
Tuesday 15 July 2014


So day one. We went for lunch, oh it was help yourself buffet. Teen kindly got our food. We offered to help, but he said he wanted to do it.  Hub said he would get a member of staff to help, but teen was adamant to help. What would I get? What would Hub get? It was all in the hands of our seventeen year old.


The huge restaurant/cafe was on the top floor. It was packed. Well, I got potatoes, rice, green beans and popadongs. Very healthy, right? Oh my diet? I weighed myself before I left and I was ehem, stone and ehem pounds. What would I be on my return?


As for Hub? Oh boy. He had meat, meat and more meat as well as fish and some fish. Now what kind? I think some of it was tuna, but not sure about the rest.

Teen had the same but we knew he would work it off in the gym, if he would be brave enough to do it solo?


There were loads of cakes but I’m not a cake person unless it’s home made cake, like coffee and walnut cake, yummy. These were cream cakes, yack and double yack.


Left there and had a walk around. The clientele? Well, it was a little early to notice really, but as for age? I was surprised there were quite a few young people on the ship. One baby, a couple of toddlers and a couple of children under ten. Then half a dozen of kids a little under Teens age and a few a little older than teen. There were a few people about ten years younger than us, then some about half a dozen again our age and older, then the rest were Nana’s and Grand Pops.

So a big age gap after us. About thirty years. I wonder why? Of course, this is me using my hearing remember, but that is quite accurate.

Well, until I have the MD from PnO cruises contacting me putting me in my place? Hahahaha.


The Captain introduced himself as we entered deck seven I think? To see the ship leave the port. I must say, he sounded rather dashing. He was dry as he said that the ship were preparing to untie the big bits of string. Of course he meant rope.

I, hope?


Most people headed for the twelth deck as that was where the big party was happening. Flag flying and loud music, not us, we were on the peaceful deck.


Teen found it rather funny that there were a couple of Japanese ladies on the ship waving British flags. Then the best thing happened. Our ship tooted its horn once, then the ship leaving at the same time as us, tooted back, then silly old me went into my make believe Fifi imagination and before you know it, my mouth spoke allowed before my brain caught up.


“Oh listen, the ships are talking to each other!!!!!!!!”

Oh God, it was one of those moments as I had tears in my eyes with the relief of the past two weeks or two years of absolute hell, when Hub did his chuckle as he does, followed with a

“Oh, bless!”

OK, Fiona, behave yourself. I told myself and act normal.

Normal? Mwa?

I have never been normal, if I started that game, I would be someone else. Hub says he loves my silly moments, me I just cringe. I really believed for a millisecond that they were talking to one another and had little personalities. Hahahaheheheeheh.


OK, Bloggets, back to business. So all the passengers teen said waved to our ship, so we waved back. I hope in the right direction?


It was a great moment I won’t forget. I was with the two most loved people in my life and away from troubles of back in the UK. As far away as I could get please?


No cleaning, no cooking no worrying about reading the mail, if there was a stain on the clothes I was about to put into the washing machine, what colours was I putting in our washing machine? No ironing, floors to clean, dusting cleaning bird seed, asking teen to fill his Canary’s, Irish you know, water and check his food? Wondering where my boy was and who he was with? Brushing the dogs, feeding them their particular foods at the right times? Then cleaning up what their bodies were rejecting? OK, that’s a little gross, but you know what I mean, as I hate doing the dog run. Three dogs equals a lot of you know what’s.

No being alone in my big empty house. Having two very intelligent people to talk with. This was going to be great right?


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