
Thursday, 28 November 2019

A LICENCE TO FLY #PoetryByFionaCummings




Heaven has welcomed another angel this year

Each frozen raindrop represents a tear

How we miss her, the pain we feel

Is it a nightmare, or is it real?

I imagine her, flying with her new wings

Following closely, the choir sings

In the distance, the old church bell rings

I think of her, perched up high

Watching down on us, from the starry sky

Floating by, on a fluffy cloud

Picking those out she loves, from a crowd

Making sure they are okay

Shaking her head at us for wanting her to stay

She knows we feel so much pain

If only she could tell us, one day we will meet again

But she was needed elsewhere

This makes us angry, as we miss her so

We ask the Lord, why she had to go

Inside her soul she did care

But her job on earth was done

She had more to give more to share

How fortunate are those souls who she now helps?

Walls of ice she will melt

Barriers she will break down

Picking up people who have found a frown

Making them feel like they belong

She is the gift giver who carries on

I just miss her very much

Each day I cry

But then I think of my angel, in the sky

Flying with her new wings

Feeding the birds, she loved as they sing

Crashing into the silver stars

Reaching up to the sun so far

A big smile, upon her face

As she learns to fly, in her new place


© Fiona Cummings


To my Dearest Vivi each day I ache for you.



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