
Wednesday, 8 January 2020


As I sit down for half an hour to chat with you all, I can tell you I don’t like the action going on in our sky. We live close to a military base and the jets have been very active today, more than usual!


With the currant situation in Iran and so on, I pray for peace. I wish Jesus or someone from space who we will all look up to with an open heart, mind and pride would come to earth to tell us all to calm down, to treat those who are in our lives and share our earth with love generosity and respect and most of all appreciate the earth we have been given to choose to live on!


Are some people genetically modified to enjoy hurt pain and hatred? How are there people who just want to live in harmony and then there are others who always have to prove something. I hope the latest hits on the American bases and the tragic news of the flight that came down in our early hours will now stop. We have lost some innocent and some cruel people. A new start I hope for, for all of us.


No more fighting talk. No more hateful words, do those words make people feel better? How would they like those words said to them or their family? Some of the things that have been said of late really are so unnecessary and certainly won’t do those people any good. An expression is different to a curse!


I really believe what goes around comes around. Perhaps not in this life, but definitely in the next.


A couple of headlines that caught my attention today are. Can Australia remain habitable? I’m so sure it can, I don’t know why headlines try to scare people. There is a lovely message from our Prince Charles at the bottom of this blog and he speaks I’m sure for us all.


My Husband is working from home today and our dogs are driving me crazy. They have their Christmas toys out and they love them. I don’t think I have seen our Little Fella so happy. I mean, he is a happy soul, but he is beyond happiness he is as if so excited and no way you would think my little Waggatail was almost nine.


Whatever makes dogs think that we really want their wet and chewed on toys on our lap? And what makes us act in front of them as if they have brought us the best gift ever? I guess it’s love. But as I am trying to write to you all, I’m not appreciating a huge gorilla placed on my keyboard.


At the weekend we spent a lovely day with my brother and sister in law. We exchanged Christmas gifts. We were both so busy before Christmas they were delayed. I got a lovely necklace. It’s grey beads with a grey and silver metal angel wing. It’s so pretty. My brother in law saw it and knew it had to be for me. I love gifts that are picked from the heart. Hub was happy with his gift too, he got a very nice bottle of whisky, though that will have to wait a few weeks before he can drink it as he has to lose weight before the end of next month to participate in what our Son has bought him for Christmas. Though to be honest, he really doesn’t have to loss that much a couple of lbs perhaps, but he wants to lose weight just for his health, and good luck to him I know he will do it.


I haven’t had bread for about five days and I am now drinking skimmed milk…. Opposed to semi skimmed. Today was the third day in a row I have been in our gym. I’m so proud of myself and I never feel pride. But every year I try to do this and every year I fail. I have decided I can’t keep being a failure and I have to do this as no one else is going to do it for me.


Hubs brother brought their little dog with them at the weekend. He is so cute. The dog, not my Bro in law, hahaha, he’s too butch to be cute. My Waggatail really showed me up. she was so naughty and acted like a real spoiled brat. We were all chatting and my SIL said, oh look, Waggs has got a chew stick…. I was thinking, hang on a minute, we don’t have a chew stick. Oh, after she finished it, she only went to my sister in laws handbag to pop her head in for another one… yeah, they belonged to their little dog and Wags stole it. And not only one, but she went for another, that is cheeky and greedy but she got worse, when my SIL realised that Waggs had done that, she then gave them all a chew. Waggs took it upon herself to take the stick from the poor little dogs’ mouth and eat it. Oh, I was furious with her and the sad thing was, the little dog spent a lot of time licking Waggs mouth as if to say, I know it’s in there, can I have it back please? So, Hub gave him a one of our dogs treats and left out the very naughty Wagging one.


 Our Son looked so tired last night. He has really grown up of late. He has always been older than his years, but he seems different somehow. He has a very exciting few weeks ahead of him. Hub and I are so proud of him.


Though the temperature outside says it’s 7 degrees Fahrenheit, it really feels more like a big fat zero! My bones are so cold. My Mum God bless her used to say I’m cold to the bone and I never used to understand that expression until a couple of years ago.


We are off tonight with friends to a pub. Our friend won’t be impressed when he learns Hub is on his fitness regime. He likes a drinking partner. Well he will just have to enjoy our magnificent company instead, haha.


Did you know that an octopus has three hearts? Their blood is thicker which is better for them in the ocean and the three hearts act like a pumping and filtering mechanism. How brilliant is that? And everything is just an accident? Yeah, right.


I hope you have done something today that made you feel proud. I hope you have found words either spoken to you or written for you that have made you think and reflect and perhaps feel better because of them. As I said to a much-loved lady this is your New Year, your new start.


I hope you have your plans written out for your dreams to come true this year? Dreams that are possible. a little change goes a long way.



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