
Wednesday 7 November 2018


Hello Bloggets. Sorry not been around for a while. Thank you all so much for your emails and messages. It’s been a little crazy here, but change is happening and we are heading the right direction, though our truck is in a long line of vehicles, so we have to be patient. In other words, just life.


Life for the next couple of months will be different but hey, we like a challenge, God only knows, we have been through plenty. The best thing is, we have each other and that will never break. In fact, we have had a lovely family time and there is more to come in a few weeks with our other family members. Loads to chat about over the next few weeks, though I may not be here as much as I used to be, only for a short time. I hope, unless my route is interrupted on our path and I have to go either down a dirt track or a nice pathway which will lead somewhere else in life.


Before I tell you about my total gaff for today, I wanted to say a huge loving pray is going out to a dear Blogget of ours. There is a lovely lady called Patricia. She has a heart of gold and only deserves the best. Sadly, today the best isn’t being given to her. She has been told some devastating news that, since I have learned about, I have the most enormous lump of pain in my throat for her. I just want to say Pat, I’m praying for you and I hope other Bloggets who have faith will do the same. The next few weeks even months are going to be so different, but you are strong and have been through such tough times. All the more reason why this is cruel what’s happening to you now. And for anyone who is going through pain in their heart’s soul stomach right now, especially this time of year, I’m so sorry. I hope over the next few weeks to write some uplifting words even writing that may help you to escape from your unsure insecure world for a short time during the day.


I believe in power prayer. Now whether that is to a God or our maker who in my opinion is a God as that is the name some of us use to address him. Or if when we do pray, we connect our souls, but whatever it is, I believe it works. Pat is a beautiful soul. A good kind lady who honestly has lived her life for others. She doesn’t have a bad bone in her body. I’m so upset for her. I’m hoping she can be lifted over the rubbish and be gently put back on the path where she will be able to focus and walk forward.


And now onto my blunder. My shopping arrived today, groceries. And I was so happy Boy Wonder said he would help as seriously, there was loads. Some Christmas gifts for other people included. Some really lovely ones actually. I was so not wanting my Son to see his Advent calendar, but I was surrounded by bags. I was like a rabbit in the headlights. So, BW was helping, I thought, oh, it’s not like it’s a gift, as such, though I do like to hand it over on the first of December. I know he’s 21, and? I’ve even bought a Christmas Santa plate for his sweet mince pie for the big man in red. Hahaha. And? Well, at least I haven’t bought some reindeer food… not this year, anyway, as we were doing the shopping. I told him there was a calendar but not to start eating the chocolates until the 1st. bless him, I could tell he was like, oh, Mum it’s chocolate I can’t eat it. But he was too polite to actually say that, so he just went quiet. And then he saw it, it was a Moo free vegan calendar. On Amazon they are £8, Ocado £5 and Morrisons, £4.

So, UK Vegans, shop around. At the end of the day it’s a bit of fun. But then after he was so appreciative, he loves tradition, he then handed me saying.

“Mum, here’s an Oral B electric toothbrush. Oh, and there are some brushes in this pack.”” Oh. No. heck. I was so concerned about the calendar, I forgot about the toothbrush I ordered him. He asked for one as a gift two days ago. I asked him to write a list and apart from a vegan wallet, that you can buy cork ones, the toothbrush was the only things he has asked for. and now he has seen it. But I will put it away and wrap it still for him.


I really don’t know what to give him this year. Normally Hub gets him something really nice something I would never think about. But this year we are both struggling, but there is still time.


Obviously, he got back from Ireland safely. Thank goodness. The people there were so lovely to him. He didn’t do much apart from spend time with his girlfriends’ friends and family, and they were all great. The uncle they stayed with baked him a delicious loaf of bread that was vegan and some fruit scones. And the Aunty cooked him a large vegan breakfast. Bless them.


He has an interview this week but I’m not sure of his chances because it’s a big job, but he has an interview, that is great it means he has a chance, and I always say he is brilliant in interviews. Even over the phone, I listen to him and I feel so proud. The words he uses, the way he speaks and when face to face, he’s a good-looking lad and always dresses so well. He does his homework too on where he has been asked to work, so comes across as knowing his stuff. He never gets anxious about interviews, I know of a friend’s daughter who crumbles in interview, but oddly, she went for her last one, not telling anyone she was going, she didn’t feel nervous and got the job. So, was the secret not to have to tell people she didn’t get the job? Was it the family and friends she was afraid to tell rather than the actual interview?


It’s rained so hard here today. It’s windy too. Glad we are all safe in the house. It’s toasty warm here. Sham is coming around later.


Our LF Hubs guide dog has been really naughty today. But he is more than cute so I could never tell him off. He puts everything in his mouth. My Son asked him today what on earth he was eating. Turned out to be the rubber button from the bottom of my lap top. It fell off. Then half a plant. Seriously, he brings you them like a gift from a cat. Gross.


OK, must go for now the kettle is calling out my name.

   Take care. X