
Monday 28 July 2014


It’s another start to another week. I have had workmen in all week, so been busy. Saturday we had a street BBQ and today I’m out with my neighbour who has her 50th birthday tea. There are about six of us going so should be nice. I can’t get out to get her a card, so will have to give her one out from my box set I bought. I hate this. A card shop is not where we know how to get to and if we bought one from the local shop, it will be one like other people have bought as one person works there and it’s easy for others to get to. The ones in our town are impossible to find. I kind of hinted to my Son to get one for me but he told us to learn the route ourselves. This is one of the harsh facts of reality of being blind. We have had someone of late telling us how messy our garden is with weeds, well, that’s kind, if you feel strong enough to comment on that, are you not strong enough to dig them out? Obviously not. I wanted a garden party for our friend from Russia this weekend, a couple of months ago I told my friend Di I was going to have one. But that is a good job it didn’t happen as they would think they were in a jungle. I’m being slightly over the top; it’s not as bad as the person who told us it was a mess said. Really, I have seen so much worse from people with sight. But because we can’t see, of course this is why our garden is messy. Well that is what they will say.

My friend from Russia went to a castle with her family for her birthday. She was in England for her first birthday in the 25 years we have known each other, but us or a castle? I bet you can guess who won? They have had a lovely weekend for it. The weather is stunning.

Oh my black shelves I got done last year? Well, my painter yesterday told me they were not black, but mahogany. I am furious. I told the joiner I wanted them black, like the piano... I’m really fed up with this dam blindness I’m living with. If only I could see even a bit, how easy our lives would be? I’m fed up with workmen taking a blend of us. Oh we can’t see, so we will obviously only want half a job done. This is their attitude. I’m also fed up with people I thought I could trust letting me down. At the end of the day, I can only trust myself and this is the way I will be forever.

OK, grump over. Not had a good week. Just when the workmen finished on Friday, they left the house in one hell of a state. Knowing we can’t see, they could have at least tried to clean the bits of metal up and grit? I mean dust I can deal with. The rest I had to deal with. Cups of tea left on our landing floor. Why can’t they bring them to the sink? I only found them because when I was hoovering, I knocked them over. Good job they were empty.

I will never forget the weekend I spent in Norway last year with my Husbands job. It was amazing and if I were a millionaire, I would live like this. We were in a forest in a centre that was so lovely, clean and comfortable. We were surrounded by blind representatives from all over Europe. They were highly intelligent people too and the staff were sighted, but paid to make sure we wanted for nothing. We had freedom they were amazing, they didn’t look at us as though we were freaks or go silent as we entered the room. It was the only normal weekend I have ever had in my life. We were all one and away from the big bad world in this magnificent forest of beauty with animals and unspoiled nature, but had luxury too.


Some people say blindness or going blind is not a death sentence, well, is it not? How many people commit suicide?

How many feel like doing so? Just today I banged my head as I bent down to pick something from the floor. I banged it on our kitchen worktops. I walked into a half opened door taking tea to the lads. I couldn’t find my other shoe to let the dogs out. Oh this is just this morning. I know these are not huge issues, but they do wear you down. Not being able to buy things when we need them and when we do things around the house, everything takes so long. I have a bruise on my leg as I had to go into our garage and there is stuff everywhere. I have a cut on my face from an overhanging rose and cuts to my fingers from the thorns too. This is from yesterday and this morning. I’m anxious about the hospital again on Friday. I’m off on my own and hate it. OK, it’s hot it’s Monday and I really mean it now, my grump is really over.

I am writing a great novel. I can’t publish this one on here, but when it gets published for real, in a book, all grown up and so on, I shall let you know about it. Let’s just say its different and a true story but not about me.


My Son just made me a cup of tea. I have to eat with these tablets I am taking, for the fluid in my eye. It’s no different after a month. But I am getting all the side effects. Oh my God. The best thing in the world is, I was told I wouldn’t as only the elderly would get the symptoms.  Haha. What does that tell me?


OK food time and start to clean the dust from my conservatory. The boys are cooking for themselves tonight. I’m eating out, so day off. I shall have to try to stop myself from making anything, though I think I will cook the chicken. What they do with it is up to teen as he will be head cheff. I’m out at tea time with the ladies. We won’t be ladies who do lunch, but ladies who do not so light tea. X

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