The pizza
was really nice but was not too sure about the television program the family
were watching whilst munching away at our tea? It was about take a way food
places that were not serving what they said they were….”Yack?”
A couple
of weeks ago I had a disaster. My old friends will know about, I bought two new
units from Argos. They were £120 each, so not deer. They were six foot tall, by
two foot wide had a light and were all glass, the door, the sides and the back
was mirror the top sort of wood. One was put together by my teen and a handy
man put the second one up.
carefully placed my Mums beautiful china and my Nanas bits and bobs, mugs that
I had collected over the years were also precariously placed in with love.
In total
it took me three days to fill both units, one with a bit of everything and the
other salt and pepper sets I collect. I went to add an item I had left out and
the whole lot came crashing down. One unit, funny enough the one that the handy
man did. Oh I was devastated. I broke my heart. The sound will never leave me.
I froze with incredulous fear. Fear of being out of control of my history
passing by me. Gone forever.
Places I
had gone to in my life were in that cabinet. I could not bear to look at the
unit, the bits we disposed of.
To try
and get some of the lost money back, I called our insurance. They told me to
take pictures of every bit of china and individually list the items and estimate
the cost of replacing them. I told the person on the other end, that I was
blind and unable to take photographs. She told me to get someone who would be
able to help. I told her the bits were in one inch pieces. She told me to focus
on the bits with the stamps on. So close ups of my life’s precious collection.
Talk about rubbing salt into the wound. Oh she also said I was not to throw any
of it away, to keep it safe for their people to look at if necessary?
I told
her I was not going to bother with any of that. I was so upset and felt like I
was grieving.
Well the unit
went on eBay and guess what it went for? …….Come on, I bet you will not guess
the correct amount? “Give it a go?”
£6.36. I pray to God, she does not put too
much in it?
Well On
Wednesday, my new unit will arrive. A better quality one what do I have left to
put in? About two boxes from my garage, well, I hope I have? I moved about ten
weeks ago and that is what is missing. I have had that many people working on
the house; it’s hard to know if they were all honest. Will find out in a couple
of days when I hunt through the garage, for the missing boxes.
Well my
teen came in from school and did his usual thing, ate had a cuppa, played his
music loudly and did his weights. Ate more and watched television with me, went
up to his bedroom, supposedly to sleep and prowled the landing through the
night, shouting “Night, there was no answer from me as did not want to wake my
Hubby as he is still not too well so he
shouted again, “Night? I whispered, “Goodnight, he asked rather loudly, “What
did you say? So I am up writing this, having an orange juice, listening to my
dog snoring, my other dog running in her dream and my wind chimes dancing in
the moonlight, to the rhythm of the breeze! I have had no complaints from my new
neighbours as yet; I put them there so that when we were learning the routes we
would be able to find our house, until our guide dogs learned where to go. My
black beauty has been known to go into other people’s houses before. What can I
say; she is a friendly little thing, like her Mum? Well, I’m not so little.
Well, ok, not little at all!
I have a
friend who is not a happy bunny right now, they are very angry with the world
and who can blame that person? They have been dealt a bad pack of cards over
the past few years. How do you help someone like that? You can be there for
them, you can empathise with them and try to give them good advice, but in the
end, they have to go through their pathway on their own, with you waiting at
the other end with open arms and sometimes in the process, you have to be
prepared for some knockbacks from them as they lash out at you. If you walk away,
who will they have left? Then when you need someone, let’s hope they remember
how good you were to them? What goes around, comes around, I really believe in
that, do you?
A friend
who is always there
If I could catch a rainbow I would do it just for you
And share with you it's beauty on the days you're feeling blue
If I could build a mountain you could call your very own
A place to find serenity A place to be alone
If I could take your troubles I would toss them in the sea
But all these things I'm finding are impossible for me
I cannot build a mountain or catch a rainbow fair
But let me be what I know best A friend that's always there.
That is
so nice, not mine and don’t know the orthor, but I bet he or she is really a
lovely person?
Every little hello, every little smile, every helping hand saves a
hurting heart.
later my friends xx