
Wednesday, 24 July 2019

FEET ON THE GROUND #PoetryByFionaCumming




A heart full of love

Is blessed from above

A soul without pain

Is a winner in this game

We call it life


It can cut like a knife


Where you have a lost mind

Joy you just can’t find

You are running out of time

But some have it easy

No bother at all

They can afford to be choosy

Walk so tall

They never seem to fall

In the winters of living

They wear a golden shawl

Life is full of giving

Their gifts are constant

Coins are frequent

No problems at all

They are loved so much

By an angel they have been touched

If only they knew

How lucky they are

Their sky is always blue

They are guided by a silver star

Someone, something from a far

Is watching over them

A broken heart is something they have heard of

But that agony is for others

They are protected by white feathers

They tell people to pull themselves together

What would they know?

What it’s like to be low?

To feel despair

To have no one who cares

To battle through life

Everything nice

Seems to pass them by

Tears they cry

Are never seen by us

They don’t cause a fuss

Just carry on living


To those who have it all

To those who run

Whilst they crawl

If you are happy in your perfect world

Your path is made from gold

You always have a hand to hold

Remember those who’s souls you have sold

Those who are always cold


So undeserving

Next time you pass those people

Walk by their side

Wipe away tears they cry

Look through their eyes

Listen to their sounds

Keep your feet on the ground


© Fiona Cummings


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