
Tuesday, 30 July 2019

BOOK OF DESTINY #PoetryByFionaCummings




I flick through the pages

Chapters, stages

The words they jumble

In this life that’s a jungle

Some of the writing jumps out at me

Some words I refuse to see

Laughter is hidden in the story

Boastful people full of glory

I close the book for a while

And put it on top of a pile

Will I return

Or will the paper I burn?

I sit in my chair with its upholstery

And it’s winged sides

Black letters pouring out

As if to shout

I won’t hide

You will come back to words that are written

Twice bitten


You need to know

Where does the biography go?

How does it end

Happy with a friend?

Lots of time to lend

Money to spend

No time to pretend

I pour a cup of coffee

And find that book coming back to me

Open the mystery

The history

The darkness and victory

Who wrote this story?

Was it written for me?

What if I don’t want to be the hero in the book

Or the villain

Peeking through the pages

Am I still in


Is this really me?

Who bought this book?

It wasn’t me

But how did I get it?

What made me read it?

The title found me

Chapters shouted at me

I was hypnotised

Tears I have cried

Such joy I have tried

Dare I get to the end?

The final chapter, I’m now on


Is that my destiny?


© Fiona Cummings


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