
Tuesday 29 July 2014


Homemade bread in the oven and chicken cooking. My Son is having a lovely holiday of sport. He is out every day playing tennis or football and going to the gym. I really remember the days and I mean days, as I’m sure they didn’t last a year, when I was fit like him. I would wake each day and do a hundred sit ups followed by press ups and more, then go for a jog.

I can’t even lift my foot up the stairs now, let alone anything else? Looking how unfit I am, my boy doesn’t believe how fit I was and who can blame him?


But that was from fifteen till sixteen. Though I feel so unwell of late, since my big operation a couple of years ago when I had a hysterectomy, I’m a broken doll, but I am slowly losing weight so this has to help? My joints are crushed and the tablets I’m taking now to get this fluid from my eyes are really aging me. My friend Flexi has started a yoga class. I would love to join, but really the eighty year old Nana’s will show me up, as they will be legs around necks, and won’t even be their own necks? But passers-by? Hahaha. All that whilst I’m still trying to get on the floor.


Joking, I’m not that bad.

I would be able to get on the floor.

Just not back up again….


My workmen left now and they were great. So thank God all sorted but let me tell you yesterday was a blooming nightmare.

I used stupidly the wrong key in the garage door. Our key to our gates is the same to feel as our garage door. Yep, you can guess the rest? I got the gates key in the lock to our garage and it got stuck. Couldn’t open the garage to get to the tools and so on for the workmen.


My lovely neighbours tried bless them but no luck. I waited fourteen weeks for the work men to come and now half a job?

Well, no, thank God the guy today managed to open the door and remove the broken key. As for our spare key to our gates? Em. Where did I put it?


Yesterday I went out with my friend for her birthday. We went to a new restaurant called Cosmos. It’s a help yourself and it’s food from Italy, China, Japan, India and Spain. There were eight of us in the end. My other neighbour came too, the lady who was always too scared to talk to me. Well, she was lovely and I hope I put her fears to bed? I shall tell you a funny story. My friend is called Diane. Her Mum is Eileen. Her Mother in law is also Eileen and her, daughter, so my friends Sister in law, is also Diane! How odd is that?

Well, Di went with me for my food, oh she’s really great, there’s never an issue and I got what I wanted. Bless her. So I picked my own food. All grown up an all. Haha. But most times places like that the person we are with, picks it for us to make their life easier and I guess who can blame them? Rather than taking me along with them. I will also tell you that never before on one plate, I have had Indian food, Chinese English and Italian.


Then for dessert. OMG? I’m not a pudding person or a cream cake person, but when it comes to homemade cakes like proper cakes, take me there? And a chocolate fountain? Oh God. Just lay me down under that tap and I shall tell you what heaven is like.


It was great, my young friend went with us too, and she’s 16 and the daughter of my friend. So all ages, from Mums of almost eighty, but you would never think it, they are so fit. To young Chloe oh and a four year old, boy and his Mum in her thirty’s to one lady in her late fifties, birthday lady who was fifty and me, just 32……..

“Stop it!!!!!


Back home to see my poor Husband who had to fend for himself for tea. I hate doing that. I really feel it’s my job to have his tea ready even though he never ever says so and is quite happy to cook for himself.


Because I couldn’t cook for so many reasons, I won’t go into now….. Walls have ears…… My Son didn’t eat. Well, I’m not sure why as the house has loads of food, but unless it’s chicken he’s not interested. He’s now gone off salmon for some reason. Always loved it, must have had it somewhere and must have been horrible, so he’s put off now. As it was always a favourite of his.


OK, now must go and see to my dogs, they need grooming and letting out. Then it is the good old job of the dog run.

Then I have to dust as workmen made a lot of that.


I guess before that, I must eat. I had forgotten to do that again, this is very bad and I was getting out of such stupid habits.


Oh, only two days before the hospital visit again for my eyes. Still have the fluid mark on my eye. I was hoping it would go before I saw them? As there is nothing but an operation after the tablets. And I’m not doing that yet for sure.


Another hot day here in the North of England. We have had a couple of weeks now of heat. It’s like being abroad.

Later with love. X

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