets had no underlay. The electrics stopped working and the boiler broke within days of moving in. Since then, we have learned that he did all his electrics, the guy before us, and wires in the walls were tied together with bread ties. Lights didn’t work as he did those as well and most of the light switches were not on straight. His lovely kitchen doors, were just paper covered, where as to look at, they looked like wood.

His lovely new and it was new, front door, well, in the winter if you stood in the hall, your hair blew in the wind. Hahaha.

My house smells so lovely, I’m burning oil it’s lemon fragrance and it’s really lovely and fresh. There is nothing nicer than the smell of lemons and the sun shining through your window. I can’t see it, but I can feel it.

Oh, oddly I just got a flash back of our much loved Canary, he was Irish you know? I miss him so much. If I wasn’t opposed to caged birds, I would get another. I don’t like the poor things being in a cage though. Ours was massive, we were told it was for up to ten birds, no way, gosh, it wasn’t even big enough or one in my opinion as the sky is the only size fit for them.

My friend and one of our Bloggets sent me a message before our election. I would call it a premonition, but I can see it being a message too from our maker. She predicted that our Prime Minister Mrs May, would be realected, but there would be a black cloud above the new crops and four angels would be facing each direction, North, South, East and West. As the black cloud came closer to the lovely new crops, blackbirds flew from the dark cloud and the angels went fast towards the cloud to I would imagine fight it. The black cloud was the devil. Well, bless Theresa May, she certainly has a black cloud above her head. I feel angry and bad for her. Angry towards her because she was popular and she blew it. She should have never called for an election. I said it then and I will say it now, it was a huge mistake, fact is, she won the most seats and votes, just not my enough to run the Government on her own. She now has to get help from Northern Irelands Conservative party. Some people are saying that this will be the end of the peace process between Northern Ireland and the IRA, I pray not, who wants to bring back those days? Most of those people are old now, the people who were involved in those dark days. If Mrs. May doesn’t make it, it will be bad news for Northern Ireland if they cause trouble with Southern Ireland. I hope we can live all together in this lovely land we have been given.

Mrs May will meet with French President, Emmanuel Macron later to talk about anti-terrorist measures. I wasn’t sure of him before, but I think he is going to have a calming effect and if so, then in my opinion, America England and France have collectively the best three leaders for a long time. I just hope our Government and people leave her to do her job. And I hope she doesn’t make any silly errors, but again, she was very badly advised and now her advisers have gone, let’s hope for a new start. We will go through that black cloud for a while we can’t expect to be cured overnight. We are a hurt and damaged country that needs a long stay in a place where we can be peaceful, positive and experience a retreat where we can breathe. Sadly, we live in a nation of want now, won’t wait. Well, we need to chill and just let the experts in to put us right. I hate the way in which our Government have jumped on Mrs May, it’s schoolground childish behaviour I will tell you something too, the BBC, despise May. They should be neutral but they are not. Same as they weren’t over the US elections, well, that was the right outcome, it was between two, she, was the equivalent of Corbin. If we are allowed to do what MRS. May wants for our country, America will be allowed to do what they want, and France what they want, we will all heal then I hope the rest of the troubled world can follow. All I wish for is world peace and no, I am far from Miss world. Haha.

What else has been going on in our news?

Beautiful Germany, a Policewoman has been shot in the head at a train station in Munich after a black clouded person grabbed a police gun. Thank God, she isn’t dead but obviously is critical.

Lesbos, a Greek Island has been struck by an earthquake. Sadly, killing one person. My Husband has been in a few quakes when he used to travel. He said in Japan once it was terrifying as it happened during the night. He was in his hotel room he got up they say stand under the frame of the bathroom door. It’s the safest place. He said the whole room rocked side to side. Being sighted is awful in a quake but imagine being blind? Where to run and how? In a hotel room, he didn’t know of his surroundings. Thank God, he was OK and got home safely to me.

Saudi King to meet with Iraqi PM to try to heal a rift. See, that black cloud again? Please let this all work out, I hope this black cloud is lifted and we can live in peace with hope in our heart and possibly we can go back to times when innocence was a part of our daily lifestyle. Only this time, because there has been such a strong connection between earth and our maker, there will be no wars nowhere. What is the point of them?

In Scotland, a 19 year old fantasized about kidnapping and raping babies has been given five years in jail. Five years? What is wrong with this world. He should be locked up for life. Okay, do gooders, he can be counselled. Yeah, and what if he can’t? If you have that in you, there is no cure. He will be on the streets and he will be 24. Personally, I would put him in a pit and make sure he can’t get out.
A plane passenger filmed having sex in flight, was cheating on his pregnant girlfriend back home. What kind of people do this? Low life’s. Again, I can’t keep my mouth closed. I am very opinionated. But, seriously?

In the entertainment section of the news today, there was a report on our lovely Princes Diana. Well the report I will not write about as it’s sad and I for one would not call it entertainment.

Neuroscientists have used a classic branch of maths in a totally new way to peer into the structure of our brains. They have discovered that the brain is full of multi-dimensional geometrical structures operating in as many as eleven dimensions.
“Well, there you go Bloggets, translate that one as you like…

Astronauts are growing crystals on the International space station 250 miles away, to help to create new drugs on earth. OK, firstly, why do they have to travel 400 kilometres to do this? Is the rental of labs so expensive now?
It’s written that we are 10 to 15 years away from discovering if we are alone in the Universe. Well, how on earth can we put a number on that and if they ask me, I will tell them we are not alone. I wouldn’t charge for that answer, they can buy me a nice bag of chips for the effort.

Shocking in America a university have given their vegetables seductive names and the students are eating more of them. What is wrong with these people? Really, I thought students of universities were supposed to be clever but it looks as if we are just cloning sheep who follow.

They say that going vegetarian is good for the planet, but now they are saying it’s also great to lose weight. Hmm. No one has told my waistline that one. Mind you, if I ate vegetarian food and not bread or crisps or chocolate, then I guess I would have a chance but as I said, it’s not always what you eat, it’s how you eat it and eliminating certain foods that your body is saying no to. Only you yourself can learn what food reacts in bad ways with you, then it’s the hard bit of not eating that. Also moving. Keep moving. And if you can stop eating meat, well done. Every time you go to buy it, look into your mind and see that beautiful creature that hasn’t done anything to you. Feed a baby lamb. That was my final straw. I bottle fed a lamb and no way since then I could eat meat. That was about 22 years ago. Previous to that I dabbled with eating meat not eating it.

One of Britain’s most premature babies has survived being born after only 22 weeks weighing less than half a bag of sugar. Only 1lb 4oz. 400g.

OK, on that note, I have a date with a duster then a poem to write for a wedding and then some calls to make. Tonight, for dinner? Not sure yet, it was great last night though as I was able to make chicken pie, mash potato, cauliflower, carrots and Peas all with my wonderful new cooker. To be able to just turn on a hob ring was brilliant, thank goodness, I have got rid of that awful hob top where at most I could use one ring if I was lucky to be able to turn it on. #ILoveDials

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