
Tuesday 20 November 2018


Good evening Bloggets. Just a quick blog, well I say that but not always my quick blogs are, well, quick, are they? But I shall try to make this one at least shorter than normal.


It’s road safety week in the UK and as my Husband was coming back from work the other night, his driver said to him as they slammed the breaks on the car, a little boy very small was on his bicycle all in black with a black hood up I bet he had his earphones in, the car came to an automatic stop as did the car coming the other way. The child on his bike without any reflective clothing on or helmet, went merrily on his way. Didn’t even look back to see the two cars that had to slam on the breaks to avoid him. This is why I do wonder if he was wearing earphones. By the way, it was dark and there were no lights on the bike. Firstly, where are his parents? I know kids are a total nightmare, when they get to a certain age, they will not wear a helmet. So, we lock the garage hide the key and tell them they can’t have their bike until they wear their helmet. So, they wear it.

Until they turn the corner, then remove it.


I thought that some years ago it was law in our country not to wear a helmet? Well nothing at all has been done about that. I think a built-in mechanism should be in the helmet and it has to match the bike. Unless the helmet is worn on the head, the bike locks. Or a famous person should make them popular. People who have been involved in accidents should visit schools. I do know of someone who was blinded by not wearing a helmet. He won’t get his vision back, so I hope he didn’t enjoy cycling on his own too much as it won’t ever be happening again. But our kids just think it will never happen to them. And how bad will the car driver feel to know he/she has knocked down a child?


Last night on our TV we watched a broadcast from London a brother who was gloating about his brother who murdered by shooting people in Syria. He was a terrorist. The brother who is still in the UK, spoke about the incident as if it was a great thing his brother did. Why is he still allowed to walk the streets of the UK? And on our news today another man well teenager though he sounded very old I guess that is the lifestyle he has had so far, as he is 19, but sounds in his fifties. Said how he was kicked out of school at fifteen, kicked out of college at 16 and his parents threw him out of home at 17. In other words, he’s a bad person. But hey, he’s some kind of sporting champion now, so all OK, right? Kids listening, be bad and you too will end up a sporting hero…

That is what is wrong with this world.


Tomorrow I shall tell you of a person I know, a friend of mine, who really had a cheek and how she is getting away with it too. Sometimes people just shock me in the way their minds work.

Laters .

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