
Sunday 19 February 2017


Gosh not the Sunday relaxing morning I wish for. Mind you, I can’t remember the last relaxing Sunday I had! My Husband can without effort, chair huge conferences, Deal with Strategic development and in a whisper handle budgets, but dish washers?

So, our dish washer was a bit of an issue as everything is in the kitchen when you can’t see. Finding machines that are not touch screen or forty buttons on is quite a challenge, so we found this one and it has worked wellish for five years. Today? We wondered, had it taken its last breath. Everything dried up no water was coming out., A goner? Hub was in a right state over it. Oh, there was nothing quite like our breakfast time today.

Hub didn’t want any, I was cooking breakfast, whilst dealing with tonight’s dinner and fixing Teens lunch. As I never know when he is coming in from work, depends on how busy they are and so on, so I make it then it’s ready. Well our kitchen is the second smallest kitchen I have ever seen. Hub isn’t small, he’s a chunky chap, as for me? So, two fatso’s in the kitchen big enough for Mrs Pepperpot, isn’t a good look.

He was flapping over this blooming dishwasher. Pulling out dishes, then pipes. Haha. Seriously, then one of the blooming dogs began to make that awful sound that no dog owner wants to hear.
Yep, the sound of sick. Quickly Hub rushed to the sound and dragged a dog outside. Hopefully that was the right one, but just to make sure, I told the other one to go too. Well, we got one in and the other one started to make that sound too. We realised that it was LF at first as Waggs has a very obvious sound to her puking performances, and why is it that they have hard floors right through an yet they head for the rug?
Let’s say breakfast was on halt.

My insides are wound up and burning. I had to get away from reality so have come to my saviour of writing. Hub is now cooking. But guess what? He has fixed our dishwasher. Yep, again, Hub the electrician. Seriously he is amazing. His Dad and brothers are all good with things like fixing and tools and if Hub could have seen, he would have for sure gone the same way, it’s really in his blood. I don’t know what he did, I don’t care. My dishes are cleaning…

Funny we often talk about if Hub had sight, how different his life would have been. He wouldn’t have had the education he received as he went to a very good school and if you are blind, and have a brain, you have to push and do your best otherwise you will get left behind in society. Thank God for him, he had the push and the right school. Russia, people around me and my lacking in believing in myself let me down big time. Gosh how different my life would be if I only could live it again? So many mistakes but I think only a couple of regrets.

Parents of children who can’t see, you hold the key to your child’s future more so than if your child had sight.

On that note, I will go for now, later will let you know about my friend who is coming and how her life has made a turn around. I hope you have had a good weekend, at least stress free? X

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