
Monday, 6 January 2020


It’s Monday the 6th day in January. Yesterday marked so many years since I first stepped onto Russian soil, or in my case snow! It’s scary to think of how many years considering in my head if I were to make a guess, I would think it was more like 30 years. Well it’s been much more than that. What is 30 years even? I don’t like the fact that more years are behind me than what could be in front of me.


We start the year with a threat of war, I hope it stays as a threat. After all, the normal people on the street don’t wish for death. Thank God our Prime Minister isn’t war hungry.


Whatever the outcome in Australia, the most of the damage is done. The death of half a million creatures and six types could be now extinct. So many people have lost their life and others are living in fear right now. I hope the Australian PM will now sit up and recognise the environment. I’m so sorry for those who have suffered loss because of the bush fires. It’s horrendous. And from the dry heat to the rain and floods in Indonesia, oh my goodness our beautiful world really is crying and suffering.


Everyone should have said goodbye to Christmas now and all decorations may be down now for another year? Perhaps like me, you didn’t really bother with a tree this year? I have to say, I didn’t miss not having one. And life was a lot easier, but I hope to resume in December as I have always done.


What will this year bring for us all?

Well on our news a computer will now take part in rest cancer scans and it’s said that the computer will be more accurate and  take the place of one specialist as right now, there has to be two specialists to check out results of a mammogram but this computer program  will do the job better leaving more time for the other specialist to work  elsewhere. I think from reading, we are to find a lot of research results in using animal organs to replace our broken parts like heart liver even parts of the eyes.

Whilst we have already seen the end of some species, I believe marine biology will take part to try to save what we as humans haven’t already destroyed in our oceans.


November in the US is a big one as they will decide whether or not to continue allocating to provide over five billion dollars to the great work, they are doing already around stem cell treatment I hope that is successful.


A Chinese Scientist who produced genetically altered babies has been sent to jail for three years. What a waist of a great brain.


I hope we find a cure for Alzheimer’s. There is a lot of research going into this. Like everything it’s all about money first brains second but determination throughout. With regards to my eye disease, well, I have always said that we need someone who has RP, to find that cure. Latest news on RP research?  Is positive and our PM in the UK is going to work hard this year as it’s 2020, I think there will be a lot of interest around eyes.


JCyte is the most hopeful so far, and I read that 2023 they will be starting to treat us to reverse blindness but I don’t think this will be a cure, just improvement, well right now I would be happy with that. I think this year phase 3 will take part in research and if that is successful, then bring it to us please?


Right now, writing to you, I find it really hard to imagine that one day I may not need speech on my lap top to chat with you. To see a screen for me is a dream that I really hope will come true, though I think I shall miss my little man in my lap top Jaws. I just wish Jaws wasn’t so expensive. Almost a thousand pounds just for software? But it’s the most amazing software I really don’t know what I would do without it and those awful torturous typing classes at school that I hated so much, well, thank God for touch typing, it’s something I never forgot once learned.


So, the conclusion of my blog, I hope for peace and treatment or a fabulous discovery for treating blindness this year. I hope you are all happy in this New Year and it’s a new start for us all.



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