
Tuesday 13 March 2018


I guess I shall be writing this blog in two parts as it’s approaching 1 am now. I should be at least trying to go to bed to sleep. I miss my Hub when he’s not here. At least my Son stayed home tonight as did Shamrock.


Do you feel like this, when you are on your own in the house, it has a totally different sound to what it does when you are downstairs writing knowing there are people upstairs totally silent? I mean, the kids are as quiet as mice, not even creaking the floorboards. But the house isn’t as quiet as it would be if they were out. Just an observation.


My Son has had a fun night with Waggatail. He’s been hyper with her and she has loved it. It helped her to forget for a while the Little Fella. Our LF is in a hotel room now with Hub. I hope Hub remembers to leave the bathroom door open when he showers etc as when he closes it, LF decides to help the maids and strips the bed. Nothing is torn, just no sheets at all are left on the bed when Hub comes back into the room.


Well, is this the last night when we are half friendly with Russia? They have just hours to go to explain themselves before some kind of action will commence. We really do live in a dangerous scary world. And leaders are becoming madder and are more controlling. Some nasty like dictators. My experience in years gone by in Russia, I fear we are more at danger than what we were in days of the so called cold war. We have gone beyond frosty, frozen and hypothermia has for sure kicked in!


I just don’t know why a gas in the air can’t be sprayed by huge helicopters that makes people calm as I am sure there is something being done to make us more angry and aggressive.


Well, it is the next day now. I really didn’t sleep. It was after four this morning when I checked the time and I was cold, so, tired and just about to close my eyes. I went to bed on many thoughts as always but last night was no exception. Someone on Facebook had the audacity to tell a man who was going to be trained with his first guide dog, not to publish his life on Facebook. Oh, my goodness. Who did she think she was or is? I think her comments were the most patronising I have ever seen on Facebook and I just hope that this man dumps her. Her language to him was despicable. She isn’t his girlfriend or wife and even if she was, who is she to tell him what he can publish and not? I only hope he sees this chance with his guide dog as a break from her and a new chapter to his freedom. Of course, I had my say to her. And her answer back was as equally as unintelligent and obscure as her first comment to this guy. Thankfully he has plenty of good people to support him. It reminded me though of times when I was weak and when you have those rare moments of inspiration or positive energy, oh, it’s great. Sadly, for me they don’t last…


A blast from my past the other day, a really lovely friend from school called me from a mobile of another mutual friend from the same school. Gosh to hear her voice, she hasn’t changed. And, it was just like we had never been apart for 35 years. I can say it was the most comfortable conversation I just loved it. And I’m so very pleased she has found a true friend in our mutual pal who is so lovely too. We all went through crap back then, but we are survivors.


Before I go also on Facebook last night I had to chuckle as someone was talking about a talk they gave at a school of young children. The questions we get asked when we give talks is so funny. I’m sure the teachers cringe, but we are used to it and in fact most of us like that part of the day the most. The questions from the four and five-year olds are the best. Like one child asked a man.

“What happened to your hair?””

Another question was does your dog brush themselves? Does your dogs tail get tired of wagging? I was asked can my dog fly and the best one. “When you are driving your car… How do you know when to stop?”” I just answered I don’t drive. I wouldn’t be safe… Neither would anyone else be on the roads…


But it’s not always children who make me laugh. Adults too!

I remember when I was at a lunch with my Husband. He was on one table and I on another the two ladies opposite didn’t know Hub and I were married. So, the blind lady said to the sighted person she was with… “How long will he talk for? I want my dinner. I can’t hear him…”” (She was hard of hearing) Then she said the best bit… “I’m sure that is the same man as last year.”” Then the sighted person said. “No, this year the man is grey…””


Well, last year it was my Husband, obviously he has more grey hairs now. Haha.


Take care and be in control of your own life.

“for those who can’t drive cars, let’s drive our futures””

Fiona Cummings


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