
Sunday, 30 September 2012


what happens when you ask the teen to pop to the shop?

Really, the other day I asked my teen as he was going to the shop to get me some plain flower? He brought back self-raising. Today he was going again and I asked him to get me, well not me, my dogs, a dog comb? He told me he was going to buy himself some deodorant. I gave him £10 and told him to give me the change when he got back from his friends?

Well, he came in all happy, handing me £2.

“Em, and the rest please?” I exclaimed. He replied

“My deodorant was £3.50 and the (DOG THING) was £4.50. Well I asked him what kind of deodorant he bought. He proudly answered

“For men!” I then asked him for how many men? I don’t even spend that much on the loved one….Well, it got better. I looked at the so called dog comb? I asked him what on earth was it? He said

“Good, in it?”

“Err, no!” I replied. Then when he looked at the label of the so called dog comb? It read, “Cat brush!” I used it any way on the dogs and it does remove their hairs. Practicly shaves them. My teen is a Charlie.

A friend of my teen went out drinking at a party last night and then as his parents were away, he stayed at his girlfriends, in the same bed? Call me old fashioned, but at fifteen? I just do not get todays parents.

My display units are all lovely I have spent a couple of hours filling them. Not an easy task terrified to move but all my salt and pepper sets are lovely and I am dead pleased with everything. A good day, a great weekend. Made a lovely FB friend who cracks me up and a lovely friend from church helped to improve my weekend. It’s not the norm for me to have any nice moments when my Husband is away, this is incredibly rare.

Some great jokes coming tomorrow for live lunch. Take care my friends and I hope that something has made you smile this weekend? If not, there is always tomorrow and another weekend.


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