
Tuesday 14 February 2017


Good day Bloggets, today is Valentine’s day. What does this mean to you? To me Valentines is a bit of fun when you are young free and single. To receive a card telling you are loved or at least admired, but to have no name on the bottom. It’s exciting and romantic. Or to dare to tell someone you are attracted to them that you wouldn’t normally tell, but when you are committed Valentines, Shmallentines!!!!

Last night I received some great news my friend’s daughter has just got engaged. I’m so happy for her as he is a good man, but today the same friend told me some very sad news, why can’t some people just be happy, without something awful happening? You can be a friend, but sometimes that isn’t enough. I feel helpless

I have just got in from a lovely walk around our lake. I met with a friend’s Mum. We found all the mud, slid down a bank and avoided the low flying geese, but in the end, we sat at a bench and had a chat only interrupted by a beautiful Labrador with his ball. Oh my, it was so soggy, I threw it for him, hoping not to knock someone’s head off. Oh, not a good idea, he came back and back and back again. Where was his owner? Oh, he was on his way, probably smiling thinking this is the life, out for a stroll whilst others entertain my dog. Haha.

It was so cold though after a while, the late winter sun wasn’t enough, so after putting the world to right, we came home.

Just been in Teen wonders bedroom to see if there are any cups for the dish washer, only went and found a candle I bought at Christmas, just a cheap one, but neither the less, there it was, lurking among his other five candles he has bought. His, are all still full. Mine? Hardly anything left in it. I could smack his leggies. Thankfully they are not my WoodWick ones, he would be in trouble then.

He’s out tonight for Valentine’s day. They are going to a cocktail bar first then onto a very overpriced restaurant. One that I really wouldn’t like to go. More on that tomorrow.

He has bought a brand-new suit to wear, a tie too and Shamrock has a baby blue dress and gold sandals with matching handbag.

So, whilst Hub is eating his mince and potatoes, in front of the TV, me a boring salad, Teen will be doing what he should be doing at his age, enjoying himself. Mind you, he will be so tired. Two days in a row working from half six and tomorrow in as well.

Best go for now, but before I do, some words to think about.

What did the stamp say to the envelope on Valentine’s day?
I’m stuck on you.

(OK, sorry x)

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