
Wednesday 22 February 2017


Dear Bloggets, I hope I find you well? Loads to do today, so a short blog, but just wanted to pop in to see how you all are?

It’s cold today at last, windy and going to snow. But our winters seam to last for three days at a time, then we get spring then summer.

Just talking to some beautiful souls today telling my friend who is an artist she is the one who painted my paintings of the angels, saying I was dusting the frames and at one time, it would have broken my heart to have to do that, knowing I can’t see them, but now, I smile, as one day, please, I will, see them!

I was also saying that at last I have another appointment for the hospital. To get my eyes tested. It’s a joke, though there are a lot of things that still can go very wrong though I’m now blind, still, I could develop other conditions that can be treat or prevented if I catch them in time. Also, I hope, that the hospital that I’m going to, will keep me in mind for future trials? Well, April, I will learn.

Teens girlfriend has her practical tomorrow for driving. So, we will see how she does?? I think you have to get something like 97% to pass. Tonight, is her first proper study, just like my Teen, in true style, study last minute, but see, she may pass? She is doing really well with her driving lessons.

Phoneing Hubs Dad tonight, bless him. I hope he will be OK? I so wish we lived closer to him, his house is a total nightmare to get to with public transport. Hub asked our taxi company, and they were going to charge almost £140 to visit, and Teen works almost every day, when he has a rare day off, he sleeps and I would feel guilty about asking him, but I know if I did, he would say yes. He loves Hubs two brothers, but I don’t think any of them would be there like in the old days. One wouldn’t for sure and the other works now believe it or not, where I used to live. So I move away, he moves there.

Well, must dash for now but will be back tomorrow with more, and lots of chat. X

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