
Thursday 2 February 2017


Good day Bloggets. I hope I find you well? Today started early when I took Waggatail to the vet for her half year check up and tablets for worming and flea’s. Nice. I bought her a bet at the pet shop and on my return Teen and I had a coffee at home before he went out with the Wagging one. Oh, my, he took her for a lovely woodland walk with his best pal and his dog.

Well pals dog returned clean. As for Waggatail?
Teen cleaned her on his return.
Teen style.
So, I finished her. I am not sure who was more wet, me or the dog.

I gave her a drink and put her in the back room with the heating on. Laying on a thick towel. I went out with my friend Helen.

Helen picked me up in the car so Waggs could stay at home, wet. We went to a recommended place for lunch and it was really lovely. The company was great. We had a very nice chat as always.

I was thinking about my friends, when we go out it’s always for lunch, hahaha. No wonder I’m so fat. I do love it though, and tomorrow Arty is coming next week I’m seeing my lovely Geordie, it’s been far too long since I have seen her, just her and me, without others been around us, so loads of girly chatting to be done.

My Bestie is reaching the big five zero in a few days. Gosh, I met her when she was almost eight. I was six, so much water has flown under the bridge since, but besties then and now is amazing.

The most amazing thing is, her Husband is also our bestie, I say bestie as Hub loves him too. Especially as most of my friends from my past Hub doesn’t like apart from a couple. One in particular, gosh they did clash and have some words to say to each other. I saw both points of view, but kept out of it, though since then, we don’t see each other. It’s so sad as I really really got on so well with her. I admired her so much though I shouldn’t have. She was so beautiful and clever, talented too, she really looked out for me but she was out of order the way she handled things. I have an ache in my heart for her though. It’s been five years since I last saw her and I really wish we had stayed friends, but I couldn’t be, seeing the other side to her. there was a part of her where I didn’t agree with at all.

She was a real gold digger. It was a shame as she had a great job earning enough, but for her lifestyle, she needed more. At her age as she was much older than me, she didn’t get that beautiful for nothing. But I still cherish the memories I have of her.

She only dated very wealthy men. Old too so they wouldn’t have long to live. Her last man was so lovely, so very kind, he had cancer and was dying, but not quick enough for my friend. I used to ask myself how can I be friends with someone who only wished for the poor man to die? She also committed the biggest sin. She was a hunter. But somehow, I cleared my mind of all of that. How? I think because she was there for me at my lowest stage apart from when I lost my sight, she pulled me through a deep dark depression and way of life I found myself stuck in.

When I was weak, she fought off the bullies and bit their heads off. She could have hung around with the in crowd, but no, she chose to stand by me, losing a lot of friends because of it. But I was so quiet at the time and was falling fast through the air of time. My friend held onto me until I built up the strength to do it on my own. And do it I did.

She gave me a power she will never know how much. I never got to thank her either. If she hadn’t have done what she did, I wouldn’t be here now talking to you, I would have been a forgotten person, lost in time and only a memory to the ghosts of my past.

I believe we meet people for a reason. And if they are only in our lives a short time, so be it, they have done their purpose and I did mine for her I hope, as she used to tell me that out of all of her friends all over the world, she enjoyed my company the most, I will never know why? But I felt very special to her and I know she was to me.

When I think back the people I have been friends with in the past and I’m not now, and that isn’t too many as I tend to keep my friends for life, but those ones from my past, were powerful influences. The thing is, I bet they don’t even know what an influence they have been? How much of an important part in a life they have played?

There are the fake friends too, aren’t they? I sussed them out many moons ago and the lady I was talking about above helped me to do that. Again, fake is ok as long as you know about it, problem was, I was trusting of everyone. My Son takes after me sadly, he trusts everyone. I distrust people until I get to know them forever then I still hold out.

Hub is at work feeling slightly better, just spaced out. Glad he doesn’t have any budgeting to do this week… Next Monday is D day when we both go to the torture chamber known as the dentist.

Mine is a simple filling that I still holdout judgement on whether it needs doing, but Hubs? Oh, Biggy.
Dinner for the family tonight was smoked Cod, (Fish) baked in the oven in butter and black pepper. Green beans, baked potatoes with grated cheese and slaw, thinly sliced cabbage, onions and pepper in mayonnaise.

Teen is now at Shamrocks, eating dinner two. He said he isn’t sure how he will do it as he was full. Haha, Shamrock feeds him up.

OK, will go now but I’m back another day. Smile. Going to put the fire on crank the heating up and chill. X

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