
Friday, 17 January 2020


Well hello Bloggets. Here we are at the weekend.  What does the weekend mean for you? To some it’s a break from work, for others no school. For a lot of people, it is time to get very drunk and be ill all tomorrow. Haha. For others it means a lovely day out doing something they have been looking forward to for a full week or more. For others it means getting together with the family and for some it’s a sad time as you used to gather with your family at weekends but now unfortunately miles have ended that tradition and for some people the weekend is the same as any other day. As I have said in other blogs, try to break that sad loneliness this weekend and do something different. It could be you treat yourself to a take away meal on a Friday or Saturday night. Or keep the letter or phone call you make during the week, to a friend for the weekend now. just something to look forward to. Something I am looking forward to is making a tea recipe that you will find the link to at the bottom of my blog. I have Roselyn to thank for  it.


Remember this, nothing happens to you, it happens for you and no matter how hard or painful it may be at the time in most cases afterwards, you can sit back and say, yes, I now understand why that happened when it did. Personally in life I have wondered why it has been so cruel and I am still wondering but in some, cases the horrid things that did happen, I now am either pleased they did work out like that or I at least can understand why they did but sadly we have to wait to learn and that waiting game can sometimes take years before we get the answer.


At the start of the year I had a really good feeling. I just felt like this was going to be our year and I felt so positive. I was so glad to see the back of last year. I will forever miss my lovely friend Kinzie I still go to the phone to call her. The feeling when reality enters my thoughts that I can’t phone her any more is so sad. But I feel her around me. I hope this doesn’t mean she can’t get to where she needs to be to have her life but the selfish part of me loves the fact, I can feel her spirit. It makes me feel so good as if she is looking out for me. She was a believer and I know she would be chosen to be an angel on earth.


 Something out of this world has given me support this year. I feel so content and for the first time in my life, I feel self pride!


I have been in the gym every single day for almost two weeks and though I haven’t lost a single inch, I have lost 3 and a half lbs in weight but moreover, I feel so much fitter. I’m two weeks without bread and that is a huge goal in my life and I don’t even miss it now. I just have to avoid food that I love with bread, like soup.


Because my Husband is on a starvation, sorry, healthy eating regime, we haven’t been eating potatoes. With potatoes for me especially if they are mashed, comes loads of butter. I have also gone onto fully skimmed milk. This is lovely in tea, but not in coffee so I don’t have coffee and that is good as I can’t drink coffee without having chocolate. Don’t get me wrong, I still do eat chocolate, sadly, but I have cut down from a bar a day to one every other day. It doesn’t help that I have a biscuit man who frequents my front door. he came with his tempting van the other day, I should have told him to give me a miss for a while, but no, weak Fifi bought a pack of chocolate wafers from him and they are moreish.


Still managing to grow my fingernails. In fact, I’m typing with them now haha. Again, something I have never ever been able to do before. The gel varnish has made them really hard, so that has helped.


What I love about this year, a lot of my readers and friends are also feeling that this year is a positive one. I wonder why this is? For you reading this, I really hope you have some positivity in your world today and for the rest of the year. Let’s take time to read a few positive quotes to steer us in the right direction?


“Yesterday is not ours to recover, but tomorrow is ours to win or lose.””

Lyndon B Johnson, he was an American politician in the 60’s.


“a good laugh, is sunshine in the house!””

William Makepeace Thackeray. I hope I have that name correct. He was an English author I think he wrote Vanity fair.


“The person who can bring the spirit of laughter into the room, is indeed blessed.””

Bennett Cerf. An American publisher, co-founder of American Random House.


“Correction does much, but encouragement does more.””

Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, who was an extremely brilliant German writer.


My favourite for today, “Find a place inside where there is joy, and the joy will burn out the pain.””

Joseph Campbell he was an American professor of literature.


“Try to surround yourself with positive productive people who are good and kind and get rid of those who drag you down or those you come away from at the end of the day who have made you feel sad or inadequate.

Once you have emptied your life of those people, you have room for good kind positive people.””


© Fiona Cummings





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