
Wednesday, 30 October 2019


Good day Bloggets. It’s so cold here in England. The nights are closing their curtains before 5 p.m. now November is knocking on Autumns door!


Gosh what a busy week in our household. So much going on. Proud of both of my boys this week. Our Son went for his job interview last Friday as he had to apply for his own job. Sounds odd but fact. I am so happy he was told he did so well in the interview he was offered the job that very day. He felt so bad because other people have been there some time but didn’t get offered their jobs or even other jobs, I told him it’s sad but he has to look out for himself as selfish as that sounds. Thankfully on Monday his colleagues were so lovely to him. His boss said to him there may be some animosity but thankfully for Boy Wonder, they were fine to him. And then my Husband went for his fifth and final interview for a promotion in his workplace and found out on Monday, he has been invited to take up the role! So, both my boys now are in big boy jobs.


And then there is me!!!!


You know when you are in a race and people are overtaking you and you are just so far behind you think to yourself why did I bother running? Haha, well I shall continue to hand out the juice and snacks I think that will be my job for life, unless one day I become a best seller…… well a girl can dream and you know what they say, dreams can come true, right?


Something I was talking with a friend about the other day was restaurant etiquette.

Are there any manners anymore? I went to a restaurant with my Son and his girlfriend it was a nice place very posh inside but the staff and clientele were far from polite. The waiters were rather casual. The customers were so loud and the music was blasting no wonder people were talking with their best school play voices. To be heard…


But the table cloths were very nice as was the crockery and food was delicious. The surroundings apparently were beautiful but as a person who can’t see, I listened and to me it wasn’t the expensive posh places I used to frequent as a child whilst being wowed by the press.


So, what I was taught and I have recently read up on this and it still is the correct way to behave in restaurants so let’s see if you have restaurant etiquette? Haha, here goes.

1, dress nicely

2, the table next to you shouldn’t be able to hear your conversation.

3, keep from the table, your elbows, cell phone/mobile phone, purse and keys.

4, wait for your guest to order first. If you are in company with a few people ask the ladies what they would like first.

5, if you are waiting for your guests, it’s polite not to be seated until they arrive…

6, if your waiter doesn’t place your napkin on your lap, then after your guest has placed theirs on their lap it’s your turn to copy. If you go to the bathroom during a meal, leave your napkin on your chair and when you have finished your meal, then you can put the napkin on your table.

7, agree with your companions whether or not your want appetisers. Try to always order the same amount of courses so you finish around the same time.

8, I really don’t like this one, but if you have wine, you hold your glass by it’s stem. I don’t trust myself with that one. We all know it’s not polite to drink from a cup without holding the handle, oh, my Mum used to really tell me off if I picked my cupper up without holding the handle, and just putting my hands around the cup. Hug a cup…. Some people get so anxious how to be when dining out, they forget to enjoy themselves, I guess if you imagine what you look like and your actions, then if it looks wrong, then it probably is, well, wrong.


Something I was reading today; scientists are telling us that the origin of modern humans have all been traced back to Botswana


So, is Africa the motherland of us all?


Will we ever know the true origin of life? how it began? I don’t think we will and by the time we get close to finding out the answers, I fear we may have ended life on earth by then.


I have so many questions, if we are to have derived from apes, then how come monkeys have not evolved into humans? What made us become human and monkeys stay monkeys. If my Son were here now, I am sure he would have that answer. Please educate me?


Also, if we keep evolving, then what will we become next? Or have we reached the zenith of possibilities? And finally, Neanderthals they looked so different to us. Were they different? And why? Oh, I am so interested in such subjects but have no clue at all.


I bought some beautiful flowers today. Orange and yellows! I guess autumn colours also to represent fire for Guy Fawkes night on the 5th of November.


They smell so lovely and three of them are the most unusual flowers I have ever seen. They almost look plastic they are so perfect. In the bouquet there are roses lily’s and chrysanthemums and two kinds I don’t recognise.


I filled three vases with them two medium and one small. I love flowers. Now because I can’t see them, I must remember to keep giving them fresh water.


So, Fifi why do you have flowers if you can’t see them?

Answer. Why do you have dreams if you know they will never be reality? Why do you keep those jeans that have not fit you for years? And just because I can’t see, doesn’t mean I want to live in a world of dark tunnels. If I know there is colour in my room, I feel happier. And if I can smell them even better. I even get a buzz out of making them look nice in my vase.


When I first went blind, I was so sad when it came to flowers. As I used to be obsessed by putting them in order of colour but now, I can’t do that but I am so over caring if there are two the same colour next to each other or if flowers clash.


I guess that is what being blind for years does, gets you used to reality, but you never learn to really except it I’m sure. People cope and they may tell themselves they are fine but I believe the only people who truly are happy as in the same as they were when they had sight are those who have help at the push of a button. Don’t get me wrong, if I were to win the Lotto, I wouldn’t become one of those people who do nothing who gets people to cook and iron for them but I would enjoy the fact that life wasn’t full of challenges now that can be exhausting.


Something I wanted to do for my Husband this week but when I looked into it, it’s impossible for us to do so we have had to scrap that idea. We are very limited. But we deal with what we are given. And now I put flowers in my vase without crying like I used to as it really did hurt me that I no longer could see flowers. I do miss colours. But such is life.


Talking of seeing, or not seeing, there is a brilliant link at the bottom of this blog. It’s good news for those of us with RP.


Just before that, a paragraph of positivity!

Happiness oftern sneaks in through a door you didn’t know you left open. (John Barrymore)

Life has no remote, get up and change it yourself (Mark A Cooper)

This is my absolute favourite quote ever. “I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be!”” (Douglas Adams)

I have read so many times you start the day with a positive routine and the rest of your day will follow. I really believe this, but it’s actually starting that routine though, isn’t it? This is why a good healthy breakfast is so good followed may be by a walk or wheel along a peaceful path and the knowledge that by lunch time you have something just nice going to happen, plan a meeting with a positive friend or neighbour? I know this isn’t always possible and for my dear readers who can’t get out of the house for whatever reason, try to think of what you can do positive around the place you live? It can be so small, just something different to start with may be something you haven’t done for a long time. A beautiful friend of mine has started to paint. She says she isn’t really good at it, but so what? it fills her heart with joy, and that is so important. Be creative. A clean house also helps to have a positive mind. If you are living in a room full of mess you will feel a mess. May be your new routine will be to do a little housework each morning? Then by the end of the week look at what you have achieved.


For those who ar in a new relationship and are really happy, great, I know of a few of you who are experiencing that now, and for those of you who have just split up from your love, I’m so sad for you. It’s horrible especially when you had such plans together in life.


Are you now wondering if it’s even worth carrying on? I can tell you yes. Honestly give it time please and then you, can be one of those annoying people who are telling others to hang in there as there is better out there for you, I promise.


This year life has dealt us some really bad cards. As a family we have lost a lot. Well last week showed that two positives have occurred in our life especially our Sons and my Husbands. And out of that I guess I will be happier. I have been offered an opportunity this week but whether I will be brave enough to step out there away from my comfort zone, is another story that I am sure one day I will relay to you.


Hold your heart, keep it together and give yourself time to heal. Your life has a plan, things happen for a reason. At the time we just can’t understand why that has happened, but soon it will all make sense.


To my beautiful C, you know who you are, you have so much to live for and so many people love you and need you and one day soon I am sure, when the time is right, perfect, you will be fed with the gift of happiness, kindness and just what is right for you not only now, but for your future.


And after my blog on me visiting a medium, what she told me about the future of my vision, well, I still dream and still look out for us all. This to me is great news.






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