
Thursday, 4 June 2020

#PoetryByFionaCummings CLOSED BEHIND DOORS



Closed behind doors

Thank God for my four paws

She seems to know

I have to be alone

Sure, there’s a voice on the phone

But no hand to hold

No smile to see

Just my dog and me

A prisoner locked in

Without committing a crime

Sadness deep with in

More than a moment in time

Months have gone by

Tears I cry

Will life ever be normal again

Or is this the new pain

No one seems to be taking action

For those who are to blame

I don’t understand people’s reaction

So calm but I’m going insane

I can’t look out of my window

As there is nothing there

The world has gone away

As if no one to care

But the birds sing their sweet song

And then I feel I belong

And then I read of human destruction

And life for them goes on

No one has learned a lesson

We should have read this as a blessing

Our world is dying

Some, humans are crying


But what can we do?

The wrong people are suffering

Whilst the evil continue

What will the outcome be?

Let’s wait and see


© Fiona Cummings


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