
Sunday, 30 September 2012


Sunday lunch

 We got up this morning, I did not get to bed till after one as was talking to a friend for a couple of hours and by the time I let the dogs out for their bedtime contributions, locked up and turned everything off, I was late or early, depending on how you look at it!  The teen was walking around the landing and bedroom for half the night, my love text me to let me know he had arrived at the airport to go from Greece to Madrid. I thought, it might be a boat he needs, as the floods in Spain have been awful and there have been about ten killed.

So my heart in my mouth till I know he is safe again and tried to go to sleep, but Dean our canary had other ideas. Really, how he does not require a losenger, is beyond me?

Then my alarm went off for church.

So the teen got himself ready,

“Mum, I have my Jesus bracelet on and my cross. Bless him, he never goes to church, but because loved one was away, he decided to keep me company and he thought he was dressing in the correct way.

Well, we were given a card with words on and the lovely lady had the sense to let me know what it said on mine and the words were

Pillar of cloud. Teen had one saying Dove.

When it came to the part where we had to talk about our cards, I asked him what he thought his card meant. His reply,

“Well, it’s a kind of shampoo isn’t it?” Oh boy, that child of mine cracks me up but I see where he gets his blondeness from? A lovely friend from church, whom my husband and I have a lot of time for, spoke about his child and the school they go to. I said in my loud voice,

“Oh, my Son goes to that school? Well, all through church, I was thinking, I wonder how teen does not know the girl, as they are of a similar age.

Turned out, I only had my Son at a different school!!!!!!!Oh, God how embarrassing? But the lovely friend took it lightly and laughed as I rather redly tried to retrieve my mistake.

I have loads of housework to do now so must go and I am attempting to fill my new unit, will tell you about that later. With love and warm hugs x  

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