How is it even possible to love someone with all your heart,
soul and mind, your body and every single breath you take and for them to feel
the same way about you but one day, it’s all over? One day you are left crushed
or, you have crushed someone you had those feelings for. how can that even be? If you are the one who
has been hurt then how do you carry on? If you are the one hurting someone
else, then how could you change so much?
How does anyone recover from such agony? Do they ever? Do they
just live each day as it comes but really, they are just an existence in our
huge world suffering in the worst pain they have ever known?
How does that person who is the torturer wake up each day
smiling and sleep every night in peace knowing what they have done to someone?
Do you think in life everyone you know of, or have heard of
can possibly know what you are going through? Is that you being arrogant or
If this pain is common, there would be a cure for it right?
If you are the one who is hurting someone, surely you should
be facing Kama?
What if you have hurt someone unintentionally, and totally
regret it and want to make up but the person you have hurt won’t let you back
into their life? what if you are suffering so badly for your actions but there
is no light at the end of the tunnel?
Everyone is allowed to make a mistake, it’s your reasoning
for making that mistake and how you deal with it I would guess. But what if at
that time in your life, you didn’t know any other way to do other than what you
What if you are suffering from other people’s consequences
and all you want is to have that love back you once had, the respect that shadowed
you from that person who is now hurting you?
What happens next, you have done something that is really damaging
and you want to fix it, how do you do that? Or, you have been on the receiving
end of a torturous tongue and someone who has totally broken your heart so
badly, you think it’s absolutely impossible to be fixed?
For both cases, I can only suggest time, hope and calmness.
They say time is a great healer. Hmm. Well I am not sure
about healing, but time gives us chance to work out life and how we are going
to deal with it. So, we may not heal in time, but time will teach us how to
deal with life.
Hope, if we have hope, we have a chance. To forgive and be
And finally, to be calm. Not to rush into anything. Breathe,
keep calm relax and listen to our heart and head. Hold off on those words that
are just bursting to escape your mouth.
There is such a thing called deep thoughts.
© Fiona Cummings
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