
Friday 18 July 2014


Well today I had to go to the Doctors. Hub left LC. Oh the temptation to take her rather than Wagga was so high. An easy walk to the doctors, or a totally stress one where I could get killed or at least get lost, not to mention tripping up?

Well, you know, I put my faith in my Waggatail and decided to take her.


I can tell you as I put on her harness, leash and took in my pocket her treats, doggy bag for that horrible realisation that you will have to feel the pathways to see where she has polluted? And my mobile. I turned the key in the door, and my heart didn’t even pound. This is twice now I have been out and twice I have not felt as though I am walking on a tightrope.


I have taught myself to keep calm. To breathe, this is very important. If I let myself panic, I am stuffed and lost and dizzy. My mouth gets dry and I just feel as though I am going to faint.


Did I teach myself this technique, or is it time for me to be trusting in my dog now? Hmm. Not sure. And I can say I don’t trust her either, but, I’m getting there or I wouldn’t have took her today? I pray no one will talk to me on the way. I don’t want to loss concentration. If I do then we are totally in a mess. My Wagga needs 100% attention. If I don’t give her this, we get lost, or walk onto the oncoming traffic. I now know this. Whereas Hubs dog, when he walks her, he can talk to others, he can laugh, have a joke, and answer the phone anything. Me? No, I have to dedicate my time every step to my dog. And if this is what it takes to get to the Doctors and shops, this is what I have to do. I am exhausted when I get back, as it takes every part of my body to do this.


Oh I did get bitten by the nasty thorns though on the way there. They reach out and grab me every time.


The smells of the roses right now are so lovely. The fragrance from the sun on hot days too is wonderful. But the rain today decided to come down on us.


My dog hates rain too so I thought Oh God, not another obstacle?


The rain makes the soil smell so real. Alive and so good for me. I need anything that is good for me right now, believe me.


Every now and then I feel the ridge in the middle of the path, this tells me I’m still on route’s a relief when I find that, or she finds it.


We found the door, though sniffer dog found something more interesting to smell before we got there. So a tug on her leash and off we went. She walked me right to the handle inside the reception to the second doors.


She was great, walked me to the desk and from then on we were fine.


I saw the Doctor and off to the chemist. Did I tell you that when a guide dog walks back, she doesn’t say that it is the same walk in reverse, but it’s a totally different walk for them? I don’t know how our guide dog people know this, but it’s supposed to be true.


So she put her nose on the door of the chemist and in we went. All the way home safe with the promise that she will get her dinner.


Oh now home, tired. Feel wiped, but so pleased with myself and more so with my dog.


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