
Saturday, 27 July 2019


Reading messages and emails of late from you, this is my blog.

When you really love someone you have never met and when you feel you can’t get too close to them? I guess most people get this way when they are young with pop idles, but, what if it’s for real? Real life? you have waisted so many years, you need to catch up but you can’t. and you can’t even ask them or that person if they have the same feelings if you can’t ask them, that is normally because you kind of know the answer. But what if you are wrong? What if they are also waiting for you to make the first move?


Normally I would say life is for living and if you don’t do it you will never know, but right now, you have a tiny bit of involvement, but if you step too close to their toes, then you may trample over their feet and scare them off.


Sometimes it takes a really good fall to know where you stand. But what if you are so fed up of hurting each time you fall; you can’t take much more pain? But there again, what if you fall, but the person you love and hold close to your heart, is waiting to catch you?


I guess it’s like Russian roulette. Taking a chance. The question is, are you prepared to take that risk, if not, what do you gain? I think nothing as far as moving forward goes. What do you lose? The chance to be with that person you love but if you find out now it’s not going to work, you could save yourself years months or just weeks perhaps of wondering. If it’s not going to work now, you may as well find out to save all the time hoping planning wishing and believing in a dream that will never happen.


But that takes guts, burying one’s head is something personally I’m rather good at. What about you? Are you brave enough to find out now? the longer you wait, I wonder if it will be more difficult in the long run!


Just another thought, school. Why don’t we learn the important things at school things that happen in everyone’s lifetime? Lessons we just don’t get at school. Like, how to talk to a dying relative, how to cope when your parents die? How you will feel when you find out you are pregnant and how you will cope when you have your baby? How you will manage when you have a family to support and you go to work on the Monday to be told to pack the contents of your desk, as you are being made redundant? How to change a tire on your car and how not to be bothered by nasty people. Bullying is featured in every school we cope with it but are not taught how to deal with it. That is something we have to teach ourselves, when it happens to us all at some point of our lives, if not at school, in the work place or in our neighbourhood?


How to learn what a good offer on a car loan is or mortgage? What is 15% off clothing? It’s surprising when I have been clothes shopping with people and there is a sale on, how they can’t work out the basics of percentages off. And I’m talking really clever people. We at school learn how to cook rather complicated food, but not the basics. We cook things normally advance cooks will attempt. So, we probably won’t ever cook that in real life.


Another quick subject. How do you deal with disappointment? Something you have really looked forward to for ages. Someone has promised you something that you really are excited about. This person is supposed to love you and want the best for you. The big day comes. You are buzzing with excitement. But the event is a total nightmare. Mainly caused by the one person who made all the promises and dreams for you. The person who has let you down was the one person you trusted in life. how on earth do you cope with that?


Well the person I am talking about is an upbeat person. A positive person, but she isn’t feeling very positive now. she is hurting. She can’t do this activity with anyone else and it’s something she has done for many years and loved but because of circumstances, she no longer can do this independently. So, the person she went with really let her down making it a bad day, a bad memory which now she will have to face facts that she has to give up what she loves to do. Something she has done all her life.


In my life there were things I loved to do, one was going for a walk on my own, ride a bike another and play the game of pool was the other thing. When I went blind, I lost all of that I lost the want, need and ability to continue doing what I thought was fun. But the only person I had to be disappointed with, was myself. I also lost the push and determination to carry on even trying to find alternative hobbies. But I can’t think of a time when someone I love has let me down with regards an activity. Though I do know of one of my lovely readers who is going through this right now. I feel so sad for her. She is facing reality, or can she change her way of thinking? Can she explain to the person who has let her down the situation perhaps that other person will rethink and stop being so selfish? Maybe she should talk to that person and give them another chance? Or, does she quit? And feel that grief as grief isn’t only caused by someone dying, but grief is a loss. I semi grieved when I left my much-loved hometown my last house. And to this day I wish we had never moved, but that was then and this is now, I can’t go back no matter how much I would love to.


Why can’t good things last forever, especially when you are not asking much? I guess it’s a way to make us so we are not stagnant. So, we try other things? Or is it a way to face reality and face facts that we need to change something in our lives something quite major.


To my lovely Blogget, may be its Gods way of telling you, something has to change. Something significant. May be, you have to move house. Move to where other opportunities will be easier to obtain. So, you love your house, you like the area, but, how practical is it in the long run for you and your lifestyle? If you lived elsewhere, more doors could be opened for you, or stay where you are and have no hobbies for the rest of your long life you have left. The person who has let you down, time and time again by the way, may not live half as long as you. How will you cope living on your own?  But if you moved house where those doors may be opened, chances can be taken and new people you could meet, and if the worst happens and you are on your own, then you will have people all around you.


Well this final thought wasn’t too short, but there you go.





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