
Thursday, 30 July 2020


Hi Bloggets, how are you all doing? I hope you are well and safe from modern day nasties. Our world is dying but we can hope to live by changing our lives. Our beautiful garden song has left who knows for the season, or, to get away from the pollution as people now are back at work and forgetting they have legs, so, more cars are on our roads. For those who are not back at work, who are stressed and worried about your future, I really hope something will happen today or this next few day to show you a new path you can take for employment. But I know that is so difficult, again, we can hope, without hope, what do we have left?


Thank you for your emails asking why I am not writing as much partly because I am busy sorting out life and partly because I know that nightmares from our past are reading this and I don’t want them to know our business. In fact, I wish they would just be happy with their own life and have a life of interest of their own, but sadly they are totally obsessed in our life, sad little people. Most of my Bloggets know where you can read more from our days and it’s where the horrors don’t know.


Last night before bed, I decided to hurry on my way around the house well, downstairs, and vacuum the floors, after cleaning the kitchen work tops and emptying the dishwasher. Then I put some cleaning cloths on a short wash but after fifteen minutes of my washing machine been on, I noticed my dryer was on, but then my dog asked for a drink, oh, yes, she can talk you know? Haha. I put some water in her dish, and as you do find another job to do. Empty the bin. This was at about half eleven at night. I remembered, turn off dryer. I did. Then I tidied the sitting room, then realised the washing machine was finished so, went to remove the wet cloths. Oh. No. gosh. Heck.


Well earlier I hadn’t turned off the dryer, but the washing machine and when it has been turned off for a while, you can open the door. No matter if there is still water in there. Hahahaha let’s say my kitchen floor got one heck of a wash.

So, did I.

You know that sound, when there is nothing you can do, so you just stand there and let it happen as you are in shock?


I was walking along the beach the other day when our friend said there was a nudist laying with his bum in the air his front in the sand…. It was a freezing cold day too. I was shocked and disgusted as small children were playing around there. I was willing my dog to go and pee on him. But wouldn’t it be funny if just Hub and I were walking along there and suddenly fell over him? Hahaha. Landing on top of him, he would be sorry he was on his front not watching people. Mind you, I would be glad he was on his front too.

Oh, gosh!!!


My dear friend was telling me a funny story yesterday. She is partially sighted and, on her walk, she heard something in a garden, she stopped to listen but couldn’t identify the sound. She decided to take a closer look when she bent over to see what it was, she was squirted by a garden sprinkler. Hahaha. That was the sound. She returned home rather wet, but it cooled her down as where she lives is boiling right now.


Obviously, she lives abroad, as here in England it’s not been nice weather for July.  I want to move to Italy but Hub wants to live in the south of France. Both places are beautiful. But I love the Italian people and food, having said that when we visited the South of France, everyone was so sweet there too, but I think Italian people have the edge.  If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? For our Son I think it would be America, La.


For people like Hub and I it’s still awful for getting out in England. Because of social distancing, it’s hard when you can’t see and of course as amazing as our guide dogs are, they don’t get social distancing and when we go to shops, we can’t get assistance to find food and I have noticed on line groceries now are starting to charge a fortune for delivery. Shocking as one group of people during this time who have done well, are shops owners, well large food shops. An yet greed has caught up with them.


We have to all wear masks now in shops so this means people are not obeying social distancing, well members of public, but shop keepers are, and it’s them who we need to assist us.

 A couple of weeks ago Hub and I went to see our kids, our Son and his girlfriend Shamrock, and of course their new addition. Oh, Hub and I are in love with our new baby boy. We are proud Grandpawwents.

It was a great time; they have a beautiful warm welcoming house that is so homely. Sham cooked us dinner and it was lovely. In fact, I can say it was the best evening we have had this year. It’s the first time we have been able to spend quality time at their new house, since February.


For those who live in the UK, and are either a vegetarian or are wanting to eat a healthier way, in other words, not slaughtered pig, I have discovered the most delicious sausages. Even Hub who is a meat eater has told me to not ever buy pork sausages again but only these kinds. I never thought I would see the day when he gave up his English Irish, German or whatever kind of sausages. Even if it’s for curiosity, please give them a try? I cook them in the oven for twenty minutes with a little olive oil on top. Oh my, the flavour and texture is stunning. I get them from Tesco and they are called Richmond meat free sausages and I believe you can buy them in most stores. They are high in protein. And are 57 calories per sausage. Oh my, they are the best meat free food I have ever tasted in my 23 years of being a full time vegetarian.


Here in England, at Stonehenge, a prehistoric monument in Warwickshire has had some interesting news from archaeologists. Stonehenge is a circle of stones each around 13 feet high seven feet wide and weighs 25 tonnes.


The blue stones came from Wales but other stones have been a mystery until recently. Now they are saying they come from fifteen hundred miles away in England, but, how on earth did they get there? They say that the builders also came from the same place. Can you imagine in prehistoric times, how long it would take to travel 1500 miles? 2400 kilometres. Moreover, who contacted the builders??? I mean, before internet, advertising and telephones. And in the given transport they had in those days, who would travel that far? And who would want to build such a construction? I mean, why? Oh, it’s all a bit odd to me, and of course I always go back to thinking of aliens…


Other news China are again threatening the UK with their evil tongue. How dare China say anything to any country after what they have done to the world this year? Their Government and party have a cheek, I hope the whole world wake up to China. I feel sorry for the normal people who suffer their ways.


Now for some facts. In Switzerland, it’s illegal to own just one guinea pig…

A flock of crows, is known as a murder.

Oh, this is funny. 7% of Americans believe that chocolate milk comes from brown cows. Hahahaha.

That doesn’t sound a lot, but that works out to be around 16.4 million American people…

Kangaroos wouldn’t be able to hop in fact they would fall over if you lifted up their tails. They use their tails for balance.

Not sure who did that study? And why?

Billy goats urinate on their own heads, to smell more attractive to females.  Have they not heard of Maui moisture revive and hydrate shea butter shampoo?

I guess that is more difficult for a goat to write that on their shopping list, far better off writing, wee…


And finally, Polar bears can eat up to 86 penguins in one setting

Not sure how this was learned as Polar live at the other end of the earth to penguins.

Unless they are talking about the chocolate biscuit?


Well on that note, I shall go for now. keep your hands clean. Wipe your phones and lap tops and talk soon. X




Thursday, 9 July 2020


How are you all my Dear Bloggets. All okay here. Hub still working from home. Thankfully life is starting to get a little less crazy for him and he is managing to finish work about 5/6 pm but still has early starts of 8 a m. I don’t mind at all as he is home every single day and night. A very happy wife. But it’s surprising how many of my friends are fed up of their husbands working from home… or in some cases, their husbands are out of work and are bored out of their brains. Especially a few weeks ago when we really couldn’t go anywhere. As a person who is blind.  We still can’t really go anywhere without sighted guides. With the social distance thing going on. People with vision are so lucky all they need to do is open their eyes and walk or drive. At least they get a change of scenery. Different air. See other humans.


Our boy wonder is working from his office now. Sham is still working from home. Thank God so far, they both still have jobs. Six days before they get their puppy. He is a black German Shephard with white on his chest and ginger eyebrows. Haha. Bless him. Of course, his Grandparents have bought him gifts already.


Two of my closest friends have grown up children and they too have kids who have bought puppies of late. So, the three of us all have Grand puppies now. all around the same time.


My wrists and elbows are hurting. Why? Nothing to do with my wonderful treadmill that arrived last week, but I bought myself lockdown bands. You know, those rubber pully things? Oh, my Lord. Firstly, I am a little afraid of using them too much as I don’t want to end up with arms like Arnold Schwarzenegger! How to tone without grown?


I tell you though I feel like I have been punched in the arms. Even when I am typing. I scared myself a few weeks ago I was cleaning the tops of my units in the kitchen and the pain in my arms was awful. It was as if I was painting a ceiling. I don’t want to lose the ability to do things with my arms so, bands I bought. My Son showed me how to use them but remember he has arms like an oak tree from Queen Ann days.


I have just finished listening to a book on kindle on my iPhone. Oh gosh it was so easy to use. The book wasn’t mentally stimulating I guess some would call it a chick read. It was called “Take A Chance on Me!””


Well as the month of July has shown the ducks they need not worry about water, and the baby birds have had to gather feathers to keep them warm, I am hopeful that August will be a warmer month. We either have the worst winds causing damage, loads of rain causing floods or a heatwave.

Causing me to burn.

Oh, my word, let me tell you about last night. I know I shouldn’t and it shows you just how uncool I really am, but I lit a candle. Hmm. My Mum would turn in her grave, if she had one. She was terrified I would burn myself. Strange she wasn’t worried about me getting knocked over by cars, just burning myself. Well as this candle lit, how do I know? Put my hand over the top and feel the heat, sometimes I can hear the flame. Last night Hub and I were sitting watching TV. I turned to him to tell him I was a little disappointed that our candle didn’t smell of strawberries, in fact the small candle didn’t smell of anything. I picked it up in its little glass jar and took a sniff. Nothing. So, a huge inhale. I reminded myself of a blooming druggy snorting something illegal. Suddenly I was aware that I had sniffed so hard, that the flame went up my right nostril.

Oh my God, it hurt. Well Hub couldn’t stop laughing. He didn’t run to my rescue or get a bucket of water to put me out, he just laughed. I swear it’s changed the shape of my nostril.


Little Sham thought it was hilarious when I told her over whatsAp. I get so much sympathy from my loved ones…


In all of my candle lighting, I have never done that before.


Well congratulations to Tori for her graduation in the US and for all of you who too have qualified.


Laters Gators.




Monday, 6 July 2020


Gosh I have just had my last brunch where I hope to be feeling quite so, full as from tomorrow, I am going to try to eat well again as in less and more healthy food rather than my diet of bread. I started off really well at the turn of the year, well in fact until lockdown then I felt a strange sensation that I needed to eat to keep well, and ate I did.


Tomorrow I will get my new treadmill. At last. I am super excited. Please God, let it be accessible? As in no flat screen. I hope to be able to feel something like a button or at least a risen section. Hopefully our Son will put it together for me after work tomorrow night.


Talking of our Boy Wonder, he took our Waggatail a couple of nights ago to his and Shamrocks house to stay overnight. For a sleep over, haha. Only thing is, he also promised his neighbour that he would look after her dog too. But not overnight.  It was a full-on following day for him for sure. But he did his neighbour a favour as all of his neighbours are so close and have a great friendship which is amazing especially for a brand-new estate.


Only a couple of weeks then our boy will be the proud owner of a puppy Shephard. I can’t wait to meet him. Talking of dogs, I got the call from Guide Dogs today hinting when things get back to normal, my GDI is going to call out to put my Waggatail on the retirement list. Oh no, I totally dread that day. Though the guy is so lovely, I hate that day when the harness is removed from us. It’s sad and Heartbreaking. But I will not give her up. She and The Little Fella will stay with us until the day they leave this earth. Hopefully because there isn’t a lot of hard work to do here for Waggs, she will be able to work a little longer as she is still fit and healthy.


I have been reading a lot of news about treatments for Retinitis Pigmentosa and there is some good news out there. I shall share some links with you at the bottom of here.


I dream of the day when I am writing to you telling you all about my day in a sighted world, but to be honest, I would be happy with being partially sighted. Whilst I hate being blind, it’s tough and cruel, we do have moments when I am better off now than what I was when I had some vision. Like being able to go out in the dark as before I was blind in the dusk only could see during the day. Now day and night all the same. But that can be a problem. All the same, day and night every morning waking up to the same view, same challenges and same feeling of exhaustion as to remember every single step I need to take makes me so tired. As a sighted person, I didn’t even have to take in my location. I just walked. Not needing to map routes out in my head.  As a person who is blind, I have to think ahead all of the time.


Oh my, here is my dear neighbour come to cut our grass at the front of our house. He is so kind to do that.


I read something today. She’s not fragile like a flower, but fragile like a bomb. Haha. That’s great, thanks to Amy and Dorie for that.


Happy birthday to Patricia, Lisa,  Amy and everyone of you who have birthdays today.

Thanks to Murat Yabas and Bill Stell for this information.