
Monday 13 February 2017


Good day Bloggets. The sun is shining, we had a proper winter for three days and the forecast is saying that we are to get very nice weather over the next few days. Though Saturday was dreadful for us, I hoped that the winter would continue for some time to come, just to get rid of the bugs for the summer. The wasps will come back this year full of muscles and even wearing leather jackets.

Thank you all so much for the beautiful messages I have received for my birthday. You are all so kind. From Australia, to India and South Africa, and Norway as well as America and Mexico. Parts of Europe too have took time out to say Happy birthday to me and for that I’m grateful.

My day started with beautiful gifts from my Husband. He bought me some magnificent flowers the day before, chosen by our very own flower picker, smile, Teen who has an eye for objects of beauty as these flowers are the nicest I have ever seen.

There are yellow tulips, roses and loopins and white roses too, as well as white looping’s and chrysanthemuns, gosh I hope I have spelt that right? and a white daisy with some lovely sprigs of greenery. I took a photograph of them and hoped that it would turn out OK? Teen looked at it and was shocked at how in his words was really good, now that may have been just the fact that I managed to point my phone in the right direction, who knows?

Hub bought me the most amazing gifts. Two, bronze statues of stallions. The detail is so real, some would say too real? Haha. Seriously the muscle definition is to such perfect detail. Both horses are free of saddles, great, just how I love to see horses, and both galloping. One is on a marble plimph the other not, but I have them on my lounge windowsill and they are facing each other as if to run towards one another. There are bronze ornaments in between, not many though and centrepiece is the bronze coloured candles of elephants that my Son bought me for Christmas.

Hub said it was a cheat gift because he loves bronze. I don’t mind him cheating with gifts…. As long as they are for me. Smile.

My Son bought me a lovely tin that says it’s for the leftover birthday cake, but inside it was full of Lush products. The fragrance is lovely and the tin has ducks on the lid.

The taxi came and on our way to a lovely little Restaurant in our town. We took a taxi because our Son perhaps wanted to have a drink? Haha, he had three, yep, three, coffee’s. But our town it’s so hard to park anywhere without having to pay a fortune or walk for miles to where we needed to be, so a taxi was the easy option.

The restaurant was recommended by a friend whose friend owns the Italian restaurant. Downstairs there is a delicatessen and upstairs is where you eat.

Oh wow, it was so special. I love Italian food, it is my most favourite country in the world for people, food and beauty. The smells were just stunning. It was so real. I could have been in a small restaurant in Italy. All around the walls were bottles of wine, there was a picture I must ask my friend to ask her friend where she bought it from, it’s two cherubs and you know what I am like for angel and so on paintings. Fairies, anything with wings basically. Smile. Oh, not aeroplanes…. Or birds though…

The floors and tables were rustic wood. The staff were so sweet and we received a platter on the house bless them full of delicious goodies. I won’t even try to pronounce what we all ate, but there were no empty plates. Hub had a beer I had a coke and we were entertained by Teen and Shamrocks humour.

At the end of the meal, Hub went with Teen and paid the bill and Shamrock and I went to the Deli and bought some olives and pastries. It was cringeworthy but so funny when Shamrock filled up a tub of olives then couldn’t close the lid? Hahahahaha. She told the lady behind the counter that she couldn’t put the lid on I thought the lady would have said don’t worry, I will do it? No, she replied. “Well, that is because you have put too many in?”” I died. As it was one price per tub. Shamrock wasn’t at all bothered. Hahaha. Cheek of the Irish perhaps? Or is that the luck of the Irish? Luck for us as I love olives. She is so funny really makes us laugh but as we say in the north. She has a neck for owt but soap. Now, my foreign students? Practice that phrase (A neck for owt but soap)
Another saying for today and its meaning? A safe pair of hands? Came I believe from the mid-19th century. It was a term used in cricket but now is widely used meaning someone is reliable.

Where I come from there is a language when used properly that not even English people from other parts of the country understand. For example, here are a few words with their translation.
Ahint. Means behind.
Airms, means arms
Alang, means along
Argie, means argue.
Beairn means child
Bait means food
Bonny means pretty
Bord means bird
Brickfist means breakfast
Brokken means broken
Babble to cry
Bullet, now this is a funny one? Can you guess what bullet means? Come on, give it a go? If a bairn asks for some bullets, what are they, the bairns, the children, asking for?
Champion means good
If the bairns get claggy with their bullets, it means the children are getting sticky with their sweets, so claggy sticky. And that wouldn’t be champion.
Haha, so not only have you perhaps learned some English today, or perhaps, not? Hmm…. But you have learned some words from Newcastle. People from Newcastle are called Geordies.

Getting back to my day. We took a taxi back home, it was awful weather. So, cold and wet home to our warm house. I opened my cards one had a voucher in for a clothes shop, that was from my lovely friend Kinzy. Bless her, she never forgets and is so kind. I received some body lotion from my friend Artie and a lovely homemade card, a card from my friend Yvonne and besties Like, Trix and Hanz. Hub bought me a beautiful card with jewels on and my Son bought me a beautiful large card with a tactile heart and flowers on and my friend is coming over today with a card and gift and of course last week was started off with a lunching with my lovely friend Geordie when we went to a wonderful coffee shop. But your words have been implanted in my heart, so thank you so much.
I made a tea party with different kinds of sandwiches, pizza, sausage rolls, crisps and crackers and little cakes as well as my birthday cake that I bought, and put the candles on. I asked teen to take a picture of the tea table but cloth ears took a photograph of the cake only and published it to Facebook saying that it was our birthday dinner? Hahahahaha. Just the cake and it was nothing special either. Not like it was a decorated cake? With two pathetic candles sticking out. Well if I put as many as my age on, we may have had to call the fire brigade.

A beautiful day. Another birthday. I hope many more? X

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