
Friday 17 February 2017


Hello Bloggets. It’s that time again, the weekend. Sorry not been here for a couple of days. Yesterday I was so busy I had two interviews to do and a meeting that took longer than I expected. Today, different, I spent a long time at the dentist with Hub. Oh heck. It’s not good. The two thousand pounds has now turned into almost three thousand. So, where to get that amount of money? My poetry won’t even pay for his CT scan. Smile. Good job Hub works full time. For one tooth? They are like vets, not in every respect, haha, but they don’t know what to charge! The dentist is an Indian man, he is so lovely, I think he only see’s specialist cases, and I wish he saw just people who needed little things, I would see him, as he is so sweet and knows his stuff.

I think that one of the girls on reception, is one of Teen’s ex’s. If it is her, she is adorable. Waggs did so very well, it’s not the easiest walk and she gave me confidents today. Little Fella, was as ever amazing. But Waggatail lead the way. Some lady came up to us and said how beautiful the dogs were and what a big mouth LF had? Hahahaha. I didn’t tell her that Guide Dogs like to match the dogs with the owners…

Hub will have phone itis today as he has been on the phone for hours, apart from the time that was spent at the dentist. He has been on with work related issues, constantly.

Teen just rushed in, rushed upstairs, got his gym gear and rushed out, sped down the drive and off with his music in his car blasting. What the hurry is? Crazy.
He will come back, hurry his dinner and shower then rush out to see Shamrock. Rush rush rush.

It’s a beautiful day today. The daffodils are out in our garden. A lady told me the other day that they were looking lovely. The sun is shining and the yellow stuff in the sky is even warm. Oh, it was funny on our way back from the dentist, we passed a beautiful smell, well I thought it was nice. Hub said. Oh, what is that awful smell? I told him it was a shrub that is always out this time of year. He replied it’s awful, I told him I liked it…. Then LF did the almightiest sneeze. Then, cringe time as Hub replied that the smell was like urine….. The man next to the wall as we passed. Said it was the flowers he had in his hand….
Oopsie… A blindie moment…

Oh, the other day I bent down faster than I should have done. People tell me I am so overweight it’s because I move slower than they do… So, I took it upon board as they are right, normally I bend slowly so if there is something in the way, I don’t hurt myself too much. Well wham bam. Whack into an open cupboard door. Right on the corner right in my eye, oh the pain? I thought my eye would drop out right then. The sound of squelch it left me so dizzy and I felt so sick. I don’t know how I didn’t pass out. I felt as if I was going to faint. Oh, the pain? It still hurts two days later, I thought I will look like I have done a few rounds with Mike Tyson! All down my face is cut and Teen said my eye was blood shot and yellow around the socket. I have a lump on my eyebrow and I feel like the elephant woman. Each time I blink, it hurts like mad. Morrel of that story, stuff what everyone else thinks or says, do what is best for yourself.

OK have a good weekend. Stay safe, be grateful for the smaller things in life. Know you are needed by me at least. Hugs to you all. Xxxxxxxx

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