
Sunday, 30 September 2012


what happens when you ask the teen to pop to the shop?

Really, the other day I asked my teen as he was going to the shop to get me some plain flower? He brought back self-raising. Today he was going again and I asked him to get me, well not me, my dogs, a dog comb? He told me he was going to buy himself some deodorant. I gave him £10 and told him to give me the change when he got back from his friends?

Well, he came in all happy, handing me £2.

“Em, and the rest please?” I exclaimed. He replied

“My deodorant was £3.50 and the (DOG THING) was £4.50. Well I asked him what kind of deodorant he bought. He proudly answered

“For men!” I then asked him for how many men? I don’t even spend that much on the loved one….Well, it got better. I looked at the so called dog comb? I asked him what on earth was it? He said

“Good, in it?”

“Err, no!” I replied. Then when he looked at the label of the so called dog comb? It read, “Cat brush!” I used it any way on the dogs and it does remove their hairs. Practicly shaves them. My teen is a Charlie.

A friend of my teen went out drinking at a party last night and then as his parents were away, he stayed at his girlfriends, in the same bed? Call me old fashioned, but at fifteen? I just do not get todays parents.

My display units are all lovely I have spent a couple of hours filling them. Not an easy task terrified to move but all my salt and pepper sets are lovely and I am dead pleased with everything. A good day, a great weekend. Made a lovely FB friend who cracks me up and a lovely friend from church helped to improve my weekend. It’s not the norm for me to have any nice moments when my Husband is away, this is incredibly rare.

Some great jokes coming tomorrow for live lunch. Take care my friends and I hope that something has made you smile this weekend? If not, there is always tomorrow and another weekend.



Sunday lunch

 We got up this morning, I did not get to bed till after one as was talking to a friend for a couple of hours and by the time I let the dogs out for their bedtime contributions, locked up and turned everything off, I was late or early, depending on how you look at it!  The teen was walking around the landing and bedroom for half the night, my love text me to let me know he had arrived at the airport to go from Greece to Madrid. I thought, it might be a boat he needs, as the floods in Spain have been awful and there have been about ten killed.

So my heart in my mouth till I know he is safe again and tried to go to sleep, but Dean our canary had other ideas. Really, how he does not require a losenger, is beyond me?

Then my alarm went off for church.

So the teen got himself ready,

“Mum, I have my Jesus bracelet on and my cross. Bless him, he never goes to church, but because loved one was away, he decided to keep me company and he thought he was dressing in the correct way.

Well, we were given a card with words on and the lovely lady had the sense to let me know what it said on mine and the words were

Pillar of cloud. Teen had one saying Dove.

When it came to the part where we had to talk about our cards, I asked him what he thought his card meant. His reply,

“Well, it’s a kind of shampoo isn’t it?” Oh boy, that child of mine cracks me up but I see where he gets his blondeness from? A lovely friend from church, whom my husband and I have a lot of time for, spoke about his child and the school they go to. I said in my loud voice,

“Oh, my Son goes to that school? Well, all through church, I was thinking, I wonder how teen does not know the girl, as they are of a similar age.

Turned out, I only had my Son at a different school!!!!!!!Oh, God how embarrassing? But the lovely friend took it lightly and laughed as I rather redly tried to retrieve my mistake.

I have loads of housework to do now so must go and I am attempting to fill my new unit, will tell you about that later. With love and warm hugs x  

Saturday, 29 September 2012

Off to church with the teen

I have had a wonderful night of laughter with a frinnd on Face book. He showed me buttons I never knew existed. I will be late with my Sunday blog, as going to church with my teen. Bless him. A story for later I am sure? x



Well we got up when the birds were still having breakfast. What mood was the teen going to wake up with? Almost too afraid to speak, not wanting to hear Mr Anger! When a calm voice came from the landing,

“Morning Mum, time to get up?” I opened the bedroom door in shock at the nice gentle spoken person was standing outside my bedroom door. Then I realised the smooth talking tongued teen was my Son. How did I know? He was in front of a mirror.

So we got ready, let the dogs out, harnessed my black beauty up, left the other one to sulk in the house and did the short walk to the bus stop. A typical autonomous day said good morning to us, as we treaded through the crisp cornflake like leaves. The evil tree at the top of our street caught me again with its spiky weapon arm. Right in the eye.

We missed our bus by two minutes and the delectable darling of a teen did not even complain?

The bus came and whilst I was on it my mobile rang. It was my electrician/handy man. Telling me he was at my house waiting to get in to do some work.

“Oopsy!” Oh I felt bad; he came a long way for nothing.

Little did my Son know I had taken a device called “React” It is a  small round  watch like thing that you  turn on and when you are outside some important buildings, the lamppost talks to you. Well we got off at the right stop, how did I know? Because my device “Bing bonged” So loudly then announced where we were. I said to my teen, “Is that good or what? He said is that your little thing? I said yes, he said “Cool!!!” Well then we stood whilst he put into his GPS where we needed to go and of course it went again, again, and again. I did get a little red at this point as the man has a deep voice and it is so loud? I turned to my Son as he asked me in gritted teeth to turn it off? “It’s ok Son; no one knows it’s me? Well I just thought it was a speaker on a lamppost so for tourists? Oh no, my teen said,

“Mum, it’s got R N I B written on it and you have a guide dog?” Another “Woopsy?

Well we found what we needed to find and I must say we had a  lovely day. Apart from me getting a little familiar with a lamppost, all went well and I even got my delicious Cornish pasties. They are huge and so nice and for vegetarians, they have quite a lot of choices.

So we got back safely and now he is blasting his music getting ready to go out with his friends and I am writing to mine. I hope today has been ok for you and for me a very simple day, has made a huge difference.

Thank you my teen. Talk to you later xx

Friday, 28 September 2012

Ever so naughty, but tears fell with laughter.

It as after 1 a m and I am due to go to town in seven hours with my boyo. I just wanted you to wake up to this one, or dependent where you live in the world, go to bed on it. It's a little naughty, but oh boy, its funny? Thanks to Jen and Maureen for it.


After having been told my danglies looked like an elderly Rastafarian I decided to take the plunge and buy
some of this as previous shaving attempts had only been mildly successful and I nearly put my back out trying to reach
the more difficult bits. Being a bit of a romantic I thought I would do the deed on the missus's birthday as a bit if a treat. I ordered it well in advance and working in the North Sea I considered myself a bit above some of the characters writing the previous reviews and wrote them off as soft office types...Oh my fellow sufferers how wrong I was. I waited until the other half was tucked up in bed and after giving some vague hints about a special surprise I went down to the bathroom. Initially all went well and I applied the gel and stood waiting for something to happen. I didn’t have long to wait. At first there was a gentle warmth which in a matter of seconds was replaced by an intense burning and a feeling I can only describe as like being given a barbed wire wedgie by two people intent on hitting the ceiling with my head. Religion hadn't featured much in my life until that night but I suddenly became willing to convert to any religion to stop the violent burning around the turd tunnel and what seemed like the the destruction of the meat and two veg. Struggling not to bite through my bottom lip I tried to wash the gel off in the sink and only succeeded in blocking the plughole with a mat of hair. Through the haze of tears I struggled out of the bathroom across the hall into the kitchen, by this time walking was not really possible and I crawled the final yard to the fridge in the hope of some form of cold relief. I yanked the freezer drawer out and found a tub of ice cream, toe the lid off and positioned it under me. The relief was fantastic but only temporary as it melted fairly quickly and the fiery stabbing returned. Due to the shape of the ice cream tub I hadn’t managed to give the starfish any treatment and I groped around in the draw for something else as I was sure my vision was going to fail fairly soon. I grabbed a bag of what I later found out was frozen sprouts and tore it open trying to be quiet as I did so. I took a handful of them and an tried in vain to clench some between the cheeks of my arse. This was not doing the trick as some of the gel had found its way up the chutney channel and it felt like the space shuttle was running its engines behind me. This was probably and hopefully the only time in my life I was going to wish there was a gay snowman in the kitchen which should give you some idea of the depths I was willing to sink to in order to ease the pain. The only solution my pain crazed mind could come up with was to gently ease one of the sprouts where no veg had gone before. Unfortunately, alerted by the strange grunts coming from the kitchen the other half chose that moment to come and investigate and was greeted by the sight of me, arse in the air, strawberry ice cream dripping from my bell end pushing a sprout up my arse while muttering “ooooohhh that feels good” Understandably this was a shock to her and she let out a scream and as I hadn’t heard her come in it caused an involuntary spasm of shock in myself which resulted in the sprout being ejected at quite some speed in her direction. I can understand that having a sprout fired against your leg at 11 at night in the kitchen probably wasn’t the special surprise she was expecting and having to explain to the kids the next day what the strange hollow in the ice cream was didn’t improve my status…so to sum it up, VEET removes hair, dignity and self-respect




 Before reading this blog, did you read the blog (LIQUICE LEGS AND TRIANGLE TOES?) If not, have a read of it, then come back to this one, it will make more sense. Believe me, you need all the help you can get reading my blogs, by the time I have pushed buttons I never meant to and copy and paste notes  mixed in with the finger trembling moments of sharing, I mean, I think I am sharing my blogs, but really if I am it is a fluke?

So, the trials of the teen today, continue, with his new shoes! They arrived along with his skin tight trousers. The trousers fit. I mean “.f.i.t! They look like someone has took a paintbrush and painted his legs.”   

The shoes? You could pick a lock with them. I must say, they look really lovely, very stylish, good quality and a tiny bit of rubber on the soul, so at least not as slippy as his last ones? Well, you should have seen him putting them on? O.M.G?

“There I go again, being cool/with it?” Hahahahahahahalolololo!

Well, I sat in my armchair, next to our canary. He took them from the box, he took the paper out, and he went blue with trying to put them on. He took them off and then back on again,

“I know,” He said

“I need to take the laces out; I remarked that taking the laces out

  Will not make them any better or larger? Well you know teens, they know so much more than adults, because we live in a parallel world and things in our world, are not the real world, and you knew that didn’t you?

So twelve minutes later they went on and he promised they did not hurt and I felt them, they looked like there was room I mean, he is a size ten, so large feet. He said he would wear them around the house “To break them in?” Well all I can say is they broke in quickly, as after four minutes he was barefoot. I asked if we should take them to town tomorrow and exchange them. He said no, they were perfect.

My love arrived safe in Greece and all ok so far. He said his hotel is basic but lovely food. I just know he will do well out there and impress. He is my hero; he left in the taxi, went to the train station, and then when got to London, did the tube and then his flight. All without vision. He is amazing. He says he has a tongue so he just asks, I too have a tongue, but I just am not brave enough to do all that.        

So what is in stall for me tomorrow? I am going to the town with my teen. God help me? He hates going with his Mother and I am not keen on going with him, but beggars can’t be choosers and I have my cap out and my cardboard box. I have no family here and have not lived here long enough to have made friends. I can not go shopping myself so have to go with my mini me!

It is my loves birthday next week and I need to buy him a gift. I truly am dreading the shop as teen is the biggest grump going. He is such a kind boy, very caring loving and can be helpful, but he can also make life very unpleasant for me. I would love to browse the shops, but I know there will be one shop and home.

Thank God for the internet and my speech soft wear. Thank God too; I learned how to touch type at my scary, sinister sad boarding school I do most of my shopping online. Sometimes though you do come across funny things, like I typed in a shopping site, plant pot and I got a whole load of kinds of pants, and that lead onto Incontinence equipment.  I know you water those things as well as plant pots, but they would not look as good on the windowsill?

I will talk tomorrow but in the meanwhile, have a happy night? Breathe deeply and clear your head of negativity and all nasties. X

Inspirational diary: Fi's Friday fun!

Inspirational diary: Fi's Friday fun!: I want to share with you a story that happened to me some years ago. As you may know I am totally blind. Stuff what the correct version ...

Fi's Friday fun!

I want to share with you a story that happened to me some years ago. As you may know I am totally blind. Stuff what the correct version of blindness is, all this visual impairment jargon, I can not be bothered with political correctness. You can have quite a lot of sight and be visually impaired, you can be blind and have the same title and you can like my Husband have  never had sight and be  classed as impaired, well, as he  says, “How can you be impaired, if you have never had?

So I used to never like to advertise the fact that I could not see, as people  do treat you differently and my eyes looked like I could see, I do all the expressions, deliberatly that sighted people do.

I had just finished a self defence course where by I was taught how to stand, walk with confidence under threat and for sure punch? Another story, believe me?

A plumber came. I had never seen him before. I did not want to tell him I was without vision, because of the above and because he was to fix a radiator in my bedroom and you just never know if they are picking stuff up? If they think you can not see, they could do anything.

 I went with him upstairs, first when he got on the landing; he obviously pointed and asked,

“Is it this room?” Well, how was I to know where he was pointing? I replied pointing

“That one there!” Well, he looked at the radiator then me, then the radiator then me again, and asked me a question I just could not believe?

Standing in front of me, tall toughed voiced sweaty man asked

“Can you remove your clothes?” I went a shade of ashen and stood strongly, legs slightly apart like how I was taught and replied, with my jaw bruised from falling to the floor.

“I’m sorry? What did you ask? Well, he repeated it I was to remove my clothes. Thank God, just before I decked him with my hammer punch, he added

“From the radiator!” “Few, oh I was so red. I forgot I left all my knickers on the radiator from the wash the day before. Well, still not telling him I could not see, I anxiously went to the radiator and began to remove clothes, putting my hand on top of his sausage like fingers as I felt for the items.  He moved his hand as quickly as I placed my hand on top of his and as he moved them across the radiator, I moved mine again guess where? Yep, on top of his again. Well I cringed as I scooped the clothing up and went down stairs.

Minutes later, he came running down the stairs telling me as he ran out of the door he would have to come back. He did not wait for an answer he just ran to his van. Started it up, stopped it and got back out, ran to the door, panting and telling me he forgot his tool box. Well as he ran up the stairs I wondered how he could forget such a huge box? I knew it was large as I tripped over it, hahahahaha. He grabbbed his box and ran for freedom away from the nutter he had been with. He was never to be seen again and a different plumber from the same company came out the next day…I decided to tell the plumber the story, explaining about my vision. Well, did he laugh? He had tears running down his face and we both agreed that the poor previous plumber probably had his name down for counselling. x



 How are you all this lunchtime? Well I hope? I am late today with my blogs but trying to get this in for lunchtime! The word lunch means a meal given by ladies in the old days to their hard working men, who did not have time to relax, like they can in the evening. In olden days, lunch was meats from the night before and fruit. Isn't it funny, how most of us, have three meals per day? Who decided that we should have this amount? How did it get all around the world that we will eat three times a day? Well enjoy if your eating something lovely, but I bet like me your not? Where ever you are in the world, smile with these jokes?   
A man said his credit card was stolen but he decided not to report it because the theif was spending less money than his wife

A man meets a genie. The genie tells him he can have whatever he wants, provided that his mother-in-law gets double. The man thinks for a moment and then says, ‘OK, give me a million dollars and beat me half to death.’

Thursday, 27 September 2012


A scrap of ancient papyrus no larger than a credit card may provide evidence that Jesus was married and might even have had a family.

The faded fourth-century fragment could undermine centuries of Church teaching on clerical celibacy and whether women can be priests. Its existence was disclosed by a Harvard historian and has already triggered fierce scholarly debate.

Containing just eight lines, the document, which measures 3.1 by 1.6ins, includes the words, “Jesus said to them, my wife”, and the sentence: “She will be able to be my disciple”.

Written in the ancient Egyptian Coptic language, it also includes the phrases, “My mother gave to me life” and, “Mary is worthy of it”. The latter is likely to be seized upon as evidence that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene.

She believes the script is probably a copy of a gospel written in Greek in the second century AD and that while it does not conclusively prove that Jesus was married, it shows that there was discussion of the question as early as the fourth century. Its precise meaning is now the subject of international academic conjecture, but its authenticity has not been disputed.

I am sure he was married, so what if he was! What is all the fuss about?  


I hope your enjoying your lunch where ever you are? I am going for a coffee as my bird is in full song and my head is buzzing. Just thought I would try to put a smile on your faces today with these few jokes?

Married life is full of excitement and frustration :
- In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens.
- In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens.
- In the third year, they BOTH speak and the NEIGHBOURS listen.

·         A man was speaking to God.
“God, why did you make women so beautiful?” he asked.
God said: “I did that to make you love them”.
Then the man asked: “Well, God; why did you make them such good cooks?”
God said: “I did that to make you love them”.
The man then asked: “But God, why did you make women so stupid?”.
God said: “I did that to make them love you!”

Enjoy your lunch and I will chat later. xx

A week of worry

The birds had not even awoken when our alarm went off to get us up for work for my love, a week of worry for me. Normally he travels to far away countries like New Zealand, Australia far parts of the America’s and countries like Africa and India where he could have trouble. You would not think that somewhere like Greece or Spain would have bother, but they are this week and guess where my Husband is going to work? Greece and the lovely Madrid! Yesterday’s headlines were

Hooded youths clash with police in Athens during a workers protest, with Molotov cocktails being thrown.

 So I put on my robe and shivered down the stairs, to find my two sleepy dogs. Though tired, they are always ready for a pat and a love! I turned the dial on the thermostat and put on the kettle. I opened the back door to let the dogs out for their morning contributions. The sky had the dark feel and the roads were silent. I thanked God we were all ok after all the dreadful floods and felt sorry for all those who are    in a devastating situation today.

My dogs came in and I closed the door to the dark, damp, dawn.

As my love gathered his last minute items I placed his cup of tea on the kitchen table and sat with my head wresting on  the backs of my wrists, wondering what this next week had install for us both.

I felt so empty and he had not even left. I have to try so hard not to cry but you know when you get that lump in your throat and you have to swallow so hard for it not to pop out?

He half drank his tea and told his long legged lovely, not me, hahahahaha, his dog, he would not be taking her this time. When he goes abroad, he leaves her with me. She is my protector, bless her. Oh well, the face went on as though she understood every word he spoke to her in his smooth velvet voice.

His taxi came and we said our goodbyes. I closed the front door, staying behind it, listening to him talking with the taxi driver. Then / now, I just wait for a week for reports of where he is, how he is and together we count down the days the hours, the seconds till once again he is in my arms.

Our teen went to school with a newly washed uniform, as yesterday, he “Fell playing football!” Well it must have been one heck of a fall, as his blazer now has a whole and even his shirt muddy as well as his trousers.

My unit arrived yesterday, it’s lovely. Really really lovely. Like what you would have in a French farmhouse kitchen. American oak, it is I am told like a dark pine colour, very rustic but solid. I only wish I still had my lovely china? But I still have too much of it and will fill it today and tomorrow.

Were you tempted by the lovely menu yesterday lunch time? Hahahahaha. I bet you were all trying the recipes out for tea last night?

Will talk more later today but in the meanwhile, love each other and if you’re alone right now, remember, you never know what is around the corner? I am an advocate for that cliché. More later, Honeys x

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

What's on the menu?

 On the menu

Today’s tasty tantalisers

These are enjoyed over the world. I will stick with the crisps?
Hairball salad, with saliva dressing and banana worm bread

Homemade maggot stew


Roadkill squirrel squares
For afters
Stuffed squid with chocolate sauce


Hamster cage leftovers

All washed down with a nice cool glass of

Swamp water punch, with floating arm of death


Liquorice legs and triangle toes

Oh boy, what a night I had yesterday? I think I have spent four hours talking and arguing with the teen about buying shoes and trousers for school. Why in uniform shops, do they not sell trousers and shoes too and make it obligatory that you all wear the same shoes and trousers, just like you have to wear the same shirt, tie and blazer/sweatshirt?

I have suffered quotes like

“Mum, I am not wearing those, God, there for old men, like Dad! Oh Mum, how could you even suggest such shoes?  Those shoes have a letter M on them, who would wear those? Those trousers are baggy, I need them skinny fit!” So ok, he likes liquorice legs and triangle toes? “What a beauty?”

I have sent him to clean his filthy bathroom. I wish I had a pound for every time he looked in the mirror? I mean, yes, look at yourself, but do you really change so much in the seconds you’re in front of it?

He came in from school absolutely wet through because of the rain, not because he has a problem, moaning and groaning blaming me for the weather! He could not wait for tea; he had to make himself beans on toast. I asked him how he was so hungry, after breakfast and lunch, he replied

“Mum, all I had for lunch, is a sandwich three sausage rolls, a bag of crisps and an apple.”

“That’s all?

My love was due to go to London to work today, but it is too awful and there is train trouble, so I have him here with me, though he will be working from home. Before he goes abroad with his job. I will miss him so much. I have the lonely pain in my stomach. He and I are like a jigsaw. We should be together and when he is not here, there is a missing peace!

My new unit is coming today. I can’t wait.  We got it from an online furniture shop called something like Furniture 1 2 3 It is solid American oak and comes assembled. Let’s hope it remains assembled? Unlike the other stupid one. Oh, I am so sad about the loss of all my Mum and Nans china. I have moved house three times over the years and never broken anything and now that?

Well must go for now, I need to look for the back of my mobile phone. I dropped it for the forty third time, well, maybe eighth time, but it sounds a little more dramatic saying a higher number? I found the phone, the back? I can not find it, my teen has looked, I even asked the dogs, where  Mummy has lost her bit of mobile, they were no blooming good, they just lay there, looking, as though to say

“Oh Mum, please sit down, your disturbing our sleep!” So now it is up to my Hubby. For someone with no sight, he always finds things. My hero, I hope, or it is in one of the dogs?

A question was asked on face book by an author

“Where is God?” What would be your answer? Mine would be

. In a church, a shop, your own house, your school, hospital or in your mind. Some people feel really let down by him and no longer can believe or understand. But if you do not have an open mind, your life will forever be closed. God knows I have had it really tough but without asking if there is something else, life would be so much worse.

I hope you will be safe in the rain we are having? Take care cause I care x

Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Wet teen. Has he got the X factor?

A very wet teen

  • O.M.G? Well is that not the latest stupid phrase? Call me cool, or what? Ok, call me what?

This weather is just awful? I guess so far so good, we can not complain as our  house is for the minute ok, bless all those who have no houses right now and worse still, no possessions with the floods. God bless the two babies who were killed this morning? We woke up with news like this! Environment Agency issues 57 flood warnings and 167 alerts  most in the North East and North West

Wales and Northern England will bear the brunt of the bad weather which will continue until tomorrow

One year old baby dies in road crash in Cambridgeshire and mother and son die in smash on A134 in Norfolk

Roads in Somerset, Dorset and Cheshire underwater and six drivers were rescued overnight in North Yorkshire

Dozens of people evacuated from homes in Northumberland, Merseyside and Newcastle

Reports of at least 100 properties flooded in the South West, Midlands and South East with many more likely


My dear teen has text me at least four times today already, to ask if it is possible to come home, as he is soaken. I told him he had to stay at school! After the last text, I will not answer any more, he asked again? I replied

“What excuse will you give?

He answered,

“I will just tell them I am wet and uncomfortable!” Bless, it is awful, but I can not bring him out of school because he is wet? I mean, this is autumn!!!

I wonder what a winter we will have in store for us this year? I love the snow, when my family are off school and work for the holiday and you’re in your warm house, after Christmas day, it can go thank you!

Talking of home or not, did you watch the x factor on Saturday?

Robbie Hence, who had a rough start in life, being brought up in care, who has been homeless for over ten years, had a voice that would for sure if there was any justice in the world,  have been in the top three for the possible winner in this years X factor

The 26yearold musician, whose performance was in my opinion, the highlight of the audition process, forgot the words to his group song and left the stage half way through.

After surviving the first cut, which saw a third of the 211 contestants axed before they had the chance to sing, Robbie joined up with two other hopefuls for his group audition. As  us viewers waited  with hope, to hear this velvet, voiced, vocalist perform, he forgot his words and left the stage placing his mike on the floor, saying afterwards, he could not wait around to hear how he has failed when he knew he had? Such a fantastic talent and he quit. Let’s hope it is resolved and the hunt for him on the streets of London can be a successful ending to the start of Robbie’s future?

 Half of me wonders if it is a part of the show. I do not trust any of it now after knowing a very talented singer/song writer/ pianist, who’s edition did not even get to the television rounds. It draws the ordiance in to have a story to follow I guess it’s not just a talent contest like we are lead to believe!  

How annoying.

A bit of advice, after having a little disaster in my previous blog, nothing compared to what a lot of people are going through today, but at the time seamed dreadful, take pictures and keep a file of all your valuable items and all that is precious to you, keep where you know where they are in a hurry. All photographs in albums, keep in one of those metal lockable boxes you can buy, in a place where by all of the family know where it is, again, so it can be grabbed quickly?

If I was not a vegetarian, I could just eat homemade corned beef hash for tea. Oo, these are the days when I reminisce  about my meat eating days many years ago. Fifteen to be sure and I still miss the bacon sandwiches and the beef curries as well as corned beef hash. But then I think about the poor animals suffering and reach for a carrot!!!!!Ok, a bag of crisps!

Thank you for reading my friends, feel warm inside, be safe outside and know I am here. xxx



Monday, 24 September 2012

Crashing down

Crashing down

The pizza was really nice but was not too sure about the television program the family were watching whilst munching away at our tea? It was about take a way food places that were not serving what they said they were….”Yack?”

A couple of weeks ago I had a disaster. My old friends will know about, I bought two new units from Argos. They were £120 each, so not deer. They were six foot tall, by two foot wide had a light and were all glass, the door, the sides and the back was mirror the top sort of wood. One was put together by my teen and a handy man put the second one up.

I carefully placed my Mums beautiful china and my Nanas bits and bobs, mugs that I had collected over the years were also precariously placed in with love.


In total it took me three days to fill both units, one with a bit of everything and the other salt and pepper sets I collect. I went to add an item I had left out and the whole lot came crashing down. One unit, funny enough the one that the handy man did. Oh I was devastated. I broke my heart. The sound will never leave me. I froze with incredulous fear. Fear of being out of control of my history passing by me. Gone forever.

Places I had gone to in my life were in that cabinet. I could not bear to look at the unit, the bits we disposed of.

To try and get some of the lost money back, I called our insurance. They told me to take pictures of every bit of china and individually list the items and estimate the cost of replacing them. I told the person on the other end, that I was blind and unable to take photographs. She told me to get someone who would be able to help. I told her the bits were in one inch pieces. She told me to focus on the bits with the stamps on. So close ups of my life’s precious collection. Talk about rubbing salt into the wound. Oh she also said I was not to throw any of it away, to keep it safe for their people to look at if necessary?

I told her I was not going to bother with any of that. I was so upset and felt like I was grieving.

Well the unit went on eBay and guess what it went for? …….Come on, I bet you will not guess the correct amount? “Give it a go?”

 £6.36. I pray to God, she does not put too much in it?

Well On Wednesday, my new unit will arrive. A better quality one what do I have left to put in? About two boxes from my garage, well, I hope I have? I moved about ten weeks ago and that is what is missing. I have had that many people working on the house; it’s hard to know if they were all honest. Will find out in a couple of days when I hunt through the garage, for the missing boxes.

Well my teen came in from school and did his usual thing, ate had a cuppa, played his music loudly and did his weights. Ate more and watched television with me, went up to his bedroom, supposedly to sleep and prowled the landing through the night, shouting “Night, there was no answer from me as did not want to wake my Hubby as  he is still not too well so he shouted again, “Night? I whispered, “Goodnight, he asked rather loudly, “What did you say? So I am up writing this, having an orange juice, listening to my dog snoring, my other dog running in her dream and my wind chimes dancing in the moonlight, to the rhythm of the breeze! I have had no complaints from my new neighbours as yet; I put them there so that when we were learning the routes we would be able to find our house, until our guide dogs learned where to go. My black beauty has been known to go into other people’s houses before. What can I say; she is a friendly little thing, like her Mum? Well, I’m not so little. Well, ok, not little at all!

I have a friend who is not a happy bunny right now, they are very angry with the world and who can blame that person? They have been dealt a bad pack of cards over the past few years. How do you help someone like that? You can be there for them, you can empathise with them and try to give them good advice, but in the end, they have to go through their pathway on their own, with you waiting at the other end with open arms and sometimes in the process, you have to be prepared for some knockbacks from them as they lash out at you. If you walk away, who will they have left? Then when you need someone, let’s hope they remember how good you were to them? What goes around, comes around, I really believe in that, do you?

A friend who is always there

If I could catch a rainbow I would do it just for you

And share with you it's beauty on the days you're feeling blue

If I could build a mountain you could call your very own

A place to find serenity A place to be alone

If I could take your troubles I would toss them in the sea

But all these things I'm finding are impossible for me

I cannot build a mountain or catch a rainbow fair

But let me be what I know best A friend that's always there.


That is so nice, not mine and don’t know the orthor, but I bet he or she is really a lovely person?

Every little hello, every little smile, every helping hand saves a hurting heart.

Till later my friends xx


All the way from Italy?

Oh I am starving. All that cheese and I have ordered a pizza? What’s all that about? My family did not want omelette, (WITH CHEESE) or Baked potatoes (WITH CHEESE) or toast with (MELTED CHEESE) So I said I would cook something like chicken  for the meat eating heaving’s, but no, family voted pizza.


My Blog, Fb and cyber family,, I can not thank you enough today I looked at my blog page and it has had five hundred views. In less than two weeks. I really thought I would get about six looks in a month. You will never know how much this means. Thank you all for your support and I only hope I can keep up the writing for you, I do have loads to tell you but right now, my blood is refusing to go to my brain lacking of food. You know what it is like when you order a Pizza? I am sure they fly them in from Italy? Either that or they have to go to Tesco and stand in a long queue to be served?


My dear friends from the U.S called before and I came in at the end of the call my love was having with them. They always talk with me; there is something in the air as they only spoke to Hubby. I hope they are coming over for a surprise? Oh I miss them.


My love has known them some years met them on a cruise many years ago. I started to email them not knowing them and now they are my family. My Mum and Dad. I call them Yam, as she used to sign her mail as Your American Mum and DD, as his name starts with D and he is a real Daddy. I adore them. Oh I am going now it has come oh Yum Yum I will tell you later what they were like. Xxx

P.s Did you look at the green on my wall?


By Fiona Cummings

Autumn leaves

Walking through the crunchy, crisp autumn leaves

Smelling the last of the seasons cuttings from the nearby fields

Surrounded by golden floating flakes

Tip topped ice on the overfilled lakes

Raindrops fall against my window pain

In the distance I hear an,old steam train

In my house the coals burn in the amber flames

Reflections flicker in the navy nights

The geese sing in their flight

High in the starry blanket of clowds

Migrating for the change a head

My dog curls up in her bed

In the open air 

The smell of smoke lingers

From the preparation for guy Fawkes

How I love the autumn for the fresh walks

The cosy home life

Of cups of Cocoa  

Tasty goodies like marshmallows

But better seasons are to come

Winter soon, with it’s snowy fun


Bright green conservatory.

Remember the green conservatory I was telling you about, we'll here it is.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Mice not welcome

Mice not welcome

My teen was at the front door last night at 11.25pm, after being at a party about fifteen minutes’ walk from home. I really hate him going to parties. They are the most dreadful places for children and are against everything I believe in but I have to thank God that he got to the grand old age of fifteen before he insisted in going. It’s ok saying, who is the parent? If he did not go to parties, once every two weeks, he would not really socialise and he would hate me forever. Really I do not know what is wrong with kids today. Close to us there is a cinema, a bowling alley and lots of sports grounds and gyms. My Son would do all of these things, but he says non of his friends would.


I hate the parties because there is always alcohol involved. No food, just drink. The parents are usually there giving out the boos. I find this a disgrace. I told him, if I ever smell drink on him or if he ever comes home in a state, he would be stuck in the house for life. He was allowed to make one mistake but no more and I will never forgive him for that night some weeks ago when he came home really drunk. I was disgusted. I am not a drinker I really am against it. I do sometimes have a tipple, but perhaps once every few months. I just don’t know why kids can not go ice skating, pictures, to play badminton or have parties at  houses, but do not have drink?

 I am unique, I know this as he has been invited to too many houses for my views to be normal.


So at the front door I heard his phone go. He said to the person on the other end, “Are you ok? Where are you? Ok, I will be there in ten minutes.” He shouted to me he would not be long, before I could say Jack Robinson, he was away. I went to check up on my Husband to see after he had been ill, if he was ok and waited for my Son, knowing that there are some nasty people out there as specially at that time of night.


Fifteen minutes had gone by. Nothing from my teen and I tried to call him he was not answering. Five minutes later, there was the most dreadful sound like a screaming coming from the deep, dark, dangerous avenues. Oh my heart stopped. He still was not answering his phone. Twenty minutes later, thank God, he came in. I think the screaming was a fox?


He told me that the girl he went to see, was ok, as she phoned him, she did not know where she was did not know how to get home and she has just had her fifteent birthday. Oh what a world, though I was proud of my kind son, but thought if anything had   happened to him through being kind for someone else? That would have been typical. I mean, what would her parents have said to her when she walked through the door? Having said that, she had a party for her birthday and her Father brought a tray of alcohol through to the eager teens.


My Husband loads better today thank you for all your well wishes?

We went to our church today and there was a Christening on. A baby girl whom they named Emilia. What a pretty name? I love unusual names and never have understood why people call their children the plainest most unimaginative names? I would say like what, but do not want to offend anyone? Answers on a postcard though?

After church we went for some food at our local shop. I went around with the lady, who is a young person called Georgina. She is a real sweetie, who gives the impression that she is too  innocent for this world. She is a little dizzy though and when she asked what cheese I wanted I told her the strong mature Cheddar, two for £4. I got a few bits and pieces. It should have come to £10 and it came to £16 odd. You know what it is like, you say nothing then get out  of the shop and need to find a seat for the shock? Anyway when I got home, the cheese she put in the basket, was enormous. Two of them. If God forbid I got mugged on the way home, I would not know whether to cook with the cheese when I got home or knock the muggers block off. So now I have it in my fridge. (Let’s hope that the shelves can cope with the weight of it? All week it will be “Would you like cheese with that? )


To end on a funny note, my teen told me yesterday, that he was in our local chemist where they had a aftershave section. A man in his thirties came in, as the youths were being as discrete as possible, and you can imagine that? Spraying the aftershave, though in my Sons case, before shave? The man came in with a swagger and took a bottle of aftershave and sprayed it all over himself, smiling to the boys, saying

“Oh, the  ladies love this one!” Then as brazened as he walked in, he walked out. Leaving the boys flabbergasted in his cheek. Let’s hope the ladies did love him that day?


Lots to tell you next week, as I now have to pay my family attention. Having a blog is like having a new baby. I love it, I care for it I feed it and even change it, but I don’t wind it! K.I.T xxx